path: root/cgi/formatting.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cgi/formatting.py')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cgi/formatting.py b/cgi/formatting.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d21bee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cgi/formatting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+import string
+import cgi
+import os
+import re
+import pickle
+import time
+import _mysql
+from database import *
+from framework import *
+from post import regenerateAccess
+#from xhtml_clean import Cleaner
+from settings import Settings
+def format_post(message, ip, parentid, parent_timestamp=0):
+ """
+ Formats posts using the specified format
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ using_markdown = False
+ # Escape any HTML if user is not using Markdown or HTML
+ if not Settings.USE_HTML:
+ message = cgi.escape(message)
+ # Strip text
+ message = message.rstrip()[0:8000]
+ # Treat HTML
+ if Settings.USE_MARKDOWN:
+ message = markdown(message)
+ using_markdown = True
+ if Settings.USE_HTML:
+ message = onlyAllowedHTML(message)
+ # [code] tag
+ if board["dir"] == "tech":
+ message = re.compile(r"\[code\](.+)\[/code\]", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(r"<pre><code>\1</code></pre>", message)
+ if board["allow_spoilers"]:
+ message = re.compile(r"\[spoiler\](.+)\[/spoiler\]", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(r'<span class="spoil">\1</span>', message)
+ if Settings.VIDEO_THUMBS:
+ (message, affected) = videoThumbs(message)
+ if affected:
+ message = close_html(message)
+ message = clickableURLs(message)
+ message = checkRefLinks(message, parentid, parent_timestamp)
+ message = checkWordfilters(message, ip, board["dir"])
+ # If not using markdown quotes must be created and \n changed for HTML line breaks
+ if not using_markdown:
+ message = re.compile(r"^(\n)+").sub('', message)
+ message = checkQuotes(message)
+ message = message.replace("\n", "<br />")
+ return message
+def tripcode(name):
+ """
+ Calculate tripcode to match output of most imageboards
+ """
+ if name == '':
+ return '', ''
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ name = name.decode('utf-8')
+ key = Settings.TRIP_CHAR.decode('utf-8')
+ # if there's a trip
+ (namepart, marker, trippart) = name.partition('#')
+ if marker:
+ namepart = cleanString(namepart)
+ trip = ''
+ # secure tripcode
+ if Settings.ALLOW_SECURE_TRIPCODES and '#' in trippart:
+ (trippart, securemarker, securepart) = trippart.partition('#')
+ try:
+ securepart = securepart.encode("sjis", "ignore")
+ except:
+ pass
+ # encode secure tripcode
+ trip = getMD5(securepart + Settings.SECRET)
+ trip = trip.encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
+ trip = trip.encode('rot13')
+ trip = key+key+trip[2:12]
+ # return it if we don't have a normal tripcode
+ if trippart == '':
+ return namepart.encode('utf-8'), trip.encode('utf-8')
+ # do normal tripcode
+ from crypt import crypt
+ try:
+ trippart = trippart.encode("sjis", "ignore")
+ except:
+ pass
+ trippart = cleanString(trippart, True, True)
+ salt = re.sub(r"[^\.-z]", ".", (trippart + "H..")[1:3])
+ salt = salt.translate(string.maketrans(r":;=?@[\]^_`", "ABDFGabcdef"))
+ trip = key + crypt(trippart, salt)[-10:] + trip
+ return namepart.encode('utf-8'), trip.encode('utf-8')
+ return name.encode('utf-8'), ''
+def iphash(ip, post, t, useid, mobile, agent, cap_id, hide_end, has_countrycode):
+ current_t = time.time()
+ if cap_id:
+ id = cap_id
+ elif 'sage' in post['email'] and useid == '1':
+ id = '???'
+ elif ip == "":
+ id = '???'
