#!/usr/bin/env python2
# coding=utf-8
# Remove the first line to use the env command to locate python
import os
import time
import datetime
import random
import cgi
import _mysql
from Cookie import SimpleCookie
import tenjin
import manage
import oekaki
import gettext
from database import *
from settings import Settings
from framework import *
from formatting import *
from post import *
from img import *
__version__ = "0.8.8"
# Set to True to disable weabot's exception routing and enable profiling
_DEBUG = False
# Set to True to save performance data to weabot.txt
_LOG = False
class weabot(object):
def __init__(self, environ, start_response):
global _DEBUG
self.environ = environ
if self.environ["PATH_INFO"].startswith("/weabot.py/"):
self.environ["PATH_INFO"] = self.environ["PATH_INFO"][11:]
self.start = start_response
self.formdata = getFormData(self)
self.output = ""
# Localization Code
lang = gettext.translation('weabot', './locale', languages=[Settings.LANG])
if _DEBUG:
import cProfile
prof = cProfile.Profile()
except UserError, message:
except Exception, inst:
import sys, traceback
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
detail = ((os.path.basename(o[0]),o[1],o[2],o[3]) for o in traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback))
self.exception(type(inst), inst, detail)
# close database and finish
if _LOG:
logfile = open(Settings.ROOT_DIR + "weabot.txt", "w")
def __iter__(self):
self.start("200 OK", self.headers)
yield self.output
def error(self, message):
board = Settings._.BOARD
if board:
if board['board_type'] == '1':
info = {}
info['host'] = self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]
info['name'] = self.formdata.get('fielda', '')
info['email'] = self.formdata.get('fieldb', '')
info['message'] = self.formdata.get('message', '')
self.output += renderTemplate("txt_error.html", {"info": info, "error": message})
mobile = self.formdata.get('mobile', '')
if mobile:
self.output += renderTemplate("mobile/error.html", {"error": message})
self.output += renderTemplate("error.html", {"error": message, "boards_url": Settings.BOARDS_URL, "board": board["dir"]})
self.output += renderTemplate("exception.html", {"exception": None, "error": message})
def exception(self, type, message, detail):
self.output += renderTemplate("exception.html", {"exception": type, "error": message, "detail": detail})
def handleRequest(self):
self.headers = [("Content-Type", "text/html")]
def handleResponse(self):
if self._newcookies:
for newcookie in self._newcookies.values():
self.headers.append(("Set-Cookie", newcookie.output(header="")))
def handleCookies(self):
self._cookies = SimpleCookie()
self._cookies.load(self.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", ""))
self._newcookies = None
def run(self):
path_split = self.environ["PATH_INFO"].split("/")
caught = False
raise UserError, _("%s is currently under maintenance. We'll be back.") % Settings.SITE_TITLE
if len(path_split) > 1:
if path_split[1] == "post":
# Making a post
caught = True
if 'password' not in self.formdata:
raise UserError, "El request está incompleto."
# let's get all the POST data we need
ip = self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]
boarddir = self.formdata.get('board')
parent = self.formdata.get('parent')
trap1 = self.formdata.get('name', '')
trap2 = self.formdata.get('email', '')
name = self.formdata.get('fielda', '')
email = self.formdata.get('fieldb', '')
subject = self.formdata.get('subject', '')
message = self.formdata.get('message', '')
file = self.formdata.get('file')
file_original = self.formdata.get('file_original')
spoil = self.formdata.get('spoil')
oek_file = self.formdata.get('oek_file')
password = self.formdata.get('password', '')
noimage = self.formdata.get('noimage')
mobile = ("mobile" in self.formdata.keys())
# call post function
(post_url, ttaken) = self.make_post(ip, boarddir, parent, trap1, trap2, name, email, subject, message, file, file_original, spoil, oek_file, password, noimage, mobile)
# make redirect
self.output += make_redirect(post_url, ttaken)
elif path_split[1] == "environ":
caught = True
self.output += repr(self.environ)
elif path_split[1] == "delete":
# Deleting a post
caught = True
boarddir = self.formdata.get('board')
postid = self.formdata.get('delete')
imageonly = self.formdata.get('imageonly')
password = self.formdata.get('password')
mobile = self.formdata.get('mobile')
# call delete function
self.delete_post(boarddir, postid, imageonly, password, mobile)
elif path_split[1] == "anarkia":
import anarkia
caught = True
anarkia.anarkia(self, path_split)
elif path_split[1] == "manage":
caught = True
manage.manage(self, path_split)
elif path_split[1] == "api":
import api
caught = True
self.headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json"), ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")]
api.api(self, path_split)
elif path_split[1] == "threadlist":
board = setBoard(path_split[2])
caught = True
if board['board_type'] != '1':
raise UserError, "No disponible para esta sección."
