# coding=utf-8
import json
import time
from framework import *
from database import *
from post import *
def api(self, path_split):
if len(path_split) > 2:
self.output = api_process(self, path_split)
except APIError as e:
self.output = api_error("error", str(e))
except UserError as e:
self.output = api_error("failed", str(e))
except Exception as e:
import sys
import traceback
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
detail = ["%s : %s : %s : %s" % (os.path.basename(
o[0]), o[1], o[2], o[3]) for o in traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback)]
self.output = api_error("exception", str(e), str(type(e)), detail)
self.output = api_error("error", "No method specified")
def api_process(self, path_split):
formdata = self.formdata
ip = self.ip
t = time.time()
method = path_split[2]
#bans = ['']
bans = []
if ip in bans:
raise APIError("You have been blacklisted.")
# with open('../api_log.txt', 'a') as f:
# logstr = "[%s] %s: %s\n" % (formatTimestamp(t), ip, repr(path_split))
# f.write(logstr)
values = {'state': 'success'}
if method == 'boards':
boards = FetchAll(
'SELECT dir, name, board_type, allow_images, allow_image_replies, maxsize FROM `boards` WHERE `secret`=0 ORDER BY `sort` ASC')
values['boards'] = boards
for board in values['boards']:
board['board_type'] = board['board_type']
board['allow_images'] = board['allow_images']
board['allow_image_replies'] = board['allow_image_replies']
board['maxsize'] = board['maxsize']
elif method == 'last':
data_limit = formdata.get('limit')
data_since = formdata.get('since')
limit = 10
since = 0
if data_limit:
limit = int(data_limit)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Limit must be numeric")
if data_since:
since = int(data_since)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Since must be numeric")
if limit > 50:
raise APIError("Maximum limit is 50")
sql = "SELECT posts.id, boards.dir, timestamp, timestamp_formatted, posts.name, tripcode, email, posts.subject, posts.message, file, file_size, image_height, image_width, thumb, thumb_width, thumb_height, parentid FROM posts INNER JOIN boards ON boardid = boards.id WHERE timestamp > %d AND IS_DELETED = 0 AND boards.secret = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT %d" % (
since, limit)
values['posts'] = FetchAll(sql)
for post in values['posts']:
post['id'] = post['id']
post['timestamp'] = post['timestamp']
post['parentid'] = post['parentid']
post['file_size'] = post['file_size']
post['image_width'] = post['image_width']
post['image_height'] = post['image_height']
post['thumb_width'] = post['thumb_width']
post['thumb_height'] = post['thumb_height']
post['message'] = post['message']
elif method == 'lastage':
data_limit = formdata.get('limit')
data_time = formdata.get('time', 0)
if data_limit:
limit = int(data_limit)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Limit must be numeric")
if limit > 30:
raise APIError("Maximum limit is 30")
threads = getLastAge(0, limit)
threads += getLastAge(1, limit)
threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda b:b['bumped'], reverse=True)
if threads[0]['bumped'] > int(data_time):
values['threads'] = threads
values['threads'] = []
elif method == 'list':
data_board = formdata.get('dir')
data_offset = formdata.get('offset')
data_limit = formdata.get('limit')
data_replies = formdata.get('replies')
offset = 0
limit = 10
numreplies = 2
if not data_board:
raise APIError("Missing parameters")
if data_limit:
limit = int(data_limit)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Limit must be numeric")
if data_offset:
offset = int(data_offset)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Offset must be numeric")
if data_replies:
numreplies = int(data_replies)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Replies must be numeric")
if data_replies and limit > 30:
raise APIError("Maximum limit is 30")
board = setBoard(data_board)
#sql = "SELECT id, timestamp, bumped, timestamp_formatted, name, tripcode, email, subject, message, file, thumb FROM posts WHERE boardid = %s AND parentid = 0 AND IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY bumped DESC LIMIT %d" % (board['id'], limit)
sql = "SELECT p.id, p.timestamp, p.bumped, p.expires, p.expires_formatted, p.timestamp_formatted, p.name, p.tripcode, p.email, p.subject, p.message, p.file, p.file_size, p.image_width, p.image_height, p.thumb, p.thumb_height, p.thumb_width, p.locked, coalesce(x.count,0) AS total_replies, coalesce(x.files,0) AS total_files FROM `posts` AS p LEFT JOIN (SELECT parentid, count(1) as count, count(nullif(file, '')) as files FROM `posts` WHERE boardid = %(board)s GROUP BY parentid) AS x ON p.id=x.parentid WHERE p.parentid = 0 AND p.boardid = %(board)s AND p.IS_DELETED = 0 ORDER BY `bumped` DESC LIMIT %(limit)d OFFSET %(offset)d" % {
