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Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_BLUE] = new Neo.ColorSlider().init("sliderBlue", { type: Neo.SLIDERTYPE_BLUE, }); Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_ALPHA] = new Neo.ColorSlider().init( "sliderAlpha", { type: Neo.SLIDERTYPE_ALPHA } ); // sizeSlider Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_SIZE] = new Neo.SizeSlider().init("sliderSize", { type: Neo.SLIDERTYPE_SIZE, }); // reserveControl for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { new Neo.ReserveControl().init("reserve" + i, { index: i }); } new Neo.LayerControl().init("layerControl"); new Neo.ScrollBarButton().init("scrollH"); new Neo.ScrollBarButton().init("scrollV"); }; Neo.start = function (isApp) { if (Neo.viewer) return; Neo.initSkin(); Neo.initComponents(); Neo.initButtons(); Neo.isApp = isApp; if (Neo.applet) { var name = Neo.applet.attributes.name.value || "paintbbs"; Neo.applet.outerHTML = ""; document[name] = Neo; Neo.resizeCanvas(); Neo.container.style.visibility = "visible"; if (Neo.isApp) { var ipc = require("electron").ipcRenderer; ipc.sendToHost("neo-status", "ok"); 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" ); } } // もしがあれば表示する if (Neo.config.neo_warning) { str += Neo.config.neo_warning; } var warning = document.getElementById("neoWarning"); if (warning) { warning.innerHTML = str; setTimeout(function () { warning.style.opacity = "0"; }, 15000); } }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UIの更新 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.updateUI = function () { var current = Neo.painter.tool.getToolButton(); for (var i = 0; i < Neo.toolButtons.length; i++) { var toolTip = Neo.toolButtons[i]; if (current) { if (current == toolTip) { toolTip.setSelected(true); toolTip.update(); } else { toolTip.setSelected(false); } } } if (Neo.drawTip) { Neo.drawTip.update(); } Neo.updateUIColor(true, false); }; Neo.updateUIColor = function (updateSlider, updateColorTip) { for (var i = 0; i < Neo.toolButtons.length; i++) { var toolTip = Neo.toolButtons[i]; toolTip.update(); } if (updateSlider) { for (var i = 0; i < Neo.sliders.length; i++) { var slider = Neo.sliders[i]; slider.update(); } } // パレットを変更するとき if (updateColorTip) { var colorTip = Neo.ColorTip.getCurrent(); if (colorTip) { colorTip.setColor(Neo.painter.foregroundColor); } } }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- リサイズ対応 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.updateWindow = function () { if (Neo.fullScreen) { document.getElementById("windowView").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("windowView").appendChild(Neo.container); } else { document.getElementById("windowView").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("pageView").appendChild(Neo.container); } Neo.resizeCanvas(); }; Neo.resizeCanvas = function () { var appletWidth = Neo.container.clientWidth; var appletHeight = Neo.container.clientHeight; var canvasWidth = Neo.painter.canvasWidth; var canvasHeight = Neo.painter.canvasHeight; var width0 = canvasWidth * Neo.painter.zoom; var height0 = canvasHeight * Neo.painter.zoom; var width = width0 < appletWidth - 100 ? width0 : appletWidth - 100; var height = height0 < appletHeight - 120 ? height0 : appletHeight - 120; //width, heightは偶数でないと誤差が出るため width = Math.floor(width / 2) * 2; height = Math.floor(height / 2) * 2; if (Neo.viewer) { width = canvasWidth; height = canvasHeight; } Neo.painter.destWidth = width; Neo.painter.destHeight = height; Neo.painter.destCanvas.width = width; Neo.painter.destCanvas.height = height; Neo.painter.destCanvasCtx = Neo.painter.destCanvas.getContext("2d"); Neo.painter.destCanvasCtx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; //Neo.painter.destCanvasCtx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; Neo.canvas.style.width = width + "px"; Neo.canvas.style.height = height + "px"; if (Neo.toolsWrapper) { var top = (Neo.container.clientHeight - toolsWrapper.clientHeight) / 2; Neo.toolsWrapper.style.top = (top > 0 ? top : 0) + "px"; if (top < 0) { var s = Neo.container.clientHeight / toolsWrapper.clientHeight; Neo.toolsWrapper.style.transform = "translate(0, " + top + "px) scale(1," + s + ")"; } else { Neo.toolsWrapper.style.transform = ""; } } Neo.painter.setZoom(Neo.painter.zoom); Neo.painter.