self.output = threadList(0)
elif path_split[1] == "mobile":
board = setBoard(path_split[2])
caught = True
self.output = threadList(1)
elif path_split[1] == "mobilelist":
board = setBoard(path_split[2])
caught = True
self.output = threadList(2)
elif path_split[1] == "mobilecat":
board = setBoard(path_split[2])
caught = True
self.output = threadList(3)
elif path_split[1] == "mobilenew":
board = setBoard(path_split[2])
caught = True
self.output = renderTemplate('txt_newthread.html', {}, True)
elif path_split[1] == "mobilehome":
latest_age = getLastAge(Settings.HOME_LASTPOSTS)
for threads in latest_age:
content = threads['url']
content = content.replace('/read/', '/')
content = content.replace('/res/', '/')
content = content.replace('.html', '')
threads['url'] = content
caught = True
self.output = renderTemplate('latest.html', {'latest_age': latest_age}, True)
elif path_split[1] == "mobilenewest":
newthreads = getNewThreads(Settings.HOME_LASTPOSTS)
for threads in newthreads:
content = threads['url']
content = content.replace('/read/', '/')
content = content.replace('/res/', '/')
content = content.replace('.html', '')
threads['url'] = content
caught = True
self.output = renderTemplate('newest.html', {'newthreads': newthreads}, True)
elif path_split[1] == "mobileread":
board = setBoard(path_split[2])
caught = True
if len(path_split) > 4 and path_split[4] and board['board_type'] == '1':
self.output = dynamicRead(int(path_split[3]), path_split[4], True)
# self.output = threadPage(path_split[3], True)
elif board['board_type'] == '1':
self.output = threadPage(0, True, path_split[3])
self.output = threadPage(path_split[3], True)
elif path_split[1] == "catalog":
board = setBoard(path_split[2])
caught = True
sort = self.formdata.get('sort', '')
self.output = catalog(sort)
elif path_split[1] == "oekaki":
caught = True
oekaki.oekaki(self, path_split)
elif path_split[1] == "play":
# Module player
caught = True
boarddir = path_split[2]
modfile = path_split[3]
self.output = renderTemplate('mod.html', {'board': boarddir, 'modfile': modfile})
elif path_split[1] == "report":
# Report post, check if they are enabled
# Can't report if banned
caught = True
ip = self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]
boarddir = path_split[2]
postid = int(path_split[3])
reason = self.formdata.get('reason')
txt = True
postshow = int(path_split[4])
txt = False
postshow = postid
self.report(ip, boarddir, postid, reason, txt, postshow)
elif path_split[1] == "stats":
caught = True
elif path_split[1] == "random":
caught = True
board = FetchOne("SELECT `id`, `dir`, `board_type` FROM `boards` WHERE `secret` = 0 AND `id` <> 1 AND `id` <> 13 AND `id` <> 34 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1")
thread = FetchOne("SELECT `id`, `timestamp` FROM `posts` WHERE `parentid` = 0 AND `boardid` = %s ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1" % board['id'])
if board['board_type'] == '1':
url = Settings.HOME_URL + board['dir'] + '/read/' + thread['timestamp'] + '/'
url = Settings.HOME_URL + board['dir'] + '/res/' + thread['id'] + '.html'
self.output += '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%s" /><body><p>...</p></body></html>' % url
elif path_split[1] == "nostalgia":
caught = True
thread = FetchOne("SELECT `timestamp` FROM `archive` WHERE `boardid` = 9 AND `timestamp` < 1462937230 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1")
url = Settings.HOME_URL + '/zonavip/read/' + thread['timestamp'] + '/'
self.output += '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%s" /><body><p>...</p></body></html>' % url