+ else:
+ day = int((current_t + (Settings.TIME_ZONE*3600)) / 86400)
+ word = ',' + str(day)
+ # Make difference by thread
+ word += ',' + str(t)
+ id = hide_data(ip + word, 6, "id", Settings.SECRET)
+ if hide_end:
+ id += '*'
+ elif addressIsTor(ip):
+ id += 'T'
+ elif 'Dalvik' in agent:
+ id += 'R'
+ elif 'Android' in agent:
+ id += 'a'
+ elif 'iPhone' in agent:
+ id += 'i'
+ elif useid == '3':
+ if 'Firefox' in agent:
+ id += 'F'
+ elif 'Safari' in agent and not 'Chrome' in agent:
+ id += 's'
+ elif 'Chrome' in agent:
+ id += 'C'
+ elif 'SeaMonkey' in agent:
+ id += 'S'
+ elif 'Edge' in agent:
+ id += 'E'
+ elif 'Opera' in agent or 'OPR' in agent:
+ id += 'o'
+ elif 'MSIE' in agent or 'Trident' in agent:
+ id += 'I'
+ elif mobile:
+ id += 'Q'
+ else:
+ id += '0'
+ elif mobile:
+ id += 'Q'
+ else:
+ id += '0'
+ if addressIsBanned(ip, ""):
+ id += '#'
+ if (not has_countrycode and
+ not addressIsTor(ip) and
+ (addressIsProxy(ip) or not addressIsES(ip))):
+ id += '!'
+ return id
+def cleanString(string, escape=True, quote=False):
+ string = string.strip()
+ if escape:
+ string = cgi.escape(string, quote)
+ return string
+def clickableURLs(message):
+ # URL
+ message = re.compile(r'( |^|:|\(|\[)((?:https?://|ftp://|mailto:|news:|irc:)[^\s<>()"]*?(?:\([^\s<>()"]*?\)[^\s<>()"]*?)*)((?:\s|<|>|"|\.|\|\]|!|\?|,|&#44;|&quot;)*(?:[\s<>()"]|$))', re.M).sub(r'\1<a href="\2" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">\2</a>\3', message)
+ # Emails
+ message = re.compile(r"( |^|:)([A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6})", re.I | re.M).sub(r'\1<a href="mailto:\2" rel="nofollow">&lt;\2&gt;</a>', message)
+ return message
+def videoThumbs(message):
+ # Youtube
+ __RE = re.compile(r"^(?: +)?(https?://(?:www\.)?youtu(?:be\.com/watch\?v=|\.be/)([\w\-]+))(?: +)?$", re.M)
+ matches = __RE.finditer(message)
+ if matches:
+ import json
+ import urllib, urllib2
+ v_ids = []
+ videos = {}
+ for match in matches:
+ v_id = match.group(2)
+ if v_id not in v_ids:
+ v_ids.append(v_id)
+ videos[v_id] = {
+ 'span': match.span(0),
+ 'url': match.group(1),
+ }
+ if len(v_ids) >= Settings.VIDEO_THUMBS_LIMIT:
+ raise UserError, "Has incluído muchos videos en tu mensaje. El máximo es %d." % Settings.VIDEO_THUMBS_LIMIT
+ if videos:
+ params = {
+ 'key': Settings.GOOGLE_API_KEY,
+ 'part': 'snippet,contentDetails',
+ 'id': ','.join(v_ids)
+ }
+ r_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?"+urllib.urlencode(params)
+ res = urllib2.urlopen(r_url)
+ res_json = json.load(res)
+ offset = 0
+ for item in res_json['items']:
+ v_id = item['id']
+ (start, end) = videos[v_id]['span']
+ end += 1 # remove endline
+ try:
+ new_url = '<a href="%(url)s" target="_blank" class="yt"><span class="pvw"><img src="%(thumb)s" /></span><b>%(title)s</b> (%(secs)s)<br />%(channel)s</a><br />' \
+ % {'title': item['snippet']['title'].encode('utf-8'),
+ 'channel': item['snippet']['channelTitle'].encode('utf-8'),
+ 'secs': parseIsoPeriod(item['contentDetails']['duration']).encode('utf-8'),
+ 'url': videos[v_id]['url'],
