path: root/cgi/post.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cgi/post.py')
1 files changed, 1260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cgi/post.py b/cgi/post.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0ee814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cgi/post.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+import math
+import os
+import shutil
+import time
+import threading
+import Queue
+import _mysql
+import formatting
+from database import *
+from template import *
+from settings import Settings
+from framework import *
+class Post(object):
+ def __init__(self, boardid=0):
+ self.post = {
+ "boardid": boardid,
+ "parentid": 0,
+ "name": "",
+ "tripcode": "",
+ "email": "",
+ "subject": "",
+ "message": "",
+ "password": "",
+ "file": "",
+ "file_hex": "",
+ "file_size": 0,
+ "thumb": "",
+ "image_width": 0,
+ "image_height": 0,
+ "thumb_width": 0,
+ "thumb_height": 0,
+ "ip": "",
+ "timestamp_formatted": "",
+ "timestamp": 0,
+ "bumped": 0,
+ "locked": 0,
+ }
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.post[key]
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ self.post[key] = value
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.post
+ def insert(self):
+ logTime("Insertando Post")
+ post_values = [_mysql.escape_string(str(value)) for key, value in self.post.iteritems()]
+ return InsertDb("INSERT INTO `posts` (`%s`) VALUES ('%s')" % (
+ "`, `".join(self.post.keys()),
+ "', '".join(post_values)
+ ))
+class RegenerateThread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, threadid, request_queue):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="RegenerateThread-%d" % (threadid,))
+ self.request_queue = request_queue
+ self.board = Settings._.BOARD
+ def run(self):
+ Settings._.BOARD = self.board
+ while 1:
+ action = self.request_queue.get()
+ if action is None:
+ break
+ if action == "front":
+ regenerateFrontPages()
+ else:
+ regenerateThreadPage(action)
+def threadNumReplies(post):
+ """
+ Get how many replies a thread has
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ num = FetchOne("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM `posts` WHERE `parentid` = '%s' AND `boardid` = '%s'" % (post, board['id']), 0)
+ return int(num[0])+1
+def get_parent_post(post_id, board_id):
+ post = FetchOne("SELECT `id`, `email`, `message`, `locked`, `subject`, `timestamp`, `bumped`, `last`, `length` FROM `posts` WHERE `id` = %s AND `parentid` = 0 AND `IS_DELETED` = 0 AND `boardid` = %s LIMIT 1" % (post_id, board_id))
+ if post:
+ return post
+ else:
+ raise UserError, _("The ID of the parent post is invalid.")
+def getThread(postid=0, mobile=False, timestamp=0):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ total_bytes = 0
+ database_lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ if timestamp:
+ cond = "`timestamp` = %s" % str(timestamp)
+ else:
+ cond = "`id` = %s" % str(postid)
+ op_post = FetchOne("SELECT IS_DELETED, email, file, file_size, id, image_height, image_width, ip, message, name, subject, thumb, thumb_height, thumb_width, timestamp_formatted, tripcode, parentid, locked, expires, expires_alert, expires_formatted, timestamp FROM `posts` WHERE %s AND `boardid` = %s AND parentid = 0 LIMIT 1" % (cond, board["id"]))
+ if op_post:
+ op_post['num'] = 1
+ if mobile:
+ op_post['timestamp_formatted'] = re.compile(r"\(.{1,3}\)", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(" ", op_post['timestamp_formatted'])
+ thread = {"id": op_post["id"], "posts": [op_post], "omitted": 0}
+ #thread = {"id": op_post["id"], "posts": [op_post], "omitted": 0, "omitted_img": 0}
+ total_bytes += len(op_post["message"])+80
+ replies = FetchAll("SELECT IS_DELETED, email, file, file_size, id, image_height, image_width, ip, message, name, subject, thumb, thumb_height, thumb_width, timestamp_formatted, tripcode, parentid, locked, expires, expires_alert, expires_formatted, timestamp FROM `posts` WHERE `parentid` = %s AND `boardid` = %s ORDER BY `id` ASC" % (op_post["id"], board["id"]))
+ thread["length"] = 1
+ if replies:
+ for reply in replies:
+ thread["length"] += 1
+ reply['num'] = thread["length"]
+ if mobile:
+ reply['message'] = formatting.fixMobileLinks(reply['message'])
+ reply['timestamp_formatted'] = re.compile(r"\(.{1,3}\)", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(" ", reply['timestamp_formatted'])
+ thread["posts"].append(reply)
+ total_bytes += len(reply["message"])+57
+ # An imageboard needs subject
+ if board["board_type"] in ['1', '5']:
+ thread["timestamp"] = op_post["timestamp"]
+ thread["subject"] = op_post["subject"]
+ thread["message"] = op_post["message"]
+ thread["locked"] = op_post["locked"]
+ thread["size"] = "%d KB" % int(total_bytes / 1000)
+ #threads = [thread]
+ else:
+ return None
+ finally:
+ database_lock.release()
+ return thread
+def getID(threadid, postnum):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ database_lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ posts = FetchAll("SELECT id FROM `posts` WHERE `parentid`=%s AND `boardid`=%s ORDER BY `id` ASC" % (thread["id"], board["id"]))
+ if posts:
+ post = posts[int(postnum)-1]
+ postid = post["id"]
+ else:
+ return None
+ finally:
+ database_lock.release()
+ return postid
+def shortenMsg(message, elid='0', elboard='0'):
+ """
+ Intenta acortar el mensaje si es necesario
+ Algoritmo traducido desde KusabaX
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ limit = 100 * int(board['numline'])
+ message_exploded = message.split('<br />')
+ if len(message) > limit or len(message_exploded) > int(board['numline']):
+ message_shortened = ''
+ for i in range(int(board['numline'])):
+ if i >= len(message_exploded):
+ break
+ message_shortened += message_exploded[i] + '<br />'
+ #try:
+ message_shortened = message_shortened.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ #except:
+ if len(message_shortened) > limit:
+ message_shortened = message_shortened[:limit]
+ message_shortened = formatting.close_html(message_shortened)
+ return True, message_shortened
+ else:
+ return False, message
+def threadUpdated(postid):
+ """
+ Shortcut to update front pages and thread page by passing a thread ID. Uses
+ the simple threading module to do both regenerateFrontPages() and
+ regenerateThreadPage() asynchronously
+ """
+ # Use queues only if multithreading is enabled
+ request_queue = Queue.Queue()
+ threads = [RegenerateThread(i, request_queue) for i in range(2)]
+ for t in threads:
+ t.start()
+ request_queue.put("front")
+ request_queue.put(postid)
+ for i in range(2):
+ request_queue.put(None)
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join
+ else:
+ regenerateFrontPages()
+ regenerateThreadPage(postid)
+def regenerateFrontPages():
+ """
+ Regenerates index.html and #.html for each page after that according to the number
+ of live threads in the database
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ threads = []
+ if board['board_type'] == '1':
+ threads_to_fetch = int(board['numthreads'])
+ threads_to_limit = threads_to_fetch + 50
+ else:
+ if board['dir'] == 'o':
+ threads_to_fetch = threads_to_limit = int(board['numthreads'])*21
+ else:
+ threads_to_fetch = threads_to_limit = int(board['numthreads'])*11
+ database_lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ # fetch necessary threads and calculate how many posts we need
+ allthreads_query = "SELECT id, timestamp, subject, locked, length FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = '%s' AND parentid = 0 AND IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY `bumped` DESC, `id` ASC LIMIT %d" % \
+ (board["id"], threads_to_limit)
+ allthreads = FetchAll(allthreads_query)
+ posts_to_fetch = 0
+ for t in allthreads[:threads_to_fetch]:
+ posts_to_fetch += int(t["length"])
+ more_threads = allthreads[threads_to_fetch:50]
+ # get the needed posts for the front page and order them
+ posts_query = "SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = '%s' ORDER BY `bumped` DESC, CASE parentid WHEN 0 THEN id ELSE parentid END ASC, `id` ASC LIMIT %d" % \
+ (board["id"], posts_to_fetch)
+ posts = FetchAll(posts_query)
+ threads = []
+ if posts:
+ thread = None
+ post_num = 0
+ for post in posts:
+ if post["parentid"] == '0':
+ skipThread = False
+ if post["IS_DELETED"] == '0':
+ # OP; Make new thread
+ if thread is not None:
+ thread["length"] = post_num
+ threads.append(thread)
+ post_num = post["num"] = 1
+ thread = {"id": post["id"], "timestamp": post["timestamp"], "subject": post["subject"], "locked": post["locked"], "posts": [post]}
+ else:
+ skipThread = True
+ else:
+ if not skipThread:
+ post_num += 1
+ post["num"] = post_num
+ thread["posts"].append(post)
+ if post_num:
+ thread["length"] = post_num
+ threads.append(thread)
+ finally:
+ database_lock.release()
+ pages = []
+ is_omitted = False
+ if len(threads) > 0:
+ # Todo : Make this better
+ if board['board_type'] == '1':
+ page_count = 1 # Front page only
+ threads_per_page = int(board['numthreads'])
+ else:
+ if board['dir'] == 'o':
+ front_limit = int(board['numthreads'])*21
+ else:
+ front_limit = int(board['numthreads'])*11
+ if len(threads) >= front_limit:
+ is_omitted = True
+ page_count = int(math.ceil(float(len(threads)) / float(int(board['numthreads']))))
+ threads_per_page = int(board['numthreads'])
+ for i in xrange(page_count):
+ pages.append([])
+ start = i * threads_per_page
+ end = start + threads_per_page
+ for thread in threads[start:end]:
+ pages[i].append(thread)
+ else:
+ page_count = 0
+ is_omitted = False
+ pages.append({})
+ page_num = 0
+ for pagethreads in pages:
+ regeneratePage(page_num, page_count, pagethreads, is_omitted, more_threads)
+ page_num += 1
+def regeneratePage(page_num, page_count, threads, is_omitted=False, more_threads=[]):
+ """
+ Regenerates a single page and writes it to .html
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ for thread in threads:
+ replylimit = int(board['numcont'])
+ # Create reply list
+ parent = thread["posts"].pop(0)
+ replies = thread["posts"]
+ thread["omitted"] = 0
+ #thread["omitted_img"] = 0
+ # Omit posts
+ while(len(replies) > replylimit):
+ post = replies.pop(0)
+ thread["omitted"] += 1
+ #if post["file"]:
+ # thread["omitted_img"] += 1
+ # Remake thread with necessary replies only
+ replies.insert(0, parent)
+ thread["posts"] = replies
+ # Shorten messages
+ for post in thread["posts"]:
+ post["shortened"], post["message"] = shortenMsg(post["message"])
+ # Build page according to page number
+ if page_num == 0:
+ file_name = "index"
+ else:
+ file_name = str(page_num)
+ if board['board_type'] == '1':
+ templatename = "txt_board.html"
+ else:
+ templatename = "board.html"
+ page_rendered = renderTemplate(templatename, {"threads": threads, "pagenav": pageNavigator(page_num, page_count, is_omitted), "more_threads": more_threads})
+ f = open(Settings.ROOT_DIR + board["dir"] + "/" + file_name + ".html", "w")
+ try:
+ f.write(page_rendered)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+def threadList(mode=0):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ if mode == 1:
+ mobile = True
+ maxthreads = 20
+ cutFactor = 100
+ elif mode == 2:
+ mobile = True
+ maxthreads = 1000
+ cutFactor = 50
+ elif mode == 3:
+ mobile = True
+ maxthreads = 1000
+ cutFactor = 100
+ else:
+ mobile = False
+ maxthreads = 1000
+ cutFactor = 70
+ if board['board_type'] == '1':
+ filename = "txt_threadlist.html"
+ full_threads = FetchAll("SELECT id, timestamp, timestamp_formatted, subject, length, last FROM `posts` WHERE parentid = 0 AND boardid = %(board)s AND IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY `bumped` DESC LIMIT %(limit)s" \
+ % {'board': board["id"], 'limit': maxthreads})
+ else:
+ filename = "threadlist.html"
+ full_threads = FetchAll("SELECT p.*, coalesce(x.count,1) AS length, coalesce(x.t,p.timestamp) AS last FROM `posts` AS p LEFT JOIN (SELECT parentid, count(1)+1 as count, max(timestamp) as t FROM `posts` " +\
+ "WHERE boardid = %(board)s GROUP BY parentid) AS x ON p.id=x.parentid WHERE p.parentid = 0 AND p.boardid = %(board)s AND p.IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY `bumped` DESC LIMIT %(limit)s" \