elif path_split[1] == "banned":
packed_ip = inet_aton(self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])
bans = FetchAll("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE (`netmask` IS NULL AND `ip` = '"+str(packed_ip)+"') OR (`netmask` IS NOT NULL AND '"+str(packed_ip)+"' & `netmask` = `ip`)")
if bans:
for ban in bans:
if ban["boards"] != "":
boards = pickle.loads(ban["boards"])
if ban["boards"] == "" or path_split[2] in boards:
caught = True
if ban["boards"]:
boards_str = '/' + '/, /'.join(boards) + '/'
boards_str = _("all boards")
if ban["until"] != "0":
expire = formatTimestamp(ban["until"])
expire = ""
template_values = {
#'return_board': path_split[2],
'boards_str': boards_str,
'reason': ban['reason'],
'added': formatTimestamp(ban["added"]),
'expire': expire,
'ip': self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"],
self.output = renderTemplate('banned.html', template_values)
if len(path_split) > 2:
caught = True
self.output += '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><body><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%s" /><p>%s</p></body></html>' % (Settings.HOME_URL + path_split[2], _("Your ban has expired. Redirecting..."))
elif path_split[1] == "read":
# Textboard read:
if len(path_split) > 4:
caught = True
# 2: board
# 3: thread
# 4: post(s)
board = setBoard(path_split[2])
self.output = dynamicRead(int(path_split[3]), path_split[4])
elif path_split[1] == "preview":
caught = True
board = setBoard(self.formdata["board"])
message = format_post(self.formdata["message"], self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"], self.formdata["parentid"])
self.output = message
except Exception, messagez:
self.output = "Error: " + str(messagez) + " : " + str(self.formdata)
if not caught:
# Redirect the user back to the front page
self.output += '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><body><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%s" /><p>--> --> --></p></body></html>' % Settings.HOME_URL
def make_post(self, ip, boarddir, parent, trap1, trap2, name, email, subject, message, file, file_original, spoil, oek_file, password, noimage, mobile):
_STARTTIME = time.clock() # Comment if not debug
# open database
# set the board
board = setBoard(boarddir)
if board["dir"] != ["anarkia"]:
if addressIsProxy(ip):
raise UserError, "Proxy prohibido en esta sección."
# check length of fields
if len(name) > 50:
raise UserError, "El campo de nombre es muy largo."
if len(email) > 50:
raise UserError, "El campo de e-mail es muy largo."
if len(subject) > 100:
raise UserError, "El campo de asunto es muy largo."
if len(message) > 8000:
raise UserError, "El campo de mensaje es muy largo."
if message.count('\n') > 50:
raise UserError, "El mensaje tiene muchos saltos de línea."
# anti-spam trap
if trap1 or trap2:
raise UserError, "Te quedan tres días de vida."
# Create a single datetime now so everything syncs up
t = time.time()
# Delete expired bans
deletedBans = UpdateDb("DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `until` != 0 AND `until` < " + str(timestamp()))
if deletedBans > 0:
# Redirect to ban page if user is banned
if addressIsBanned(ip, board["dir"]):
#raise UserError, 'Tu host está en la lista negra.'
raise UserError, '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/cgi/banned/%s">' % board["dir"]
# Disallow posting if the site OR board is in maintenance
if Settings.MAINTENANCE:
raise UserError, _("%s is currently under maintenance. We'll be back.") % Settings.SITE_TITLE
if board["locked"] == '1':
raise UserError, _("This board is closed. You can't post in it.")