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 投稿 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.clone = function (src) { var dst = {}; for (var k in src) { dst[k] = src[k]; } return dst; }; Neo.getSizeString = function (len) { var result = String(len); while (result.length < 8) { result = "0" + result; } return result; }; Neo.openURL = function (url) { if (Neo.isApp) { require("electron").shell.openExternal(url); } else { window.open(url, "_blank"); } }; Neo.getAbsoluteURL = function (board, url) { if (url && (url.indexOf('://') > 0 || url.indexOf('//') === 0)) { return url; } else { return board + url; } } Neo.submit = function (board, blob, thumbnail, thumbnail2) { var url = Neo.getAbsoluteURL(board, Neo.config.url_save); var headerString = Neo.str_header || ""; if (document.paintBBSCallback) { var result = document.paintBBSCallback("check"); if (result == 0 || result == "false") { return; } result = document.paintBBSCallback("header"); if (result && typeof result == "string") { headerString = result; } } if (!headerString) headerString = Neo.config.send_header || ""; var imageType = Neo.config.send_header_image_type; if (imageType && imageType == "true") { headerString = "image_type=png&" + headerString; } var count = Neo.painter.securityCount; var timer = new Date() - Neo.painter.securityTimer; if (Neo.config.send_header_count == "true") { headerString = "count=" + count + "&" + headerString; } if (Neo.config.send_header_timer == "true") { headerString = "timer=" + timer + "&" + headerString; } console.log("header: " + headerString); if (Neo.config.neo_emulate_security_error == "true") { var securityError = false; if (Neo.config.security_click) { if (count - parseInt(Neo.config.security_click || 0) < 0) { securityError = true; } } if (Neo.config.security_timer) { if (timer - parseInt(Neo.config.security_timer || 0) * 1000 < 0) { securityError = true; } } if (securityError && Neo.config.security_url) { if (Neo.config.security_post == "true") { url = Neo.config.security_url; } else { location.href = Neo.config.security_url; return; } } } // console.log("submit url=" + url + " header=" + headerString); var header = new Blob([headerString]); var headerLength = this.getSizeString(header.size); var imgLength = this.getSizeString(blob.size); var array = [ "P", // PaintBBS headerLength, header, imgLength, "\r\n", blob, ]; if (thumbnail) { var thumbnailLength = this.getSizeString(thumbnail.size); array.push(thumbnailLength, thumbnail); } if (thumbnail2) { var thumbnail2Length = this.getSizeString(thumbnail2.size); array.push(thumbnail2Length, thumbnail2); } var futaba = location.hostname.match(/2chan.net/i); var subtype = futaba ? "octet-binary" : "octet-stream"; // 念のため var body = new Blob(array, { type: "application/" + subtype }); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("POST", url, true); request.onload = function (e) { console.log(request.response, "status=", request.status); var errorMessage = null; if (request.status / 100 != 2) { errorMessage = request.responseURL + "\n" + Neo.translate("投稿に失敗。時間を置いて再度投稿してみてください。"); } else if (request.response.match(/^error\n/m)) { errorMessage = request.response.replace(/^error\n/m, ''); } else { Neo.uploaded = true; } var exitURL = Neo.getAbsoluteURL(board, Neo.config.url_exit); var responseURL = request.response.replace(/&/g, "&"); // ふたばではresponseの文字列をそのままURLとして解釈する if (responseURL.match(/painttmp=/)) { exitURL = responseURL; } // responseが "URL:〜" の形だった場合はそのURLへ if (responseURL.match(/^URL:/)) { exitURL = responseURL.replace(/^URL:/, ""); } if (Neo.uploaded) { location.href = exitURL; } else { alert(errorMessage); Neo.submitButton.enable(); } }; request.onerror = function (e) { console.log("error"); Neo.submitButton.enable(); }; request.onabort = function (e) { console.log("abort"); Neo.submitButton.enable(); }; request.ontimeout = function (e) { console.log("timeout"); Neo.submitButton.enable(); }; request.send(body); }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LiveConnect ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.getColors = function () { console.log("getColors"); console.log("defaultColors==", Neo.config.colors.join("\n")); var array = []; for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++) { array.push(Neo.colorTips[i].color); } return array.join("\n"); // return Neo.config.colors.join('\n'); }; Neo.setColors = function (colors) { console.log("setColors"); var array = colors.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++) { var color = array[i]; Neo.config.colors[i] = color; Neo.colorTips[i].setColor(color); } }; Neo.pExit = function () { new Neo.SubmitCommand(Neo.painter).execute(); }; Neo.str_header = ""; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DOMツリーの作成 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.createContainer = function (applet) { var neo = document.createElement("div"); neo.className = "NEO"; neo.id = "NEO"; var html = '