'board': board["id"], 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset}
threads = FetchAll(sql)
if numreplies:
for thread in threads:
lastreplies = FetchAll("SELECT id, timestamp, timestamp_formatted, name, tripcode, email, subject, message, file, file_size, image_height, image_width, thumb, thumb_width, thumb_height, IS_DELETED FROM `posts` WHERE parentid = %s AND boardid = %s ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT %s",
(thread['id'], board['id'], numreplies))
lastreplies = lastreplies[::-1]
thread['id'] = thread['id']
thread['timestamp'] = thread['timestamp']
thread['bumped'] = thread['bumped']
thread['expires'] = thread['expires']
thread['total_replies'] = thread['total_replies']
thread['total_files'] = thread['total_files']
thread['file_size'] = thread['file_size']
thread['image_width'] = thread['image_width']
thread['image_height'] = thread['image_height']
thread['thumb_width'] = thread['thumb_width']
thread['thumb_height'] = thread['thumb_height']
thread['locked'] = thread['locked']
thread['replies'] = []
for post in lastreplies:
post['IS_DELETED'] = post['IS_DELETED']
post['id'] = post['id']
post['timestamp'] = post['timestamp']
if post['IS_DELETED']:
empty_post = {'id': post['id'],
'timestamp': post['timestamp'],
post['file_size'] = post['file_size']
post['image_width'] = post['image_width']
post['image_height'] = post['image_height']
post['thumb_width'] = post['thumb_width']
post['thumb_height'] = post['thumb_height']
post['message'] = post['message']
values['threads'] = threads
elif method == 'thread':
data_board = formdata.get('dir')
data_threadid = formdata.get('id')
data_threadts = formdata.get('ts')
data_offset = formdata.get('offset')
data_limit = formdata.get('limit')
data_striphtml = formdata.get('nohtml')
striphtml = False
offset = 0
limit = 1000
if not data_board or (not data_threadid and not data_threadts):
raise APIError("Missing parameters")
if data_limit:
limit = int(data_limit)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Limit must be numeric")
if data_offset:
offset = int(data_offset)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Offset must be numeric")
if data_striphtml:
if int(data_striphtml) == 1:
striphtml = True
board = setBoard(data_board)
search_field = 'id'
search_val = 0
search_val = int(data_threadid)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
search_val = int(data_threadts)
search_field = 'timestamp'
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if not search_val:
raise APIError("No thread ID")
op_post = FetchOne("SELECT id, timestamp, subject, locked FROM posts WHERE `%s` = '%d' AND boardid = '%s' AND parentid = 0" % (
search_field, search_val, board["id"]))
if not op_post:
raise APIError("Not a thread")
values['id'] = op_post['id']
values['timestamp'] = op_post['timestamp']
values['subject'] = op_post['subject']
values['locked'] = op_post['locked']
total_replies = FetchOne("SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM posts WHERE boardid = %s AND parentid = %s",
(board["id"], values['id']))["count"]
values['total_replies'] = total_replies
sql = "SELECT id, parentid, timestamp, timestamp_formatted, name, tripcode, email, subject, message, file, file_size, image_width, image_height, thumb, thumb_width, thumb_height, IS_DELETED FROM posts WHERE boardid = %s AND (parentid = %s OR id = %s) ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT %s OFFSET %s"
sqlv = (board['id'], values['id'], values['id'], limit, offset)
posts = FetchAll(sql, sqlv)
values['posts'] = []
for post in posts:
post['IS_DELETED'] = int(post['IS_DELETED'])
post['id'] = int(post['id'])
post['parentid'] = int(post['parentid'])
post['timestamp'] = int(post['timestamp'])
if post['IS_DELETED']:
empty_post = {'id': post['id'],
'parentid': post['parentid'],
'timestamp': post['timestamp'],
post['file_size'] = post['file_size']
post['image_width'] = post['image_width']
post['image_height'] = post['image_height']
post['thumb_width'] = post['thumb_width']
post['thumb_height'] = post['thumb_height']
post['message'] = post['message']
if striphtml:
post['message'] = post['message'].replace("<br />", " ")
post['message'] = re.compile(
r"<[^>]*?>", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub("", post['message'])
elif method == 'get':
data_board = formdata.get('dir')
data_parentid = formdata.get('thread')
data_postid = formdata.get('id')