# create post object
post = Post(board["id"])
post["ip"] = inet_aton(ip)
post["timestamp"] = post["bumped"] = int(t)
post["timestamp_formatted"] = formatTimestamp(t)
# load parent info if we are replying
parent_post = None
parent_timestamp = post["timestamp"]
if parent:
parent_post = get_parent_post(parent, board["id"])
parent_timestamp = parent_post['timestamp']
post["parentid"] = parent_post['id']
post["bumped"] = parent_post['bumped']
if parent_post['locked'] == '1':
raise UserError, _("The thread is closed. You can't post in it.")
# check if the user is flooding
flood_check(t, post, board["id"])
# use fields only if enabled
if board["disable_name"] != '1':
post["name"] = cleanString(name)
post["email"] = cleanString(email, quote=True)
if board["disable_subject"] != '1':
post["subject"] = cleanString(subject)
# process tripcodes
post["name"], post["tripcode"] = tripcode(post["name"])
# Remove carriage return, they're useless
message = message.replace("\r", "")
# check ! functions before
extend = extend_str = dice = ball = None
if not post["parentid"] and board["dir"] not in ['bai', 'world']:
# creating thread
__extend = re.compile(r"^!extend(:\w+)(:\w+)?\n")
res = __extend.match(message)
if res:
extend = res.groups()
# truncate extend
extend_str = res.group(0)
message = message[res.end(0):]
if board["dir"] in ['juegos', '0', 'polka']:
__dice = re.compile(r"^!dado(:\w+)(:\w+)?\n")
res = __dice.match(message)
if res:
dice = res.groups()
message = message[res.end(0):]
if board["dir"] in ['zonavip', '0', 'polka']:
__ball = re.compile(r"^!bola8\n")
res = __ball.match(message)
if res:
ball = True
message = message[res.end(0):]
# use and format message
if message.strip():
post["message"] = format_post(message, ip, post["parentid"], parent_timestamp)
# add function messages
if extend_str:
extend_str = extend_str.replace('!extend', 'EXTEND')
post["message"] += '<hr />' + extend_str + ' configurado.'
if dice:
post["message"] += '<hr />' + throw_dice(dice)
if ball:
post["message"] += '<hr />' + magic_ball()
if not post["parentid"] and post["email"].lower() == 'sage':
post["email"] = ""
# disallow illegal characters
if post["name"]:
post["name"] = post["name"].replace('★', '☆')
post["name"] = post["name"].replace('◆', '◇')
# process capcodes
cap_id = hide_end = None
if post["name"] in Settings.CAPCODES:
capcode = Settings.CAPCODES[post["name"]]
if post["tripcode"] == (Settings.TRIP_CHAR + capcode[0]):
post["name"], post["tripcode"] = capcode[1], capcode[2]
#if board['board_type'] == '1':
# post["name"], post["tripcode"] = capcode[1], ''
# post["name"] = post["tripcode"] = ''
# post["message"] = ('[<span style="color:red">%s</span>]<br />' % capcode[2]) + post["message"]
cap_id, hide_end = capcode[3], capcode[4]
# hide ip if necessary
if hide_end:
post["ip"] = 0
# use password
post["password"] = password
# EXTEND feature
if post["parentid"] and board["dir"] not in ['bai', 'world']:
# replying
__extend = re.compile(r"<hr />EXTEND(:\w+)(:\w+)?\b")
res = __extend.search(parent_post["message"])
if res:
extend = res.groups()
# compatibility : old id function
if 'id' in parent_post["email"]:
board["useid"] = '3'
if 'id' in post["email"]:
board["useid"] = '3'
if extend:
# 1: ID
if extend[0] == ':no':
board["useid"] = '0'
elif extend[0] == ':yes':
board["useid"] = '1'
elif extend[0] == ':force':
board["useid"] = '2'
elif extend[0] == ':extra':
board["useid"] = '3'
# 2: Slip
if extend[1] == ':no':
board["slip"] = '0'
elif extend[1] == ':yes':
board["slip"] = '1'
elif extend[1] == ':domain':
board["slip"] = '2'
elif extend[1] == ':verbose':
board["slip"] = '3'
elif extend[1] == ':country':
board["countrycode"] = '1'
elif extend[1] == ':all':
board["slip"] = '3'
board["countrycode"] = '1'
except IndexError:
# if we are replying, use first post's time
if post["parentid"]:
tim = parent_post["timestamp"]
tim = post["timestamp"]
# make ID hash
if board["useid"] != '0':
post["timestamp_formatted"] += ' ID:' + iphash(ip, post, tim, board["useid"], mobile, self.environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], cap_id, hide_end, (board["countrycode"] in ['1', '2']))
# use for future file checks
xfile = (file or oek_file)