+ % {'board': board["id"], 'limit': maxthreads})
+ # Generate threadlist
+ timestamps = []
+ for thread in full_threads:
+ if board['board_type'] == '1':
+ thread["timestamp_formatted"] = thread["timestamp_formatted"].split(" ")[0]
+ timestamps.append([thread["last"], formatTimestamp(thread["last"])])
+ if mobile:
+ timestamps[-1][1] = re.compile(r"\(.{1,3}\)", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(" ", timestamps[-1][1])
+ else:
+ if len(thread['message']) > cutFactor:
+ thread['shortened'] = True
+ else:
+ thread['shortened'] = False
+ thread['message'] = thread['message'].replace('<br />', ' ')
+ thread['message'] = thread['message'].split("<hr />")[0]
+ thread['message'] = re.compile(r"<[^>]*?>", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub('', thread['message'])
+ thread['message'] = thread['message'].decode('utf-8')[:cutFactor].encode('utf-8')
+ thread['message'] = re.compile(r"&(.(?!;))*$", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub('', thread['message']) # Removes incomplete HTML entities
+ thread['timestamp_formatted'] = re.compile(r"\(.{1,3}\)", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(" ", thread['timestamp_formatted'])
+ # Get last reply if in mobile mode
+ if mode == 1:
+ thread['timestamp_formatted'] = re.compile(r"\(.{1,3}\)", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(" ", thread['timestamp_formatted'])
+ lastreply = FetchOne("SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE parentid = %s AND boardid = %s AND IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1" % (thread['id'], board['id']))
+ if lastreply:
+ if len(lastreply['message']) > 60:
+ lastreply['shortened'] = True
+ else:
+ lastreply['shortened'] = False
+ lastreply['message'] = lastreply['message'].replace('<br />', ' ')
+ lastreply['message'] = lastreply['message'].split("<hr />")[0]
+ lastreply['message'] = re.compile(r"<[^>]*?>", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub('', lastreply['message'])
+ lastreply['message'] = lastreply['message'].decode('utf-8')[:60].encode('utf-8')
+ lastreply['message'] = re.compile(r"&(.(?!;))*$", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub('', lastreply['message']) # Removes incomplete HTML entities
+ lastreply['timestamp_formatted'] = re.compile(r"\(.{1,3}\)", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(" ", lastreply['timestamp_formatted'])
+ thread["lastreply"] = lastreply
+ else:
+ thread["lastreply"] = None
+ elif mode == 2:
+ lastreply = FetchOne("SELECT timestamp_formatted FROM `posts` WHERE parentid = %s AND boardid = %s AND IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1" % (thread['id'], board['id']))
+ if lastreply:
+ lastreply['timestamp_formatted'] = re.compile(r"\(.{1,3}\)", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(" ", lastreply['timestamp_formatted'])
+ thread["lastreply"] = lastreply
+ return renderTemplate(filename, {"more_threads": full_threads, "timestamps": timestamps, "mode": mode}, mobile)
+def catalog(sort=''):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ if board['board_type'] != '0':
+ raise UserError, "No hay catálogo disponible para esta sección."
+ cutFactor = 500
+ q_sort = '`bumped` DESC, `id` ASC'
+ if sort:
+ if sort == '1':
+ q_sort = '`timestamp` DESC'
+ elif sort == '2':
+ q_sort = '`timestamp` ASC'
+ elif sort == '3':
+ q_sort = '`length` DESC'
+ elif sort == '4':
+ q_sort = '`length` ASC'
+ threads = FetchAll("SELECT id, subject, message, length, thumb, expires_formatted FROM `posts` " +\
+ "WHERE parentid = 0 AND boardid = %(board)s AND IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY %(sort)s" \
+ % {'board': board["id"], 'sort': q_sort})
+ for thread in threads:
+ if len(thread['message']) > cutFactor:
+ thread['shortened'] = True
+ else:
+ thread['shortened'] = False
+ thread['message'] = thread['message'].replace('<br />', ' ')
+ thread['message'] = thread['message'].split("<hr />")[0]
+ thread['message'] = re.compile(r"<[^>]*?>", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub('', thread['message'])
+ thread['message'] = thread['message'].decode('utf-8')[:cutFactor].encode('utf-8')
+ thread['message'] = re.compile(r"&(.(?!;))*$", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub('', thread['message']) # Removes incomplete HTML entities
+ return renderTemplate("catalog.html", {"threads": threads, "i_sort": sort})
+def regenerateThreadPage(postid):
+ """
+ Regenerates /res/#.html for supplied thread id
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ thread = getThread(postid)
+ if board['board_type'] in ['1', '5']:
+ template_filename = "txt_thread.html"
+ outname = Settings.ROOT_DIR + board["dir"] + "/read/" + str(thread["timestamp"]) + ".html"
+ title_matome = thread['subject']
+ post_preview = cut_home_msg(thread['posts'][0]['message'], 0)
+ else:
+ template_filename = "board.html"
+ outname = Settings.ROOT_DIR + board["dir"] + "/res/" + str(postid) + ".html"
+ post_preview = cut_home_msg(thread['posts'][0]['message'], len(board['name']))
+ if thread['posts'][0]['subject'] != board['subject']:
+ title_matome = thread['posts'][0]['subject']
+ else:
+ title_matome = post_preview
+ page = renderTemplate(template_filename, {"threads": [thread], "replythread": postid, "matome": title_matome, "preview": post_preview}, False)
+ f = open(outname, "w")
+ try:
+ f.write(page)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+def threadPage(postid, mobile=False, timestamp=0):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ if board['board_type'] in ['1', '5']:
+ template_filename = "txt_thread.html"
+ else:
+ template_filename = "board.html"
+ threads = [getThread(postid, mobile, timestamp)]
+ return renderTemplate(template_filename, {"threads": threads, "replythread": postid}, mobile)
+def dynamicRead(parentid, ranges, mobile=False):
+ import re
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ if board['board_type'] != '1':
+ raise UserError, "Esta sección no es un BBS y como tal no soporta lectura dinámica."
