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Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) from += len; for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from; } return -1; }; } function getPassword() { if (weabot.password) return weabot.password; var pass = ""; var char = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789?!-_."; while (pass.length < 10) { pass += char[Math.floor(Math.random() * char.length)]; } weabot.password = pass; localStorage.setItem("weabot", JSON.stringify(weabot)); return pass; } function saveInputs(e) { var e = e || window.event; var form = || e.srcElement; if (typeof form.fielda !== "undefined") = form.fielda.value; if (typeof form.fielda !== "undefined") = form.fieldb.value; localStorage.setItem("weabot", JSON.stringify(weabot)); } function setInputs(id) { if (document.getElementById(id)) { with (document.getElementById(id)) { if (typeof fielda !== "undefined" && !fielda.value && fielda.value =; if (typeof fielda !== "undefined" && !fieldb.value && fieldb.value =; 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