# textboard inforcements (change it to settings maybe?)
if board['board_type'] == '1':
if not post["parentid"] and not post["subject"]:
raise UserError, _("You must enter a title to create a thread.")
if not post["message"]:
raise UserError, _("Please enter a message.")
if not post["parentid"] and not xfile and not noimage:
raise UserError, _("You must upload an image first to create a thread.")
if not xfile and not post["message"]:
raise UserError, _("Please enter a message or upload an image to reply.")
# check if this post is allowed
if post["parentid"]:
if file and board['allow_image_replies'] == '0':
raise UserError, _("Image replies not allowed.")
if file and board['allow_images'] == '0':
raise UserError, _("No images allowed.")
# use default values when missing / remove sage from wrong fields
if (not post["name"] and not post["tripcode"]) or (post["name"].lower() == 'sage'):
post["name"] = random.choice(board["anonymous"].split('|'))
if (not post["subject"] and not post["parentid"]) or (post["subject"].lower() == 'sage'):
post["subject"] = board["subject"]
if not post["message"]:
post["message"] = board["message"]
# process files
if oek_file:
fname = os.path.join(Settings.IMAGES_DIR, board['dir'], "temp", oek_file + ".png")
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
file = f.read()
raise UserError, "Imposible leer la imagen oekaki."
if file and not noimage:
post = processImage(post, file, t, file_original, (spoil and board['allow_spoilers'] == '1'))
if oek_file:
# Remove temporary oekaki file if everything went right
# TODO: We will rename the file for now. We don't want lost work.
os.rename(fname, fname + ".bak")
pass # Just keep it if anything went wrong
# slip
if board["slip"] != '0':
slips = []
# name
if board["slip"] in ['1', '3']:
if time.strftime("%H") in ['00', '24'] and time.strftime("%M") == '00' and time.strftime("%S") == '00':
host_nick = '000000'
host_nick = 'sarin'
if hide_end:
host_nick = '★'
elif addressIsTor(ip):
host_nick = 'onion'
isps = {'cablevision': 'easy',
'cantv': 'warrior',
'claro': 'america',
'cnet': 'nova',
'copelnet': 'cisneros',
'cps.com': 'silver',
'cybercable': 'bricklayer',
'entel': 'matte',
'eternet': 'stream',
'fibertel': 'roughage',
'geonet': 'thunder',
'gtdinternet': 'casanueva',
'ifxnw': 'effect',
'infinitum': 'telegraph',
'intercable': 'easy',
'intercity': 'cordoba',
'iplannet': 'conquest',
'itcsa.net': 'sarmiento',
'megared': 'clear',
'movistar': 'bell',
'nextel': 'fleet',
'speedy': 'oxygen',
'telecom': 'license',
'telmex': 'slender',
'telnor': 'compass',
'tie.cl': 'bell',
'vtr.net': 'liberty',
'utfsm': 'virgin',
host = getHost(ip)
if host:
for k, v in isps.iteritems():
if k in host:
host_nick = v
# hash
if board["slip"] in ['1', '3']:
if hide_end:
slips.append('-'.join(('****', '****')))
elif addressIsTor(ip):
slips.append('-'.join(('****', getMD5(self.environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])[:4])))
slips.append('-'.join((getMD5(ip)[:4], getMD5(self.environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])[:4])))
# host
if board["slip"] == '2':
if hide_end:
host = '★'
elif addressIsTor(ip):
host = 'onion'
host = getHost(ip)
if host:
hosts = host.split('.')