' + '" + "
" + '"; neo.innerHTML = html.replace(/\[(.*?)\]/g, function (match, str) { return Neo.translate(str); }); var parent = applet.parentNode; parent.appendChild(neo); parent.insertBefore(neo, applet); // applet.style.display = "none"; // NEOを組み込んだURLをアプリ版で開くとDOMツリーが2重にできて格好悪いので消しておく setTimeout(function () { var tmp = document.getElementsByClassName("NEO"); if (tmp.length > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < tmp.length; i++) { tmp[i].style.display = "none"; } } }, 0); }; Neo.tintImage = function (ctx, c) { c = Neo.painter.getColor(c) & 0xffffff; var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 46, 18); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); for (var i = 0; i < buf32.length; i++) { var a = buf32[i] & 0xff000000; if (a) { buf32[i] = (buf32[i] & a) | c; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); }; Neo.setToolSide = function (side) { if (side === "left") side = true; if (side === "right") side = false; Neo.toolSide = !!side; if (!Neo.toolSide) { Neo.addRule(".NEO #toolsWrapper", "right", "-3px"); Neo.addRule(".NEO #toolsWrapper", "left", "auto"); Neo.addRule(".NEO #painterWrapper", "padding", "0 55px 0 0 !important"); Neo.addRule(".NEO #upper", "padding-right", "75px !important"); } else { Neo.addRule(".NEO #toolsWrapper", "right", "auto"); Neo.addRule(".NEO #toolsWrapper", "left", "-1px"); Neo.addRule(".NEO #painterWrapper", "padding", "0 0 0 55px !important"); Neo.addRule(".NEO #upper", "padding-right", "20px !important"); } }; "use strict"; Neo.dictionary = { ja: {}, en: { やり直し: "Redo", 元に戻す: "Undo", 塗り潰し: "Paint", 窓: "F ", 投稿: "Send", "(C)しぃちゃん PaintBBS NEO": "(C)shi-chan PaintBBS NEO", 鉛筆: "Solid", 水彩: "WaterC", テキスト: "Text", トーン: "Tone", ぼかし: "ShadeOff", 覆い焼き: "HLight", 焼き込み: "Dark", 消しペン: "White", 消し四角: "WhiteRect", 全消し: "Clear", 四角: "Rect", 線四角: "LineRect", 楕円: "Oval", 線楕円: "LineOval", コピー: "Copy", レイヤ結合: "lay-unif", 角取り: "Antialias", 左右反転: "reverseL", 上下反転: "reverseU", 傾け: "lie", 通常: "Normal", マスク: "Mask", 逆マスク: "ReMask", 加算: "And", 逆加算: "Div", 手書き: "FreeLine", 直線: "Straight", BZ曲線: "Bezie", "ページビュー?": "Page view?", "ウィンドウビュー?": "Window view?", "描きかけの画像があります。復元しますか?": "Restore session?", 右: "Right Click", "PaintBBS NEOは、お絵描きしぃ掲示板 PaintBBS (©2000-2004 しぃちゃん) をhtml5化するプロジェクトです。\n\nPaintBBS NEOのホームページを表示しますか?": "PaintBBS NEO is an HTML5 port of Oekaki Shi-BBS PaintBBS (©2000-2004 shi-chan). Show the project page?", "このブラウザでは
": "This browser may fail to send your picture.
", "画像を投稿しますか?
投稿に成功後、編集を終了します。": "Is the picture contributed?
if contribution completed, you jump to the comment page.", "描きかけの画像があります。動画の読み込みを中止して復元しますか?": "Discard animation data and restore session?", 最: "Mx", 早: "H", 既: "M", 鈍: "L", "投稿に失敗。時間を置いて再度投稿してみてください。": "Please push send button again.", }, enx: { やり直し: "Redo", 元に戻す: "Undo", 塗り潰し: "Fill", 窓: "Float", 投稿: "Send", "(C)しぃちゃん PaintBBS NEO": "©shi-chan PaintBBS NEO", 鉛筆: "Solid", 水彩: "WaterCo", テキスト: "Text", トーン: "Halftone", ぼかし: "Blur", 覆い焼き: "Light", 焼き込み: "Dark", 消しペン: "White", 消し四角: "WhiteRe", 全消し: "Clear", 四角: "Rect", 線四角: "LineRect", 楕円: "Oval", 線楕円: "LineOval", コピー: "Copy", レイヤ結合: "layerUnit", 角取り: "antiAlias", 左右反転: "flipHorita", 上下反転: "flipVertic", 傾け: "rotate", 通常: "Normal", マスク: "Mask", 逆マスク: "ReMask", 加算: "And", 逆加算: "Divide", 手書き: "Freehan", 直線: "Line", BZ曲線: "Bezier", Layer0: "LayerBG", Layer1: "LayerFG", "ページビュー?": "Page view?", "ウィンドウビュー?": "Window view?", "描きかけの画像があります。復元しますか?": "Restore session?", 右: "Right Click", "PaintBBS NEOは、お絵描きしぃ掲示板 PaintBBS (©2000-2004 しぃちゃん) をhtml5化するプロジェクトです。\n\nPaintBBS NEOのホームページを表示しますか?": "PaintBBS NEO is an HTML5 port of Oekaki Shi-BBS PaintBBS (©2000-2004 shi-chan). Show the project page?", "このブラウザでは
": "This browser may fail to send your picture.
", "画像を投稿しますか?