+ 'id': v_id.encode('utf-8'),
+ 'thumb': item['snippet']['thumbnails']['default']['url'].encode('utf-8'),}
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ raise UserError, repr(v_id)
+ message = message[:start+offset] + new_url + message[end+offset:]
+ offset += len(new_url) - (end-start)
+ return (message, len(videos))
+def fixMobileLinks(message):
+ """
+ Shorten long links; Convert >># links into a mobile version
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ # If textboard
+ if board["board_type"] == '1':
+ message = re.compile(r'<a href="/(\w+)/read/(\d+)(\.html)?/*(.+)"').sub(r'<a href="/cgi/mobileread/\1/\2/\4"', message)
+ else:
+ message = re.compile(r'<a href="/(\w+)/res/(\d+)\.html#(\d+)"').sub(r'<a href="/cgi/mobileread/\1/\2#\3"', message)
+ return message
+def checkRefLinks(message, parentid, parent_timestamp):
+ """
+ Check for >># links in posts and replace with the HTML to make them clickable
+ """
+ board = Settings._.BOARD
+ if board["board_type"] == '1':
+ # Textboard
+ if parentid != '0':
+ message = re.compile(r'&gt;&gt;(\d+(,\d+|-(?=[ \d\n])|\d+)*n?)').sub('<a href="' + Settings.BOARDS_URL + board['dir'] + '/read/' + str(parent_timestamp) + r'/\1">&gt;&gt;\1</a>', message)
+ else:
+ # Imageboard
+ quotes_id_array = re.findall(r"&gt;&gt;([0-9]+)", message)
+ for quotes in quotes_id_array:
+ try:
+ post = FetchOne('SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `id` = ' + quotes + ' AND `boardid` = ' + board['id'] + ' LIMIT 1')
+ if post['parentid'] != '0':
+ message = re.compile("&gt;&gt;" + quotes).sub('<a href="' + Settings.BOARDS_URL + board['dir'] + '/res/' + post['parentid'] + '.html#' + quotes + '">&gt;&gt;' + quotes + '</a>', message)
+ else:
+ message = re.compile("&gt;&gt;" + quotes).sub('<a href="' + Settings.BOARDS_URL + board['dir'] + '/res/' + post['id'] + '.html#' + quotes + '">&gt;&gt;' + quotes + '</a>', message)
+ except:
+ message = re.compile("&gt;&gt;" + quotes).sub(r'<span class="q">&gt;&gt;'+quotes+'</span>', message)
+ return message
+def checkQuotes(message):
+ """
+ Check for >text in posts and add span around it to color according to the css
+ """
+ message = re.compile(r"^&gt;(.*)$", re.MULTILINE).sub(r'<span class="q">&gt;\1</span>', message)
+ return message
+def escapeHTML(string):
+ string = string.replace('<', '&lt;')
+ string = string.replace('>', '&gt;')
+ return string
+def onlyAllowedHTML(message):
+ """
+ Allow <b>, <i>, <u>, <strike>, and <pre> in posts, along with the special <aa>
+ """
+ message = sanitize_html(message)
+ #message = re.compile(r"\[aa\](.+?)\[/aa\]", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub("<span class=\"sjis\">\\1</span>", message)
+ return message
+def close_html(message):
+ """
+ Old retarded version of sanitize_html, it just closes open tags.
+ """
+ import BeautifulSoup
+ return unicode(BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(message)).replace('&#13;', '').encode('utf-8')
+def sanitize_html(message, decode=True):
+ """
+ Clean the code and allow only a few safe tags.