if len(hosts) > 2:
if hosts[-2] in ['ne', 'net', 'com', 'co']:
host = '.'.join((hosts[-3], hosts[-2], hosts[-1]))
host = '.'.join((hosts[-2], hosts[-1]))
host = '*.' + host
iprs = ip.split('.')
host = '%s.%s.*.*' % (iprs[0], iprs[1])
# IP
if board["slip"] == '3':
if hide_end:
host = '[*.*.*.*]'
iprs = ip.split('.')
host = '[%s.%s.*.*]' % (iprs[0], iprs[1])
if slips:
post["tripcode"] += " (%s)" % ' '.join(slips)
# country code
if board["countrycode"] == '1':
if hide_end or addressIsTor(ip):
country = '??'
country = getCountry(ip)
post["name"] += " <em>[%s]</em>" % country
# set expiration date if necessary
if board["maxage"] != '0' and not post["parentid"]:
if board["dir"] == '2d':
date_format = '%m月%d日'
date_format_y = '%Y年%m月'
date_format = '%d/%m'
date_format_y = '%m/%Y'
post["expires"] = int(t) + (int(board["maxage"]) * 86400)
if int(board["maxage"]) >= 365:
date_format = date_format_y
post["expires_formatted"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(post["expires"]).strftime(date_format)
if not post["parentid"]:
# fill with default values if creating a new thread
post["length"] = 1
post["last"] = post["timestamp"]
if board["dir"] == 'noticias':
# check if there's at least one link
if "<a href" not in post["message"]:
raise UserError, "Al momento de crear un hilo en esta sección necesitas incluír al menos 1 link como fuente en tu mensaje."
# insert icon if needed
img_src = '<img src="%s" alt="ico" /><br />' % getRandomIco()
post["message"] = img_src + post["message"]
# insert post, then run timThreads to make sure the board doesn't exceed the page limit
postid = post.insert()
# delete threads that have crossed last page
# fix null references when creating thread
if board["board_type"] == '1' and not post["parentid"]:
post["message"] = re.compile(r'<a href="/(\w+)/res/0.html/(.+)"').sub(r'<a href="/\1/res/'+str(postid)+r'.html/\2"', post["message"])
UpdateDb("UPDATE `posts` SET message = '%s' WHERE boardid = '%s' AND id = '%s'" % (_mysql.escape_string(post["message"]), _mysql.escape_string(board["id"]), _mysql.escape_string(str(postid))))
# do operations if replying to a thread (bump, autoclose, update cache)
logTime("Updating thread")
thread_length = None
if post["parentid"]:
# get length of the thread
thread_length = threadNumReplies(post["parentid"])
# bump if not saged
if 'sage' not in post["email"].lower() and parent_post['locked'] != '2':
UpdateDb("UPDATE `posts` SET bumped = %d WHERE (`id` = '%s' OR `parentid` = '%s') AND `boardid` = '%s'" % (post["timestamp"], post["parentid"], post["parentid"], board["id"]))
# check if thread must be closed
autoclose_thread(post["parentid"], t, thread_length)
# update final attributes (length and last post)
UpdateDb("UPDATE `posts` SET length = %d, last = %d WHERE `id` = '%s' AND `boardid` = '%s'" % (thread_length, post["timestamp"], post["parentid"], board["id"]))
# update cache
# create cache for new thread
# make page redirect
ttaken = timeTaken(_STARTTIME, time.clock())
noko = 'noko' in email.lower() or (board["board_type"] == '1')
# get new post url
post_url = make_url(postid, post, parent_post or post, noko, mobile)
if board['secret'] == '0':
# add to recent posts
if Settings.ENABLE_RSS:
latestAdd(post, thread_length, postid, parent_post)
# call discord hook
if Settings.ENABLE_DISCORD_HOOK and not post["parentid"]:
hook_url = make_url(postid, post, parent_post or post, True, False)
discord_hook(post, hook_url)
return (post_url, ttaken)
def delete_post(self, boarddir, postid, imageonly, password, mobile=False):
# set the board
board = setBoard(boarddir)
if board["dir"] == '0':
raise UserError, "No se pueden eliminar mensajes en esta sección."