+ # get entire thread
+ template_fname = "txt_thread.html"
+ thread = getThread(timestamp=parentid, mobile=mobile)
+ if not thread:
+ # Try the archive
+ fname = Settings.ROOT_DIR + board["dir"] + "/kako/" + str(parentid) + ".json"
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ import json
+ with open(fname) as f:
+ thread = json.load(f)
+ thread['posts'] = [dict(zip(thread['keys'], row)) for row in thread['posts']]
+ template_fname = "txt_archive.html"
+ else:
+ raise UserError, 'El hilo no existe.'
+ filtered_thread = {
+ "id": thread['id'],
+ "timestamp": thread['timestamp'],
+ "length": thread['length'],
+ "subject": thread['subject'],
+ "locked": thread['locked'],
+ "posts": [],
+ }
+ if 'size' in thread:
+ filtered_thread['size'] = thread['size']
+ no_op = False
+ if ranges.endswith('n'):
+ no_op = True
+ ranges = ranges[:-1]
+ # get thread length
+ total = thread["length"]
+ # compile regex
+ __multiple_ex = re.compile("^([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)$")
+ __single_ex = re.compile("^([0-9]+)$")
+ __last_ex = re.compile("^l([0-9]+)$")
+ start = 0
+ end = 0
+ # separate by commas (,)
+ for range in ranges.split(','):
+ # single post (#)
+ range_match = __single_ex.match(range)
+ if range_match:
+ postid = int(range_match.group(1))
+ if postid > 0 and postid <= total:
+ filtered_thread["posts"].append(thread["posts"][postid-1])
+ # go to next range
+ continue
+ # post range (#-#)
+ range_match = __multiple_ex.match(range)
+ if range_match:
+ start = int(range_match.group(1) or 1)
+ end = int(range_match.group(2) or total)
+ if start > total:
+ start = total
+ if end > total:
+ end = total
+ if start < end:
+ filtered_thread["posts"].extend(thread["posts"][start-1:end])
+ else:
+ list = thread["posts"][end-1:start]
+ list.reverse()
+ filtered_thread["posts"].extend(list)
+ # go to next range
+ continue
+ # last posts (l#)
+ range_match = __last_ex.match(range)
+ if range_match:
+ length = int(range_match.group(1))
+ start = total - length + 1
+ end = total
+ if start < 1:
+ start = 1
+ filtered_thread["posts"].extend(thread["posts"][start-1:])
+ continue
+ # calculate previous and next ranges
+ prevrange = None
+ nextrange = None
+ if __multiple_ex.match(ranges) or __last_ex.match(ranges):
+ if mobile:
+ range_n = 50
+ else:
+ range_n = 100
+ prev_start = start-range_n
+ prev_end = start-1
+ next_start = end+1
+ next_end = end+range_n
+ if prev_start < 1:
+ prev_start = 1
+ if next_end > total:
+ next_end = total
+ if start > 1:
+ prevrange = '%d-%d' % (prev_start, prev_end)
+ if end < total:
+ nextrange = '%d-%d' % (next_start, next_end)
+ if not no_op and start > 1 and end > 1:
+ filtered_thread["posts"].insert(0, thread["posts"][0])
+ if not filtered_thread["posts"]:
+ raise UserError, "No hay posts que mostrar."
+ post_preview = cut_home_msg(filtered_thread["posts"][0]["message"], 0)
+ return renderTemplate(template_fname, {"threads": [filtered_thread], "replythread": parentid, "prevrange": prevrange, "nextrange": nextrange, "preview": post_preview}, mobile, noindex=True)
+def regenerateBoard(everything=False):
+ """
+ Update front pages and every thread res HTML page
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ op_posts = []
+ if everything:
+ op_posts = FetchAll("SELECT `id` FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `parentid` = 0 AND IS_DELETED = 0" % board["id"])
+ # Use queues only if multithreading is enabled
+ request_queue = Queue.Queue()
+ threads = [RegenerateThread(i, request_queue) for i in range(Settings.MAX_PROGRAM_THREADS)]
+ for t in threads:
+ t.start()
+ request_queue.put("front")
+ for post in op_posts:
+ request_queue.put(post["id"])
+ for i in range(Settings.MAX_PROGRAM_THREADS):
+ request_queue.put(None)
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ else:
+ regenerateFrontPages()
+ for post in op_posts:
+ regenerateThreadPage(post["id"])
+def deletePost(postid, password, deltype='0', imageonly=False, quick=False):
+ """
+ Remove post from database and unlink file (if present), along with all replies
+ if supplied post is a thread
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ # make sure postid is numeric
+ postid = int(postid)
+ # get post
+ post = FetchOne("SELECT `id`, `timestamp`, `parentid`, `file`, `thumb`, `password`, `length` FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `id` = %s LIMIT 1" % (board["id"], str(postid)))
+ # abort if the post doesn't exist
+ if not post:
+ raise UserError, _("There isn't a post with this ID. It was probably deleted.")
+ if password:
+ if password != post['password']:
+ raise UserError, "No tienes permiso para eliminar este mensaje."