投稿に成功後、編集を終了します。": "Send this picture and end session?", "描きかけの画像があります。動画の読み込みを中止して復元しますか?": "Discard animation data and restore session?", 最: "Mx", 早: "H", 既: "M", 鈍: "L", "投稿に失敗。時間を置いて再度投稿してみてください。": "Failed to upload image. please try again.", }, es: { やり直し: "Rehacer", 元に戻す: "Deshacer", 塗り潰し: "Llenar", 窓: "Ventana", 投稿: "Enviar", "(C)しぃちゃん PaintBBS NEO": "©shi-chan PaintBBS NEO", 鉛筆: "Lápiz", 水彩: "Acuarela", テキスト: "Texto", トーン: "Tono", ぼかし: "Gradación", 覆い焼き: "Sobreexp.", 焼き込み: "Quemar", 消しペン: "Goma", 消し四角: "GomaRect", 全消し: "Borrar", 四角: "Rect", 線四角: "LíneaRect", 楕円: "Óvalo", 線楕円: "LíneaÓvalo", コピー: "Copiar", レイヤ結合: "UnirCapa", 角取り: "Antialias", 左右反転: "Inv.Izq/Der", 上下反転: "Inv.Arr/Aba", 傾け: "Inclinar", 通常: "Normal", マスク: "Masc.", 逆マスク: "Masc.Inv", 加算: "Adición", 逆加算: "Subtrac", 手書き: "Libre", 直線: "Línea", BZ曲線: "Curva", Layer0: "Capa0", Layer1: "Capa1", "ページビュー?": "¿Vista de página?", "ウィンドウビュー?": "¿Vista de ventana?", "描きかけの画像があります。復元しますか?": "¿Restaurar sesión anterior?", 右: "Clic derecho", "PaintBBS NEOは、お絵描きしぃ掲示板 PaintBBS (©2000-2004 しぃちゃん) をhtml5化するプロジェクトです。\n\nPaintBBS NEOのホームページを表示しますか?": "PaintBBS NEO es una versión para HTML5 de Oekaki Shi-BBS PaintBBS (© 2000-2004 shi-chan). ¿Mostrar la página del proyecto?", "このブラウザでは
": "Este navegador podría no enviar su imagen.
", "画像を投稿しますか?
投稿に成功後、編集を終了します。": "¿Enviar esta imagen y finalizar sesión?", "描きかけの画像があります。動画の読み込みを中止して復元しますか?": "¿Desechar datos de animación y restaurar sesión?", 最: "Mx", 早: "H", 既: "M", 鈍: "L", "投稿に失敗。時間を置いて再度投稿してみてください。": "No se pudo cargar la imagen. por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.", }, }; Neo.translate = (function () { var language = (window.navigator.languages && window.navigator.languages[0]) || window.navigator.language || window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.browserLanguage; var lang = "en"; for (var key in Neo.dictionary) { if (language.indexOf(key) == 0) { lang = key; break; } } return function (string) { if (Neo.config.neo_alt_translation) { if (lang == "en") lang = "enx"; } else { if (lang != "ja") lang = "en"; } return Neo.dictionary[lang][string] || string; }; })(); "use strict"; Neo.Painter = function () { this._undoMgr = new Neo.UndoManager(50); this._actionMgr = new Neo.ActionManager(); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.container; Neo.Painter.prototype._undoMgr; Neo.Painter.prototype._actionMgr; Neo.Painter.prototype.tool; Neo.Painter.prototype.inputText; //Canvas Info Neo.Painter.prototype.canvasWidth; Neo.Painter.prototype.canvasHeight; Neo.Painter.prototype.canvas = []; Neo.Painter.prototype.canvasCtx = []; Neo.Painter.prototype.visible = []; Neo.Painter.prototype.current = 0; //Temp Canvas Info Neo.Painter.prototype.tempCanvas; Neo.Painter.prototype.tempCanvasCtx; Neo.Painter.prototype.tempX = 0; Neo.Painter.prototype.tempY = 0; //Destination Canvas for display Neo.Painter.prototype.destCanvas; Neo.Painter.prototype.destCanvasCtx; Neo.Painter.prototype.backgroundColor = "#ffffff"; Neo.Painter.prototype.foregroundColor = "#000000"; Neo.Painter.prototype.lineWidth = 1; Neo.Painter.prototype.alpha = 1; Neo.Painter.prototype.zoom = 1; Neo.Painter.prototype.zoomX = 0; Neo.Painter.prototype.zoomY = 0; Neo.Painter.prototype.isMouseDown; Neo.Painter.prototype.isMouseDownRight; Neo.Painter.prototype.prevMouseX; Neo.Painter.prototype.prevMouseY; Neo.Painter.prototype.mouseX; Neo.Painter.prototype.mouseY; //Neo.Painter.prototype.slowX = 0; //Neo.Painter.prototype.slowY = 0; //Neo.Painter.prototype.stab = null; Neo.Painter.prototype.isShiftDown = false; Neo.Painter.prototype.isCtrlDown = false; Neo.Painter.prototype.isAltDown = false; //Neo.Painter.prototype.touchModifier = null; Neo.Painter.prototype.virtualRight = false; Neo.Painter.prototype.virtualShift = false; //Neo.Painter.prototype.onUpdateCanvas; Neo.Painter.prototype._roundData = []; Neo.Painter.prototype._toneData = []; Neo.Painter.prototype.toolStack = []; Neo.Painter.prototype.maskType = 0; Neo.Painter.prototype.drawType = 0; Neo.Painter.prototype.maskColor = "#000000"; Neo.Painter.prototype._currentColor = []; Neo.Painter.prototype._currentMask = []; Neo.Painter.prototype.aerr; Neo.Painter.prototype.dirty = false; Neo.Painter.prototype.busy = false; Neo.Painter.prototype.busySkipped = false; Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_NONE = 0; Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_PEN = 1; Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_ERASER = 2; Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BRUSH = 3; Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_TONE = 4; Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_DODGE = 5; Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BURN = 6; Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BLUR = 7; Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_NONE = 0; Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_NORMAL = 1; Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_REVERSE = 2; Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_ADD = 3; Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_SUB = 4; Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_FREEHAND = 0; Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_LINE = 1; Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_BEZIER = 2; Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_NONE = 0; Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_PEN = 1; Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_FILL = 2; Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_BRUSH = 3; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_NONE = 0; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PEN = 1; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASER = 2; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_HAND = 3; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_SLIDER = 4; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FILL = 5; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_MASK = 6; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASEALL = 7; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASERECT = 8; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_COPY = 9; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PASTE = 10; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_MERGE = 11; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_H = 12; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_V = 13; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BRUSH = 14; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TEXT = 15; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TONE = 16; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLUR = 17; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_DODGE = 18; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BURN = 19; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECT = 20; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECTFILL = 21; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSE = 22; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSEFILL = 23; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLURRECT = 24; Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TURN = 25; Neo.Painter.prototype.build = function (div, width, height) { this.container = div; this._initCanvas(div, width, height); this._initRoundData(); this._initToneData(); this._initInputText(); this.setTool(new Neo.PenTool()); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setTool = function (tool) { if (this.tool && this.tool.saveStates) this.tool.saveStates(); if (this.tool && this.tool.kill) { this.tool.kill(); } this.tool = tool; tool.init(); if (this.tool && this.tool.loadStates) this.tool.loadStates(); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.pushTool = function (tool) { this.toolStack.push(this.tool); this.tool = tool; tool.init(); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.popTool = function () { var tool = this.tool; if (tool && tool.kill) { tool.kill(); } this.tool = this.toolStack.pop(); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getCurrentTool = function () { if (this.tool) { var tool = this.tool; if (tool && tool.type == Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_SLIDER) { var stack = this.toolStack; if (stack.length > 0) { tool = stack[stack.length - 1]; } } return tool; } return null; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setToolByType = function (toolType) { switch (parseInt(toolType)) { case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PEN: this.setTool(new Neo.PenTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASER: this.setTool(new Neo.EraserTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_HAND: this.setTool(new Neo.HandTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FILL: this.setTool(new Neo.FillTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASEALL: this.setTool(new Neo.EraseAllTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASERECT: this.setTool(new Neo.EraseRectTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_COPY: this.setTool(new Neo.CopyTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PASTE: this.setTool(new Neo.PasteTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_MERGE: this.setTool(new Neo.MergeTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_H: this.setTool(new Neo.FlipHTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_V: this.setTool(new Neo.FlipVTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BRUSH: this.setTool(new Neo.BrushTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TEXT: this.setTool(new Neo.TextTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TONE: this.setTool(new Neo.ToneTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLUR: this.setTool(new Neo.BlurTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_DODGE: this.setTool(new Neo.DodgeTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BURN: this.setTool(new Neo.BurnTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECT: this.setTool(new Neo.RectTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECTFILL: this.setTool(new Neo.RectFillTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSE: this.setTool(new Neo.EllipseTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSEFILL: this.setTool(new Neo.EllipseFillTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLURRECT: this.setTool(new Neo.BlurRectTool()); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TURN: this.setTool(new Neo.TurnTool()); break; default: console.log("unknown toolType " + toolType); break; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype._initCanvas = function (div, width, height) { width = parseInt(width); height = parseInt(height); var destWidth = parseInt(div.clientWidth); var destHeight = parseInt(div.clientHeight); this.destWidth = width; this.destHeight = height; this.canvasWidth = width; this.canvasHeight = height; this.zoomX = width * 0.5; this.zoomY = height * 0.5; this.securityTimer = new Date() - 0; this.securityCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { this.canvas[i] = document.createElement("canvas"); this.canvas[i].width = width; this.canvas[i].height = height; this.canvasCtx[i] = this.canvas[i].getContext("2d"); this.canvas[i].style.imageRendering = "pixelated"; this.canvasCtx[i].imageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.canvasCtx[i].mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.visible[i] = true; } this.tempCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.tempCanvas.width = width; this.tempCanvas.height = height; this.tempCanvasCtx = this.tempCanvas.getContext("2d"); this.tempCanvas.style.position = "absolute"; this.tempCanvas.enabled = false; var array = this.container.getElementsByTagName("canvas"); if (array.length > 0) { this.destCanvas = array[0]; } else { this.destCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.container.appendChild(this.destCanvas); } this.destCanvasCtx = this.destCanvas.getContext("2d"); this.destCanvas.width = destWidth; this.destCanvas.height = destHeight; this.destCanvas.style.imageRendering = "pixelated"; this.destCanvasCtx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.destCanvasCtx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; var ref = this; if (!Neo.viewer) { var container = document.getElementById("container"); container.onmousedown = function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); }; container.onmousemove = function (e) { ref._mouseMoveHandler(e); }; container.onmouseup = function (e) { ref._mouseUpHandler(e); }; container.onmouseover = function (e) { ref._rollOverHandler(e); }; container.onmouseout = function (e) { ref._rollOutHandler(e); }; container.addEventListener( "touchstart", function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); }, false ); container.addEventListener( "touchmove", function (e) { ref._mouseMoveHandler(e); }, false ); container.addEventListener( "touchend", function (e) { ref._mouseUpHandler(e); }, false ); document.onkeydown = function (e) { ref._keyDownHandler(e); }; document.onkeyup = function (e) { ref._keyUpHandler(e); }; } if (Neo.config.neo_confirm_unload == "true") { window.onbeforeunload = function () { if (!Neo.uploaded && Neo.painter.isDirty()) { return false; } }; } this.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); }; Neo.Painter.prototype._initRoundData = function () { for (var r = 1; r <= 30; r++) { this._roundData[r] = new Uint8Array(r * r); var mask = this._roundData[r]; var d = Math.floor(r / 2.0); var index = 0; for (var x = 0; x < r; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < r; y++) { var xx = x + 0.5 - r / 2.0; var yy = y + 0.5 - r / 2.0; mask[index++] = xx * xx + yy * yy <= (r * r) / 4 ? 1 : 0; } } } this._roundData[3][0] = 0; this._roundData[3][2] = 0; this._roundData[3][6] = 0; this._roundData[3][8] = 0; this._roundData[5][1] = 0; this._roundData[5][3] = 0; this._roundData[5][5] = 0; this._roundData[5][9] = 0; this._roundData[5][15] = 0; this._roundData[5][19] = 0; this._roundData[5][21] = 0; this._roundData[5][23] = 0; }; Neo.Painter.prototype._initToneData = function () { var pattern = [0, 8, 2, 10, 12, 4, 14, 6, 3, 11, 1, 9, 15, 7, 13, 5]; for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { this._toneData[i] = new Uint8Array(16); for (var j = 0; j < 16; j++) { this._toneData[i][j] = i >= pattern[j] ? 1 : 0; } } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getToneData = function (alpha) { var alphaTable = [ 23, 47, 69, 92, 114, 114, 114, 138, 161, 184, 184, 207, 230, 230, 253, ]; for (var i = 0; i < alphaTable.length; i++) { if (alpha < alphaTable[i]) { return this._toneData[i]; } } return this._toneData[i]; }; Neo.Painter.prototype._initInputText = function () { var text = document.getElementById("inputtext"); if (!text) { text = document.createElement("div"); } text.id = "inputext"; text.setAttribute("contentEditable", true); text.spellcheck = false; text.className = "inputText"; text.innerHTML = ""; text.style.display = "none"; // text.style.userSelect = "none"; Neo.painter.container.appendChild(text); this.inputText = text; this.updateInputText(); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.hideInputText = function () { var text = this.inputText; text.blur(); text.style.display = "none"; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.updateInputText = function () { var text = this.inputText; var d = this.lineWidth; var fontSize = Math.round((d * 55) / 28 + 7); var height = Math.round((d * 68) / 28 + 12); text.style.fontSize = fontSize + "px"; text.style.lineHeight = fontSize + "px"; text.style.height = fontSize + "px"; text.style.marginTop = -fontSize + "px"; }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mouse Event Handling ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.Painter.prototype._keyDownHandler = function (e) { this.isShiftDown = e.shiftKey; this.isCtrlDown = e.ctrlKey; this.isAltDown = e.altKey; if (e.keyCode == 32) this.isSpaceDown = true; if (!this.isShiftDown && this.isCtrlDown) { if (!this.isAltDown) { if (e.keyCode == 90 || e.keyCode == 85) this.undo(); //Ctrl+Z,Ctrl.U if (e.keyCode == 89) this.redo(); //Ctrl+Y } else { if (e.keyCode == 90) this.redo(); //Ctrl+Alt+Z } } if (!this.isShiftDown && !this.isCtrlDown && !this.isAltDown) { if (e.keyCode == 107) new Neo.ZoomPlusCommand(this).execute(); // + if (e.keyCode == 109) new Neo.ZoomMinusCommand(this).execute(); // - } if (this.tool.keyDownHandler) { this.tool.keyDownHandler(e); } //スペース・Shift+スペースででスクロールしないように // if (document.activeElement != this.inputText) e.preventDefault(); // console.log(document.activeElement.tagName) if ( document.activeElement != this.inputText && !