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diff --git a/proto.txt b/proto.txt
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+++ b/proto.txt
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+baitv-daemon Protocol Specification
+The baitv-daemon protocol is a simple command-based, single-line, plain-text
+chat protocol. It works with WebSockets over the port 6969 by default
+and optionally over SSL/TLS.
+Commands are separated in client commands (commands sent by the client to the
+server), server commands (commands sent by the server to the client) and
+server responses (response commands sent by the server to reply to a client
+Commands support arguments and they are separated by a colon (:) character.
+The maximum length of a command is 128 characters.
+Client commands
+ Color.......Arbitrary number to identify the message color.
+ Message.....The message contents.
+ Sends a message to the chat room.
+ MSG:2:Hello how are you everybody!
+ Password....Admin password string.
+ Logs in as an administrator in order to run admin commands and information.
+ LOGIN:mypassword
+ Closes the administrator session.
+ Show Name...Indicates if streamer's name should be shown (0 or 1).
+ Message.....The message contents.
+ Shows a special message which special emphasis. Only can be sent by logged in users.
+ NOTICE:1:Please be warned!
+ User ID.....User ID to kick.
+ Kicks a specified user. Only can be sent by logged in users.
+ KICK:4fc2a
+ User ID.....User ID to ban.
+ Bans a specified user permanently. Only can be sent by logged in users.
+ BAN:4fc2a
+ Title.......Stream title to set
+ Sets a new stream title. Only can be sent by logged in users.
+ SETTITLE:Testing stream
+ New source...Source string to set
+ Sets a new source. Only can be sent by logged in users.
+Server Commands
+ Version.....The current version of the server
+ This is the first command sent by the server when a connection is made in
+ order to signal to the client that it is free to start sending commands.
+ WELCOME:v0.0.1
+ Count Number of users online
+ This informs the client of the total number of users in the chat room.
+ It is sent when the user is connected or when any client enters or leaves
+ the room.
+ COUNT:13
+ Color Number that identifies the message color.
+ Message Contents of the message.
+ Sent when someone has said something in the chat room.
+ MSG:1:We're fine, what about you?
+ ID Short hash of the sender of the message.
+ Color Number that identifies the message color.
+ Message Contents of the message.
+ Same as MSG but with extended information about the sender.
+ Sent only when the peer has admin privileges (LOGIN).
+ FMSG:adbibi:0:Are you there?
+ Sent when a user in the chatroom has been kicked.
+ Author Author of the notice.
+ Message Contents of the message.
+ Sent when there's a new notice.
+ NOTICE:Streamer:Stream will start in 1 minute.
+ Title New title.
+ Sent when the stream title has changed.
+ TITLE:Stream test
+ Source New title.
+ Timestamp Timestamp of the source change.
+ Sent when the stream source has changed.
+ SOURCE:HLS:1583973816
+Server Responses
+Command Reply to Explanation
+WHAT * Command unrecognized.
+INVALID * The command is malformed.
+BADPASS LOGIN Wrong password.
+LOGIN_OK LOGIN Login successful.
+LOGOUT_OK LOGOUT Logout successful.
+KICK_OK KICK User kicked.
+KICK_NO KICK No one was kicked.
+FORBIDDEN * Not enough privileges.
+FUCKOFF * Command too long.