+ if post["parentid"] == '0' and int(post["length"]) >= Settings.DELETE_FORBID_LENGTH:
+ raise UserError, "No puedes eliminar un hilo con tantas respuestas."
+ if (int(time.time()) - int(post["timestamp"])) > 86400:
+ raise UserError, "No puedes eliminar un post tan viejo."
+ # just update the DB if deleting only the image, otherwise delete whole post
+ if imageonly:
+ if post["file"]:
+ deleteFile(post)
+ UpdateDb("UPDATE `posts` SET `file` = '', `file_hex` = '', `thumb` = '', `thumb_width` = 0, `thumb_height` = 0 WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `id` = %s LIMIT 1" % (board["id"], str(post['id'])))
+ else:
+ if int(post["parentid"]) == 0:
+ deleteReplies(post)
+ logTime("Deleting post " + str(postid))
+ if deltype != '0' and post["parentid"] != '0':
+ # Soft delete (recycle bin)
+ UpdateDb("UPDATE `posts` SET `IS_DELETED` = %s WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `id` = %s LIMIT 1" % (deltype, board["id"], post["id"]))
+ else:
+ # Hard delete
+ if post["file"]:
+ deleteFile(post)
+ UpdateDb("DELETE FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `id` = %s LIMIT 1" % (board["id"], post["id"]))
+ if post['parentid'] != '0':
+ UpdateDb("UPDATE `posts` SET length = %d WHERE `id` = '%s' AND `boardid` = '%s'" % (threadNumReplies(post["parentid"]), post["parentid"], board["id"]))
+ if post['parentid'] == '0':
+ if board['board_type'] == '1':
+ os.unlink(Settings.ROOT_DIR + board["dir"] + "/read/" + post["timestamp"] + ".html")
+ else:
+ os.unlink(Settings.ROOT_DIR + board["dir"] + "/res/" + post["id"] + ".html")
+ regenerateHome()
+ # rebuild thread and fronts if reply; rebuild only fronts if not
+ if post["parentid"] != '0':
+ threadUpdated(post["parentid"])
+ else:
+ regenerateFrontPages()
+def deleteReplies(thread):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ # delete files first
+ replies = FetchAll("SELECT `parentid`, `file`, `thumb` FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `parentid` = %s AND `file` != ''" % (board["id"], thread["id"]))
+ for post in replies:
+ deleteFile(post)
+ # delete all replies from DB
+ UpdateDb("DELETE FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `parentid` = %s" % (board["id"], thread["id"]))
+def deleteFile(post):
+ """
+ Unlink file and thumb of supplied post
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ try:
+ os.unlink(Settings.IMAGES_DIR + board["dir"] + "/src/" + post["file"])
+ except:
+ pass
+ # we don't want to delete mime thumbnails
+ if post["thumb"].startswith("mime"):
+ return
+ try:
+ os.unlink(Settings.IMAGES_DIR + board["dir"] + "/thumb/" + post["thumb"])
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.unlink(Settings.IMAGES_DIR + board["dir"] + "/mobile/" + post["thumb"])
+ except:
+ pass
+ if int(post["parentid"]) == 0:
+ try:
+ os.unlink(Settings.IMAGES_DIR + board["dir"] + "/cat/" + post["thumb"])
+ except:
+ pass
+def trimThreads():
+ """
+ Delete any threads which have passed the MAX_THREADS setting
+ """
+ logTime("Trimming threads")
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ archived = False
+ # Use limit of the board type
+ if board['board_type'] == '1':
+ limit = Settings.TXT_MAX_THREADS
+ else:
+ limit = Settings.MAX_THREADS
+ # trim expiring threads first
+ if board['maxage'] != '0':
+ t = time.time()
+ alert_time = int(round(int(board['maxage']) * Settings.MAX_AGE_ALERT))
+ time_limit = t + (alert_time * 86400)
+ old_ops = FetchAll("SELECT `id`, `timestamp`, `expires`, `expires_alert`, `length` FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `parentid` = 0 AND IS_DELETED = 0 AND `expires` > 0 AND `expires` < %s LIMIT 50" % (board['id'], time_limit))
+ for op in old_ops:
+ if t >= int(op['expires']):
+ # Trim old threads
+ if board['archive'] == '1' and int(op["length"]) >= Settings.ARCHIVE_MIN_LENGTH:
+ archiveThread(op["id"])
+ archived = True
+ deletePost(op["id"], None)
+ else:
+ # Add alert to threads approaching deletion
+ UpdateDb("UPDATE `posts` SET expires_alert = 1 WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `id` = %s" % (board['id'], op['id']))
+ # trim inactive threads next
+ if board['maxinactive'] != '0':
+ t = time.time()
+ oldest_last = t - (int(board['maxinactive']) * 86400)
+ old_ops = FetchAll("SELECT `id`, `length` FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `parentid` = 0 AND IS_DELETED = 0 AND `last` < %d LIMIT 50" % (board['id'], oldest_last))
+ for op in old_ops:
+ if board['archive'] == '1' and int(op["length"]) >= Settings.ARCHIVE_MIN_LENGTH:
+ archiveThread(op["id"])
+ archived = True
+ deletePost(op["id"], None)
+ # select trim type by board
+ if board['board_type'] == '1':
+ trim_method = Settings.TXT_TRIM_METHOD
+ else:
+ trim_method = Settings.TRIM_METHOD
+ # select order by trim
+ if trim_method == 1:
+ order = 'last DESC'
+ elif trim_method == 2:
+ order = 'bumped DESC'
+ else:
+ order = 'timestamp DESC'
+ # Trim the last thread
+ op_posts = FetchAll("SELECT `id`, `length` FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `parentid` = 0 AND IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY %s" % (board["id"], order))
+ if len(op_posts) > limit:
+ posts = op_posts[limit:]
+ for post in posts:
+ if board['archive'] == '1' and int(op["length"]) >= Settings.ARCHIVE_MIN_LENGTH:
+ archiveThread(post["id"])
+ archived = True
+ deletePost(post["id"], None)
+ pass
+ if archived:
+ regenerateKako()
+def autoclose_thread(parentid, t, replies):
+ """
+ If the thread is crossing the reply limit, close it with a message.
