path: root/cgi/oekaki.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cgi/oekaki.py')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cgi/oekaki.py b/cgi/oekaki.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0bada7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cgi/oekaki.py
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+import _mysql
+import os
+import cgi
+import random
+from database import *
+from settings import Settings
+from framework import *
+from formatting import *
+from template import *
+from post import *
+def oekaki(self, path_split):
+ """
+ Este script hace todo lo que tiene que hacer con los
+ archivos de Oekaki.
+ """
+ page = ''
+ skiptemplate = False
+ if len(path_split) > 2:
+ # Inicia el applet. Lo envia luego a este mismo script, a "Finish".
+ if path_split[2] == 'paint':
+ # Veamos que applet usar
+ applet = self.formdata['oek_applet'].split('|')
+ applet_name = applet[0]
+ if len(applet) > 1 and applet[1] == 'y':
+ applet_str = 'pro'
+ else:
+ applet_str = ''
+ if len(applet) > 2 and applet[2] == 'y':
+ use_selfy = True
+ else:
+ use_selfy = False
+ # Obtenemos el board
+ board = setBoard(self.formdata['board'])
+ if board['allow_oekaki'] != '1':
+ raise UserError, 'Esta sección no soporta oekaki.'
+ # Veamos a quien le estamos respondiendo
+ try:
+ parentid = int(self.formdata['parent'])
+ except:
+ parentid = 0
+ # Vemos si el usuario quiere una animacion
+ if 'oek_animation' in self.formdata.keys():
+ animation = True
+ animation_str = 'animation'
+ else:
+ animation = False
+ animation_str = ''
+ # Nos aseguramos que la entrada es numerica
+ try:
+ width = int(self.formdata['oek_x'])
+ height = int(self.formdata['oek_y'])
+ except:
+ raise UserError, 'Valores de tamaño inválidos (%s)' % repr(self.formdata)
+ params = {
+ 'dir_resource': Settings.BOARDS_URL + 'oek_temp/',
+ 'tt.zip': 'tt_def.zip',
+ 'res.zip': 'res.zip',
+ 'MAYSCRIPT': 'true',
+ 'scriptable': 'true',
+ 'tools': applet_str,
+ 'layer_count': '5',
+ 'undo': '90',
+ 'undo_in_mg': '15',
+ 'url_save': Settings.BOARDS_URL + 'oek_temp/save.php?applet=shi'+applet_str,
+ 'poo': 'false',
+ 'send_advance': 'true',
+ 'send_language': 'utf8',
+ 'send_header': '',
+ 'send_header_image_type': 'false',
+ 'thumbnail_type': animation_str,
+ 'image_jpeg': 'false',
+ 'image_size': '92',
+ 'compress_level': '4'
+ }
+ if 'oek_edit' in self.formdata.keys():
+ # Si hay que editar, cargar la imagen correspondiente en el canvas
+ pid = int(self.formdata['oek_edit'])
+ post = FetchOne('SELECT id, file, image_width, image_height FROM posts WHERE id = %d AND boardid = %s' % (pid, board['id']))
+ editfile = Settings.BOARDS_URL + board['dir'] + '/src/' + post['file']
+ params['image_canvas'] = edit
+ params['image_width'] = file['image_width']
+ params['image_height'] = file['image_height']
+ width = int(file['image_width'])
+ height = int(file['image_height'])
+ else:
+ editfile = None
+ params['image_width'] = str(width)
+ params['image_height'] = str(height)
+ if 'canvas' in self.formdata.keys():
+ editfile = self.formdata['canvas']
+ # Darle las dimensiones al exit script
+ params['url_exit'] = Settings.CGI_URL + 'oekaki/finish/' + board['dir'] + '/' + str(parentid)
+ page += renderTemplate("paint.html", {'applet': applet_name, 'edit': editfile, 'replythread': parentid, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'params': params, 'selfy': use_selfy})
+ elif path_split[2] == 'finish':
+ # path splits:
+ # 3: Board
+ # 4: Parentid
+ if path_split > 7:
+ # Al terminar de dibujar, llegamos aqui. Damos la opcion de postearlo.
+ board = setBoard(path_split[3])
+ try:
+ parentid = int(path_split[4])
+ except:
+ parentid = None
+ ts = int(time.time())
+ ip = inet_aton(self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])
+ fname = "%s/oek_temp/%d.png" % (Settings.HOME_DIR, ip)
+ oek = 'no'
+ if 'filebase' in self.formdata:
+ img = self.formdata['filebase']
+ if img.startswith("data:image/png;base64,"):
+ img = img[22:]
+ img = img.replace(' ', '+')
+ img = img.decode('base64')
+ with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(img)
+ if os.path.isfile(fname):
+ oek = ip
+ try:
+ timetaken = timestamp() - int(path_split[5][:-2])
+ except:
+ timetaken = 0
+ page += renderTemplate("board.html", {"threads": None, "oek_finish": oek, "replythread": parentid, "ts": ts})
+ elif path_split[2] == 'animation':
+ try:
+ board = setBoard(path_split[3])
+ file = int(path_split[4])
+ except:
+ raise UserError, 'Board o archivo de animación inválido.'
+ params = {
+ 'pch_file': Settings.BOARDS_URL + board['dir'] + '/src/' + str(file) + '.pch',
+ 'run': 'true',
+ 'buffer_progress': 'false',
+ 'buffer_canvas': 'true',
+ 'speed': '2',
+ 'res.zip': Settings.BOARDS_URL + 'oek_temp/res/' +'res.zip',
+ 'tt.zip': Settings.BOARDS_URL + 'oek_temp/res/' + 'tt.zip',
+ 'tt_size': '31'
+ }
+ page += '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' + \
+ '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n<head><style type="text/css">html, body{margin: 0; padding: 0;height:100%;} .full{width:100%;height:100%;}</style>\n<title>Bienvenido a Internet | Oekaki</title>\n</head>\n' + \
+ '<body bgcolor="#CFCFFF" text="#800000" link="#003399" vlink="#808080" alink="#11FF11">\n' + \
+ '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="full"><tr><td class="full">\n'
+ page += '<applet name="pch" code="pch2.PCHViewer.class" archive="' + Settings.BOARDS_URL + 'oek_temp/PCHViewer123.jar" width="100%" height="100%">'
+ for key in params.keys():
+ page += '<param name="' + key + '" value="' + cleanString(params[key]) + '" />' + "\n"
+ page += '<div align="center">Java must be installed and enabled to use this applet. Please refer to our Java setup tutorial for more information.</div>'
+ page += '</applet>\n</td></tr></table>\n</body>\n</html>'
+ if not skiptemplate:
+ self.output = page