# check if we have a post id and check it's numeric
if not postid:
raise UserError, "Selecciona uno o más mensajes a eliminar."
# make sure we have a password
if not password:
raise UserError, _("Please enter a password.")
to_delete = []
if isinstance(postid, list):
to_delete = [n.value for n in postid]
to_delete = [postid]
# delete posts
if board['board_type'] == '1' and len(to_delete) == 1:
# we should be deleting only one (textboard)
# check if it's the last post and delete permanently if so
deltype = '0'
post = FetchOne("SELECT `id`, `timestamp`, `parentid` FROM `posts` WHERE `boardid` = %s AND `id` = %s LIMIT 1" % (board["id"], str(to_delete[0])))
if post['parentid'] != '0':
op = get_parent_post(post['parentid'], board['id'])
if op['last'] != post['timestamp']:
deltype = '1'
deletePost(to_delete[0], password, deltype, imageonly)
# delete all checked posts (IB)
deleted = 0
errors = 0
msgs = []
for pid in to_delete:
deletePost(pid, password, board['recyclebin'], imageonly)
deleted += 1
msgs.append('No.%s: Eliminado' % pid)
except UserError, message:
errors += 1
msgs.append('No.%s: %s' % (pid, message))
# regenerate home
if deleted:
# show errors, if any
if errors:
raise UserError, 'No todos los mensajes pudieron ser eliminados.<br />' + '<br />'.join(msgs)
# redirect
if imageonly:
self.output += '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><body><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%s/" /><p>%s</p></body></html>' % (("/cgi/mobile/" if mobile else Settings.BOARDS_URL) + board["dir"], _("File deleted successfully."))
self.output += '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><body><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%s/" /><p>%s</p></body></html>' % (("/cgi/mobile/" if mobile else Settings.BOARDS_URL) + board["dir"], _("Post deleted successfully."))
def report(self, ip, boarddir, postid, reason, txt, postshow):
# don't allow if the report system is off
if not Settings.REPORTS_ENABLE:
raise UserError, _('Report system is deactivated.')
# if there's not a reason, show the report page
if reason is None:
self.output += renderTemplate("report.html", {'finished': False, 'postshow': postshow, 'txt': txt})
# check reason
if not reason:
raise UserError, _("Enter a reason.")
if len(reason) > 100:
raise UserError, _("Text too long.")
# open database
# set the board we're in
board = setBoard(boarddir)
# check if he's banned
if addressIsBanned(ip, board["dir"]):
raise UserError, _("You're banned.")
# check if post exists
post = FetchOne("SELECT `id`, `parentid`, `ip` FROM `posts` WHERE `id` = '%s' AND `boardid` = '%s'" % (_mysql.escape_string(str(postid)), _mysql.escape_string(board['id'])))
if not post:
raise UserError, _("Post doesn't exist.")