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ # decide the replylimit
+ if board['board_type'] == '1' and Settings.TXT_CLOSE_THREAD_ON_REPLIES > 0:
+ replylimit = Settings.TXT_CLOSE_THREAD_ON_REPLIES
+ elif Settings.CLOSE_THREAD_ON_REPLIES > 0:
+ replylimit = Settings.CLOSE_THREAD_ON_REPLIES
+ else:
+ return # do nothing
+ # close it if passing replylimit
+ #if replies >= replylimit or board["dir"] == "polka":
+ if replies >= replylimit:
+ notice_post = Post(board["id"])
+ notice_post["parentid"] = parentid
+ notice_post["name"] = "Sistema"
+ notice_post["message"] = "El hilo ha llegado al límite de respuestas.<br />Si quieres continuarlo, por favor crea otro."
+ notice_post["timestamp"] = t+1
+ notice_post["bumped"] = get_parent_post(parentid, board["id"])["bumped"]
+ notice_post["timestamp_formatted"] = str(replylimit) + " mensajes"
+ notice_post.insert()
+ UpdateDb("UPDATE `posts` SET `locked` = 1 WHERE `boardid` = '%s' AND `id` = '%s' LIMIT 1" % (board["id"], _mysql.escape_string(parentid)))
+def pageNavigator(page_num, page_count, is_omitted=False):
+ """
+ Create page navigator in the format of [0], [1], [2]...
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ # No threads?
+ if page_count == 0:
+ return ''
+ # TODO nijigen HACK
+ first_str = "Primera página"
+ last_str = "Última página"
+ previous_str = _("Previous")
+ next_str = _("Next")
+ omitted_str = "Resto omitido"
+ pagenav = "<span>"
+ if page_num == 0:
+ pagenav += first_str
+ else:
+ previous = str(page_num - 1)
+ if previous == "0":
+ previous = ""
+ else:
+ previous = previous + ".html"
+ pagenav += '<form method="get" action="' + Settings.BOARDS_URL + board["dir"] + '/' + previous + '"><input value="'+previous_str+'" type="submit" /></form>'
+ pagenav += "</span><span>"
+ for i in xrange(page_count):
+ if i == page_num:
+ pagenav += "[<strong>%d</strong>]" % i
+ else:
+ if i == 0:
+ pagenav += '[<a href="%s%s/">%d</a>]' % (Settings.BOARDS_URL, board['dir'], i)
+ else:
+ pagenav += '[<a href="%s%s/%d.html">%d</a>]' % (Settings.BOARDS_URL, board['dir'], i, i)
+ if i > 0 and (i % 10) == 0 and not is_omitted:
+ pagenav += '<br />'
+ elif i < 10:
+ pagenav += '&nbsp;'
+ if is_omitted:
+ pagenav += "[" + omitted_str + "]"
+ pagenav += "<!-- "+repr(is_omitted)+"-->"
+ pagenav += "</span><span>"
+ next = (page_num + 1)
+ if next == page_count:
+ pagenav += last_str + "</span>"
+ else:
+ pagenav += '<form method="get" action="' + Settings.BOARDS_URL + board["dir"] + '/' + str(next) + '.html"><input value="'+next_str+'" type="submit" /></form></span>'
+ return pagenav
+def flood_check(t,post,boardid):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ if not post["parentid"]:
+ maxtime = t - int(board['threadsecs'])
+ #lastpost = FetchOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE `ip` = '%s' and `parentid` = 0 and `boardid` = '%s' and IS_DELETED = 0 AND timestamp > %d" % (str(post["ip"]), boardid, maxtime), 0)
+ lastpost = FetchOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE `parentid` = 0 and `boardid` = '%s' and IS_DELETED = 0 AND timestamp > %d" % (boardid, maxtime), 0)
+ pass
+ else:
+ maxtime = t - int(board['postsecs'])
+ lastpost = FetchOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE `ip` = '%s' and `parentid` != 0 and `boardid` = '%s' and IS_DELETED = 0 AND timestamp > %d" % (str(post["ip"]), boardid, maxtime), 0)
+ if int(lastpost[0]):
+ if post["parentid"]:
+ raise UserError, _("Flood detected. Please wait a moment before posting again.")
+ else:
+ lastpost = FetchOne("SELECT `timestamp` FROM `posts` WHERE `parentid`=0 and `boardid`='%s' and IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC" % (boardid), 0)
+ wait = int(int(board['threadsecs']) - (t - int(lastpost[0])))
+ raise UserError, "Por favor espera " + str(wait) + " segundos antes de crear otro hilo."