(document.activeElement.tagName == "INPUT") ) { e.preventDefault(); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype._keyUpHandler = function (e) { this.isShiftDown = e.shiftKey; this.isCtrlDown = e.ctrlKey; this.isAltDown = e.altKey; if (e.keyCode == 32) this.isSpaceDown = false; if (this.tool.keyUpHandler) { this.tool.keyUpHandler(oe); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype._rollOverHandler = function (e) { if (this.tool.rollOverHandler) { this.tool.rollOverHandler(this); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype._rollOutHandler = function (e) { if (this.tool.rollOutHandler) { this.tool.rollOutHandler(this); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (e) { if (this.busy) { // loadAnimation実行中は何もしない if (e.target == Neo.painter.destCanvas) { this.busySkipped = true; } return; } if (e.target == Neo.painter.destCanvas) { //よくわからないがChromeでドラッグの時カレットが出るのを防ぐ //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2745028/chrome-sets-cursor-to-text-while-dragging-why e.preventDefault(); } if (e.type == "touchstart" && e.touches.length > 1) return; if (e.button == 2 || this.virtualRight) { this.isMouseDownRight = true; } else { if (!e.shiftKey && e.ctrlKey && e.altKey) { this.isMouseDown = true; } else { if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) { this.isMouseDownRight = true; } else { this.isMouseDown = true; } } } this._updateMousePosition(e); this.prevMouseX = this.mouseX; this.prevMouseY = this.mouseY; this.securityCount++; if (this.isMouseDownRight) { this.isMouseDownRight = false; if (!this.isWidget(e.target)) { this.pickColor(this.mouseX, this.mouseY); return; } } if (!this.isUIPaused()) { if (e.target["data-bar"]) { this.pushTool(new Neo.HandTool()); } else if (this.isSpaceDown && document.activeElement != this.inputText) { this.pushTool(new Neo.HandTool()); this.tool.reverse = true; } else if (e.target["data-slider"] != undefined) { this.pushTool(new Neo.SliderTool()); this.tool.target = e.target; } else if (e.ctrlKey && e.altKey && !e.shiftKey) { this.pushTool(new Neo.SliderTool()); this.tool.target = Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_SIZE].element; this.tool.alt = true; } else if (this.isWidget(e.target)) { this.isMouseDown = false; this.pushTool(new Neo.DummyTool()); } } // console.warn("down -" + e.target.id + e.target.className) if (!(e.target.className == "o" && e.type == "touchdown")) { this.tool.downHandler(this); } // var ref = this; // document.onmouseup = function(e) { // ref._mouseUpHandler(e) // }; }; Neo.Painter.prototype._mouseUpHandler = function (e) { this.isMouseDown = false; this.isMouseDownRight = false; this.tool.upHandler(this); // document.onmouseup = undefined; if (e.target.id != "right") { this.virtualRight = false; Neo.RightButton.clear(); } // if (e.changedTouches) { // for (var i = 0; i < e.changedTouches.length; i++) { // var touch = e.changedTouches[i]; // if (touch.identifier == this.touchModifier) { // this.touchModifier = null; // } // } // } }; Neo.Painter.prototype._mouseMoveHandler = function (e) { this._updateMousePosition(e); if (e.type == "touchmove" && e.touches.length > 1) return; if (this.isMouseDown || this.isMouseDownRight) { this.tool.moveHandler(this); } else { if (this.tool.upMoveHandler) { this.tool.upMoveHandler(this); } } this.prevMouseX = this.mouseX; this.prevMouseY = this.mouseY; // 画面外をタップした時スクロール可能にするため // console.warn("move -" + e.target.id + e.target.className) if (!(e.target.className == "o" && e.type == "touchmove")) { e.preventDefault(); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getPosition = function (e) { if (e.clientX !== undefined) { return { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY, e: e.type }; } else { var touch = e.changedTouches[0]; return { x: touch.clientX, y: touch.clientY, e: e.type }; // for (var i = 0; i < e.changedTouches.length; i++) { // var touch = e.changedTouches[i]; // if (!this.touchModifier || this.touchModifier != touch.identifier) { // return {x: touch.clientX, y: touch.clientY, e: e.type}; // } // } // console.log("getPosition error"); // return {x:0, y:0}; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype._updateMousePosition = function (e) { var rect = this.destCanvas.getBoundingClientRect(); // var x = (e.clientX !== undefined) ? e.clientX : e.touches[0].clientX; // var y = (e.clientY !