+ """
+ import BeautifulSoup
+ # Decode message from utf-8 if required
+ if decode:
+ message = message.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ # Create HTML Cleaner with our allowed tags
+ whitelist_tags = ["a","b","br","blink","code","del","em","i","marquee","root","strike","strong","sub","sup","u"]
+ whitelist_attr = ["href"]
+ soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(message)
+ # Remove tags that aren't allowed
+ for tag in soup.findAll():
+ if not tag.name.lower() in whitelist_tags:
+ tag.name = "span"
+ tag.attrs = []
+ else:
+ for attr in [attr for attr in tag.attrs if attr not in whitelist_attr]:
+ del tag[attr]
+ # We export the soup into a correct XHTML string
+ string = unicode(soup).encode('utf-8')
+ # We remove some anomalies we don't want
+ string = string.replace('<br/>', '<br />').replace('&#13;', '')
+ return string
+def markdown(message):
+ import markdown
+ if message.strip() != "":
+ #return markdown.markdown(message).rstrip("\n").rstrip("<br />")
+ return markdown.markdown(message, extras=["cuddled-lists", "code-friendly"]).encode('utf-8')
+ else:
+ return ""
+def checkWordfilters(message, ip, board):
+ fixed_ip = inet_aton(ip)
+ wordfilters = FetchAll("SELECT * FROM `filters` WHERE `type` = '0' ORDER BY `id` ASC")
+ for wordfilter in wordfilters:
+ if wordfilter["boards"] != "":
+ boards = pickle.loads(wordfilter["boards"])
+ if wordfilter["boards"] == "" or board in boards:
+ if wordfilter['action'] == '0':
+ if not re.search(wordfilter['from'], message, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) is None:
+ raise UserError, wordfilter['reason']
+ elif wordfilter['action'] == '1':
+ message = re.compile(wordfilter['from'], re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(wordfilter['to'], message)
+ elif wordfilter['action'] == '2':
+ # Ban
+ if not re.search(wordfilter['from'], message, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) is None:
+ if wordfilter['seconds'] != '0':
+ until = str(timestamp() + int(wordfilter['seconds']))
+ else:
+ until = '0'
+ InsertDb("INSERT INTO `bans` (`ip`, `boards`, `added`, `until`, `staff`, `reason`, `note`, `blind`) VALUES (" + \
+ "'" + str(fixed_ip) + "', '" + _mysql.escape_string(wordfilter['boards']) + \
+ "', " + str(timestamp()) + ", " + until + ", 'System', '" + _mysql.escape_string(wordfilter['reason']) + \
+ "', 'Word Auto-ban', '"+_mysql.escape_string(wordfilter['blind'])+"')")
+ regenerateAccess()
+ raise UserError, wordfilter['reason']
+ elif wordfilter['action'] == '3':
+ if not re.search(wordfilter['from'], message, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) is None:
+ raise UserError, '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="%s;url=%s" />%s' % (wordfilter['redirect_time'], wordfilter['redirect_url'], wordfilter['reason'])
+ return message
+def checkNamefilters(name, tripcode, ip, board):
+ namefilters = FetchAll("SELECT * FROM `filters` WHERE `type` = '1'")
+ for namefilter in namefilters:
+ if namefilter["boards"] != "":
+ boards = pickle.loads(namefilter["boards"])
+ if namefilter["boards"] == "" or board in boards:
+ # check if this filter applies
+ match = False
+ if namefilter['from'] and namefilter['from_trip']:
+ # both name and trip filter
+ if re.search(namefilter['from'], name, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) and tripcode == namefilter['from_trip']:
+ match = True
+ elif namefilter['from'] and not namefilter['from_trip']:
+ # name filter
+ if re.search(namefilter['from'], name, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE):
+ match = True
+ elif not namefilter['from'] and namefilter['from_trip']:
+ # trip filter
+ if tripcode == namefilter['from_trip']:
+ match = True
+ if match:
+ # do action
+ if namefilter['action'] == '0':
+ raise UserError, namefilter['reason']
+ elif namefilter['action'] == '1':
+ name = namefilter['to']
+ tripcode = ''
+ return name, tripcode
+ elif namefilter['action'] == '2':
+ # Ban
+ if namefilter['seconds'] != '0':
+ until = str(timestamp() + int(namefilter['seconds']))
+ else:
+ until = '0'
+ InsertDb("INSERT INTO `bans` (`ip`, `boards`, `added`, `until`, `staff`, `reason`, `note`, `blind`) VALUES (" + \
+ "'" + _mysql.escape_string(ip) + "', '" + _mysql.escape_string(namefilter['boards']) + \
+ "', " + str(timestamp()) + ", " + until + ", 'System', '" + _mysql.escape_string(namefilter['reason']) + \
+ "', 'Name Auto-ban', '"+_mysql.escape_string(namefilter['blind'])+"')")
+ regenerateAccess()
+ raise UserError, namefilter['reason']
+ elif namefilter['action'] == '3':
+ raise UserError, '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="%s;url=%s" />%s' % (namefilter['redirect_time'], namefilter['redirect_url'], namefilter['reason'])
+ return name, tripcode