+def cut_home_msg(message, boardlength=0):
+ short_message = message.replace("<br />", " ")
+ short_message = short_message.split("<hr />")[0]
+ short_message = re.compile(r"<[^>]*?>", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub("", short_message) # Removes HTML tags
+ limit = Settings.HOME_LASTPOSTS_LENGTH - boardlength
+ if len(short_message) > limit:
+ if isinstance(short_message, unicode):
+ short_message = short_message[:limit].encode('utf-8') + "…"
+ else:
+ short_message = short_message.decode('utf-8')[:limit].encode('utf-8') + "…"
+ short_message = re.compile(r"&(.(?!;))*$", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub("", short_message) # Removes incomplete HTML
+ return short_message
+def getLastAge(limit):
+ threads = []
+ sql = "SELECT posts.id, boards.name AS board_fulln, boards.subname AS board_name, board_type, boards.dir, timestamp, bumped, last, length, thumb, CASE WHEN posts.subject = boards.subject THEN posts.message ELSE posts.subject END AS content FROM posts INNER JOIN boards ON boardid = boards.id WHERE parentid = 0 AND IS_DELETED = 0 AND boards.secret = 0 AND posts.locked < 3 ORDER BY bumped DESC LIMIT %d" % limit
+ threads = FetchAll(sql)
+ for post in threads:
+ post['id'] = int(post['id'])
+ post['bumped'] = int(post['bumped'])
+ post['last'] = int(post['last'])
+ post['length'] = int(post['length'])
+ post['board_type'] = int(post['board_type'])
+ post['timestamp'] = int(post['timestamp'])
+ post['content'] = cut_home_msg(post['content'], 0)
+ if post['board_type'] == 1:
+ post['url'] = '/%s/read/%d/l10' % (post['dir'], post['timestamp'])
+ else:
+ post['url'] = '/%s/res/%d.html' % (post['dir'], post['id'])
+ return threads
+def getNewThreads(limit):
+ threads = []
+ sql = "SELECT posts.id, boards.name AS board_fulln, boards.subname AS board_name, board_type, boards.dir, timestamp, thumb, CASE WHEN posts.subject = boards.subject THEN posts.message ELSE posts.subject END AS content FROM posts INNER JOIN boards ON boardid = boards.id WHERE parentid = 0 AND IS_DELETED = 0 AND boards.secret = 0 AND boards.id <> 34 AND boards.id <> 13 AND posts.locked = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT %d" % (limit)
+ threads = FetchAll(sql)
+ for post in threads:
+ post['id'] = int(post['id'])
+ post['board_type'] = int(post['board_type'])
+ post['timestamp'] = int(post['timestamp'])
+ post['timestamp_formatted'] = formatTimestamp(post['timestamp'], True)
+ post['timestamp_formatted'] = post['timestamp_formatted'][:8] + ' ' + post['timestamp_formatted'][13:]
+ post['content'] = cut_home_msg(post['content'], 0)
+ if post['board_type'] == 1:
+ post['url'] = '/%s/read/%d' % (post['dir'], post['timestamp'])
+ else:
+ post['url'] = '/%s/res/%d.html' % (post['dir'], post['id'])
+ return threads
+def regenerateHome():
+ """
+ Update index.html in the boards directory with useful data for users
+ """
+ logTime("Updating home")
+ t = datetime.datetime.now()
+ limit = Settings.HOME_LASTPOSTS
+ template_values = {
+ 'header': Settings.SITE_TITLE,
+ 'slogan': Settings.SITE_SLOGAN,
+ 'latest_news': FetchAll("SELECT `timestamp`, `message`, `timestamp_formatted` FROM `news` WHERE `type` = '2' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT " + str(Settings.HOME_NEWS)),
+ 'latest_age': getLastAge(limit),
+ 'latest_age_num': limit,
+ 'new_threads': getNewThreads(Settings.HOME_NEWTHREADS),
+ }
+ page_rendered = renderTemplate('home.html', template_values)
+ f = open(Settings.HOME_DIR + "home.html", "w")
+ try:
+ f.write(page_rendered)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ if Settings.ENABLE_RSS:
+ sql = "SELECT id, boardid, board_name, timestamp, timestamp_formatted, content, url FROM last ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 10"
+ rss = FetchAll(sql)
+ rss_rendered = renderTemplate('home.rss', {'posts': rss})
+ f = open(Settings.HOME_DIR + "bai.rss", "w")
+ try:
+ f.write(rss_rendered)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+def regenerateNews():
+ """
+ Update news.html in the boards directory with older news
+ """
+ posts = FetchAll("SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `type` = '1' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC")
+ template_values = {
+ 'title': 'Noticias',
+ 'posts': posts,
+ 'header': Settings.SITE_TITLE,
+ 'slogan': Settings.SITE_SLOGAN,
+ 'navbar': False,
+ }
+ page_rendered = renderTemplate('news.html', template_values)
+ f = open(Settings.HOME_DIR + "noticias.html", "w")
+ try:
+ f.write(page_rendered)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+def regenerateAccess():
+ if not Settings.HTACCESS_GEN:
+ return False
+ bans = FetchAll("SELECT INET_NTOA(`ip`) AS 'ip', INET_NTOA(`netmask`) AS 'netmask', `boards` FROM `bans` WHERE `blind` = '1'")
+ listbans = dict()
+ #listbans_global = list()
+ boarddirs = FetchAll('SELECT `dir` FROM `boards`')
+ for board in boarddirs:
+ listbans[board['dir']] = list()
+ for ban in bans:
+ ipmask = ban["ip"]
+ if ban["netmask"] is not None:
+ ipmask += '/' + ban["netmask"]
+ if ban["boards"] != "":
+ boards = pickle.loads(ban["boards"])
+ for board in boards:
+ listbans[board].append(ipmask)
+ else:
+ #listbans_global.append(ban["ip"])
+ for board in boarddirs:
+ if board['dir'] not in Settings.EXCLUDE_GLOBAL_BANS:
+ listbans[board['dir']].append(ipmask)
+ # Generate .htaccess for each board
+ for board in listbans.keys():
+ template_values = {
+ 'ips': listbans[board],
+ 'dir': board,
+ }
+ page_rendered = renderTemplate('htaccess', template_values)
+ f = open(Settings.ROOT_DIR + board + "/.htaccess", "w")
+ try:
+ f.write(page_rendered)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ return True
+def regenerateKako():
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ threads = FetchAll("SELECT * FROM archive WHERE boardid = %s ORDER BY timestamp DESC" % board['id'])