data_postnum = formdata.get('num')
if not data_board and (not data_postid or (not data_postnum and not data_parentid)):
raise APIError("Missing parameters")
board = setBoard(data_board)
postid = 0
if data_postnum:
data_postid = getID(data_parentid, data_postid)
postid = int(data_postid)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Post ID must be numeric")
post = FetchOne("SELECT id, parentid, timestamp, timestamp_formatted, name, tripcode, email, subject, message, file, file_size, image_width, image_height, thumb, thumb_width, thumb_height, IS_DELETED FROM posts WHERE `id` = %s AND boardid = %s"
(postid, board["id"]))
if not post:
raise APIError("Post ID cannot be found")
values['posts'] = []
post['IS_DELETED'] = post['IS_DELETED']
post['id'] = post['id']
post['parentid'] = post['parentid']
post['timestamp'] = post['timestamp']
if post['IS_DELETED']:
empty_post = {'id': post['id'],
'parentid': post['parentid'],
'timestamp': post['timestamp'],
post['file_size'] = post['file_size']
post['image_width'] = post['image_width']
post['image_height'] = post['image_height']
post['thumb_width'] = post['thumb_width']
post['thumb_height'] = post['thumb_height']
post['message'] = post['message']
elif method == 'delete':
data_board = formdata.get('dir')
data_postid = formdata.get('id')
data_imageonly = formdata.get('imageonly')
data_password = formdata.get('password')
if not data_board or not data_postid or not data_password:
raise APIError("Missing parameters")
imageonly = False
board = setBoard(data_board)
postid = int(data_postid)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Post ID must be numeric")
if data_imageonly and data_imageonly == 1:
imageonly = True
deletePosts(board['dir'], postid, imageonly, data_password)
elif method == 'post':
boarddir = formdata.get('board')
if not boarddir:
raise APIError("Missing parameters")
parent = formdata.get('parent')
trap1 = formdata.get('name', '')
trap2 = formdata.get('email', '')
name = formdata.get('fielda', '')
email = formdata.get('fieldb', '')
subject = formdata.get('subject', '')
message = formdata.get('message', '')
file = formdata.get('file')
file_original = formdata.get('file_original')
spoil = formdata.get('spoil')
oek_file = formdata.get('oek_file')
password = formdata.get('password', '')
noimage = formdata.get('noimage')
mobile = ("mobile" in formdata)
# call post function
(post_url, ttaken, postid) = self.make_post(ip, boarddir, parent, trap1, trap2, name,
email, subject, message, file, file_original, spoil, oek_file, password, noimage, mobile)
values['post_url'] = post_url
values['time_taken'] = ttaken
values['post_id'] = postid
elif method == 'styles':
values['bbs_styles'] = Settings.TXT_STYLES
values['ib_styles'] = Settings.STYLES
values['bbs_styles_default'] = Settings.TXT_STYLES_DEFAULT
values['ib_styles_default'] = Settings.STYLES_DEFAULT
elif method == 'newThreads':
data_limit = formdata.get('limit')
limit = 30
if data_limit:
limit = int(data_limit)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Limit must be numeric")
if limit > 30:
raise APIError("Maximum limit is 30")
threads = getNewThreads(limit)
values['threads'] = threads
elif method == "blotter":
latest_news = FetchAll("SELECT `timestamp`, `message`, `timestamp_formatted` FROM `news` WHERE `type` = '2' ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT %s", (Settings.HOME_NEWS,))
values["news"] = latest_news
elif method == 'boardsExtra':
boards = FetchAll('SELECT dir, name, longname, subname, postarea_desc, postarea_extra, anonymous, subject, message, disable_name, disable_subject, allow_spoilers, allow_oekaki, numthreads, board_type, allow_images, allow_image_replies, maxsize FROM `boards` WHERE `secret`=0 ORDER BY `sort` ASC')
values['boards'] = boards
for board in values['boards']:
board['board_type'] = board['board_type']
board['allow_images'] = board['allow_images']
board['allow_image_replies'] = board['allow_image_replies']
board['disable_name'] = board['disable_name']
board['disable_subject'] = board['disable_subject']
board['allow_spoilers'] = board['allow_spoilers']
board['allow_oekaki'] = board['allow_oekaki']
board['numthreads'] = board['numthreads']
board['maxsize'] = board['maxsize']
raise APIError("Invalid method")
values['time'] = int(t)
#values['time_taken'] = time.time() - t
return json.dumps(values, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))
def api_error(errtype, msg, type=None, detail=None):
values = {'state': errtype, 'message': msg}
if type:
values['type'] = type
if detail:
values['detail'] = detail
return json.dumps(values)
class APIError(Exception):