# generate link
if board["board_type"] == '1':
parent_post = get_parent_post(post["parentid"], board["id"])
link = "/%s/read/%s/%s" % (board["dir"], parent_post["timestamp"], postshow)
link = "/%s/res/%d.html#%d" % (board["dir"], int(post["parentid"]) or int(post["id"]), int(post["id"]))
# insert report
t = time.time()
message = cgi.escape(self.formdata["reason"]).strip()[0:8000]
message = message.replace("\n", "<br />")
UpdateDb("INSERT INTO `reports` (board, postid, parentid, link, ip, reason, reporterip, timestamp, timestamp_formatted) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (board["dir"], post['id'], post['parentid'], link, post['ip'], _mysql.escape_string(message), _mysql.escape_string(self.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]), str(t), formatTimestamp(t)))
self.output = renderTemplate("report.html", {'finished': True})
def stats(self):
import json, math, platform
with open('stats.json', 'r') as f:
out = json.load(f)
except ValueError:
out = {'t': 0}
regenerated = False
if (time.time() - out['t']) > 3600:
regenerated = True
# open database
# 1 week = 604800
query_day = FetchAll("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(FLOOR((timestamp-10800)/86400)*86400+86400), \"%Y-%m-%d\"), COUNT(1), COUNT(IF(parentid=0, 1, NULL)) "
"FROM posts "
"WHERE (timestamp-10800) > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-604800) AND (IS_DELETED = 0 OR IS_DELETED = 3) "
"GROUP BY FLOOR((timestamp-10800)/86400) "
"ORDER BY FLOOR((timestamp-10800)/86400)", 0)
query_count = FetchOne("SELECT COUNT(1), COUNT(NULLIF(file, '')), VERSION() FROM posts", 0)
total = int(query_count[0])
total_files = int(query_count[1])
mysql_ver = query_count[2]
archive_count = FetchOne("SELECT SUM(length) FROM archive", 0)
total_archived = int(archive_count[0])
days = []
for date, count, threads in query_day[1:]:
days.append( (date, count, threads) )
query_b = FetchAll("SELECT id, dir, name FROM boards WHERE boards.secret = 0", 0)
boards = []
totalp = 0
for id, dir, longname in query_b:
bposts = FetchOne("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM posts "
"WHERE '"+str(id)+"' = posts.boardid AND timestamp > ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE(NOW())) - 2419200 )", 0)
boards.append( (dir, longname, int(bposts[0])) )
totalp += int(bposts[0])
boards = sorted(boards, key=lambda boards: boards[2], reverse=True)
boards_percent = []
for dir, longname, bposts in boards:
if bposts > 0:
boards_percent.append( (dir, longname, '{0:.2f}'.format( float(bposts)*100/totalp ), int(bposts) ) )
boards_percent.append( (dir, longname, '0.00', '0' ) )
#posts = FetchAll("SELECT `parentid`, `boardid` FROM `posts` INNER JOIN `boards` ON posts.boardid = boards.id WHERE posts.parentid<>0 AND posts.timestamp>(UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-86400) AND boards.secret=0 ORDER BY `parentid`")
#threads = {}
#for post in posts:
# if post["parentid"] in threads:
# threads[post["parentid"]] += 1
# else:
# threads[post["parentid"]] = 1
python_version = platform.python_version()
if self.environ.get('FCGI_FORCE_CGI', 'N').upper().startswith('Y'):
python_version += " (CGI)"
python_version += " (FastCGI)"
out = {
"uname": platform.uname(),
"python_ver": python_version,
"python_impl": platform.python_implementation(),
"python_build": platform.python_build()[1],
"python_compiler": platform.python_compiler(),
"mysql_ver": mysql_ver,
"tenjin_ver": tenjin.__version__,
"weabot_ver": __version__,
"days": days,
"boards": boards,
"boards_percent": boards_percent,
"total": total,
"total_files": total_files,
"total_archived": total_archived,
"t": timestamp(),
"tz": Settings.TIME_ZONE,
with open('stats.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(out, f)
out['timestamp'] = re.sub(r"\(...\)", " ", formatTimestamp(out['t']))
out['regenerated'] = regenerated
self.output = renderTemplate("stats.html", out)
#self.headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json")]
if __name__ == "__main__":
from fcgi import WSGIServer
# Psyco is not required, however it will be used if available
import psyco
logTime("Psyco se ha instalado")
psyco.bind(weabot.run, 2)