+ page = renderTemplate('kako.html', {'threads': threads})
+ with open(Settings.ROOT_DIR + board["dir"] + "/kako/index.html", "w") as f:
+ f.write(page)
+def make_url(postid, post, parent_post, noko, mobile):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ parentid = post["parentid"]
+ if not parentid:
+ parentid = postid
+ if mobile:
+ if not noko:
+ url = Settings.CGI_URL + 'mobile/' + board["dir"]
+ elif board["board_type"] == '1':
+ url = "%s/mobileread/%s/%s/l10#form" % (Settings.CGI_URL, board["dir"], parent_post['timestamp'])
+ else:
+ url = "%s/mobileread/%s/%s#%s" % (Settings.CGI_URL, board["dir"], parentid, postid)
+ else:
+ if not noko:
+ url = Settings.BOARDS_URL + board["dir"] + "/"
+ elif board["board_type"] == '1':
+ url = "%s/read/%s/l50#bottom" % (Settings.BOARDS_URL + board["dir"], str(parent_post['timestamp']))
+ else:
+ url = "%s/res/%s.html#%s" % (Settings.BOARDS_URL + board["dir"], str(parentid), postid)
+ return url
+def make_redirect(url, timetaken=None):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ randomPhrase = getRandomLine('quotes.conf')
+ return renderTemplate('redirect.html', {'url': url, 'message': randomPhrase, 'timetaken': timetaken})
+def latestAdd(post, postnum, postid, parent_post):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ #UpdateDb("DELETE FROM last LIMIT 15, 500#")
+ if post['subject'] and post['subject'] != board["subject"]:
+ content = post['subject']
+ else:
+ content = cut_home_msg(post['message'], len(board['name']))
+ timestamp_formatted = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(post['timestamp']).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z')
+ parentid = parent_post['id'] if post['parentid'] else postid
+ if board['board_type'] == '1':
+ url = '/%s/read/%s/%d' % (board['dir'], (parent_post['timestamp'] if post['parentid'] else post['timestamp']), (postnum if postnum else 1))
+ else:
+ url = '/%s/res/%s.html#%s' % (board['dir'], parentid, postid)
+ sql = "INSERT INTO last (id, boardid, board_name, timestamp, timestamp_formatted, content, url) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (str(postid), board['id'], _mysql.escape_string(board['name']), post['timestamp'], _mysql.escape_string(timestamp_formatted), _mysql.escape_string(content), _mysql.escape_string(url))
+ UpdateDb(sql)
+def latestRemove(postid):
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ UpdateDb("DELETE FROM last WHERE id = %s AND boardid = %s" % (str(postid), board['id']))
+def archiveThread(postid):
+ import json
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ thread = getThread(postid, False)
+ post_preview = cut_home_msg(thread['posts'][0]['message'], 0)
+ page = renderTemplate("txt_archive.html", {"threads": [thread], "replythread": postid, "preview": post_preview}, False)
+ with open(Settings.ROOT_DIR + board["dir"] + "/kako/" + str(thread['timestamp']) + ".html", "w") as f:
+ f.write(page)
+ thread['keys'] = ['num', 'IS_DELETED', 'name', 'tripcode', 'email', 'message', 'timestamp_formatted']
+ thread['posts'] = [[row[key] for key in thread['keys']] for row in thread['posts']]
+ try:
+ with open(Settings.ROOT_DIR + board["dir"] + "/kako/" + str(thread['timestamp']) + ".json", "w") as f:
+ json.dump(thread, f, indent=0)
+ except:
+ raise UserError, "Can't archive: %s" % thread['timestamp']
+ UpdateDb("REPLACE INTO archive (id, boardid, timestamp, subject, length) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (thread['id'], board['id'], thread['timestamp'], _mysql.escape_string(thread['subject']), thread['length']))
+def throw_dice(dice):
+ qty = int(dice[0][1:])
+ if qty == 0:
+ raise UserError, "No tienes dados para lanzar."
+ if qty > 100:
+ qty = 100
+ sides = int(dice[1][1:]) if dice[1] else 6
+ if sides == 0:
+ raise UserError, "Tus dados no tienen caras."
+ if sides > 100:
+ sides = 100
+ string = "Lanzas "
+ string += "un dado de " if qty == 1 else (str(qty) + " dados de ")
+ string += "una cara." if sides == 1 else (str(sides) + " caras.")
+ string += " Resultado: <b>"
+ total = i = 0
+ while (i < qty):
+ total += random.randint(1,sides)
+ i += 1
+ string += str(total) + "</b>"
+ return string
+def magic_ball():
+ string = "La bola 8 mágica dice: <b>"
+ results = ["Sí.", "Es seguro.", "En mi opinión, sí.", "Está decidido que sí.", "Definitivamente sí.", "Es lo más probable.", "Buen pronóstico.", "Puedes confiar en ello.", "Todo apunta a que sí.", "Sin duda.", "Respuesta vaga, vuelve a intentarlo.", "Pregunta en otro momento.", "Mejor que no te lo diga ahora.", "No puedo predecirlo ahora.", "Concéntrate y vuelve a preguntar.", "No cuentes con ello.", "Mi respuesta es no.", "Mis fuentes me dicen que no.", "Pronóstico no muy bueno.", "Muy dudoso."]
+ string += random.choice(results) + "</b>"
+ return string
+def discord_hook(post, url):
+ import urllib2
+ import json
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ WEBHOOK_URL = "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/428025764974166018/msYu1-R3JRnG-cxrhAu3J7LbIPvzpBlJwbW5PFe5VEQaxVzjros9CXOpjZDahUE42Jgn"
+ data = {"content": "",
+ "ts": post['timestamp'],
+ "embeds": [{
+ "title": post['subject'],
+ "description": cut_home_msg(post['message'], 30),
+ "url": "https://bienvenidoainternet.org" + url,
+ "color": 11910504,
+ "timestamp": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(post['timestamp']).isoformat(),
+ "footer": { "text": board['name'] },
+ "thumbnail": { "url": "https://bienvenidoainternet.org/%s/thumb/%s" % (board['dir'], post['thumb']) },
+ "author": {
+ "name": "Nuevo hilo",
+ "icon_url": "https://bienvenidoainternet.org/0/junk/w/shobon.gif"
+ }}]
+ }
+ jsondata = json.dumps(data, separators=(',',':'))
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener()
+ opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0')]
+ response = opener.open(WEBHOOK_URL, jsondata, 6)
+ the_page = response.read()