== undefined) ? e.clientY : e.touches[0].clientY; var pos = this.getPosition(e); var x = pos.x; var y = pos.y; if (this.zoom <= 0) this.zoom = 1; //なぜか0になることがあるので this.mouseX = (x - rect.left) / this.zoom + this.zoomX - (this.destCanvas.width * 0.5) / this.zoom; this.mouseY = (y - rect.top) / this.zoom + this.zoomY - (this.destCanvas.height * 0.5) / this.zoom; if (isNaN(this.prevMouseX)) { this.prevMouseX = this.mouseX; } if (isNaN(this.prevMouseY)) { this.prevMosueY = this.mouseY; } /* this.slowX = this.slowX * 0.8 + this.mouseX * 0.2; this.slowY = this.slowY * 0.8 + this.mouseY * 0.2; var now = new Date().getTime(); if (this.stab) { var pause = this.stab[3]; if (pause) { // ポーズ中 if (now > pause) { this.stab = [this.slowX, this.slowY, now]; } } else { // ポーズされていないとき var prev = this.stab[2]; if (now - prev > 150) { // 150ms以上止まっていたらポーズをオンにする this.stab[3] = now + 200 // 200msペンの位置を固定 } else { this.stab = [this.slowX, this.slowY, now]; } } } else { this.stab = [this.slowX, this.slowY, now]; } */ this.rawMouseX = x; this.rawMouseY = y; this.clipMouseX = Math.max(Math.min(this.canvasWidth, this.mouseX), 0); this.clipMouseY = Math.max(Math.min(this.canvasHeight, this.mouseY), 0); }; Neo.Painter.prototype._beforeUnloadHandler = function (e) { // quick save }; /* Neo.Painter.prototype.getStabilized = function() { return this.stab; }; */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Undo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.Painter.prototype.undo = function () { var undoItem = this._undoMgr.popUndo(); if (undoItem) { this._pushRedo(); this._actionMgr.back(); this.canvasCtx[0].putImageData(undoItem.data[0], undoItem.x, undoItem.y); this.canvasCtx[1].putImageData(undoItem.data[1], undoItem.x, undoItem.y); this.updateDestCanvas( undoItem.x, undoItem.y, undoItem.width, undoItem.height ); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.redo = function () { var undoItem = this._undoMgr.popRedo(); if (undoItem) { this._actionMgr.forward(); this._pushUndo(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight, true); this.canvasCtx[0].putImageData(undoItem.data[0], undoItem.x, undoItem.y); this.canvasCtx[1].putImageData(undoItem.data[1], undoItem.x, undoItem.y); this.updateDestCanvas( undoItem.x, undoItem.y, undoItem.width, undoItem.height ); } }; //Neo.Painter.prototype.hasUndo = function() { // return true; //}; Neo.Painter.prototype._pushUndo = function (x, y, w, h, holdRedo) { x = x === undefined ? 0 : x; y = y === undefined ? 0 : y; w = w === undefined ? this.canvasWidth : w; h = h === undefined ? this.canvasHeight : h; var undoItem = new Neo.UndoItem(); undoItem.x = 0; undoItem.y = 0; undoItem.width = w; undoItem.height = h; undoItem.data = [ this.canvasCtx[0].getImageData(x, y, w, h), this.canvasCtx[1].getImageData(x, y, w, h), ]; this._undoMgr.pushUndo(undoItem, holdRedo); if (!holdRedo) { this._actionMgr.step(); } this.dirty = true; }; Neo.Painter.prototype._pushRedo = function (x, y, w, h) { x = x === undefined ? 0 : x; y = y === undefined ? 0 : y; w = w === undefined ? this.canvasWidth : w; h = h === undefined ? this.canvasHeight : h; var undoItem = new Neo.UndoItem(); undoItem.x = 0; undoItem.y = 0; undoItem.width = w; undoItem.height = h; undoItem.data = [ this.canvasCtx[0].getImageData(x, y, w, h), this.canvasCtx[1].getImageData(x, y, w, h), ]; this._undoMgr.pushRedo(undoItem); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Cache for Undo / Redo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.UndoManager = function (_maxStep) { this._maxStep = _maxStep; this._undoItems = []; this._redoItems = []; }; Neo.UndoManager.prototype._maxStep; Neo.UndoManager.prototype._redoItems; Neo.UndoManager.prototype._undoItems; //アクションをしてUndo情報を更新 Neo.UndoManager.prototype.pushUndo = function (undoItem, holdRedo) { this._undoItems.push(undoItem); if (this._undoItems.length > this._maxStep) { this._undoItems.shift(); } if (!holdRedo == true) { this._redoItems = []; } }; Neo.UndoManager.prototype.popUndo = function () { return this._undoItems.pop(); }; Neo.UndoManager.prototype.pushRedo = function (undoItem) { this._redoItems.push(undoItem); }; Neo.UndoManager.prototype.popRedo = function () { return this._redoItems.pop(); }; Neo.UndoItem = function () {}; Neo.UndoItem.prototype.data; Neo.UndoItem.prototype.x; Neo.UndoItem.prototype.y; Neo.UndoItem.prototype.width; Neo.UndoItem.prototype.height; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zoom Controller ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.Painter.prototype.setZoom = function (value) { this.zoom = value; var container = document.getElementById("container"); var width = this.canvasWidth * this.zoom; var height = this.canvasHeight * this.zoom; if (width > container.clientWidth - 100) width = container.clientWidth - 100; if (height > container.clientHeight - 130) height = container.clientHeight - 130; this.destWidth = width; this.destHeight = height; this.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight, false); this.setZoomPosition(this.zoomX, this.zoomY); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setZoomPosition = function (x, y) { var minx = (this.destCanvas.width / this.zoom) * 0.5; var maxx = this.canvasWidth - minx; var miny = (this.destCanvas.height / this.zoom) * 0.5; var maxy = this.canvasHeight - miny; x = Math.round(Math.max(Math.min(maxx, x), minx)); y = Math.round(Math.max(Math.min(maxy, y), miny)); this.zoomX = x; this.zoomY = y; this.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight, false); this.scrollBarX = maxx == minx ? 0 : (x - minx) / (maxx - minx); this.scrollBarY = maxy == miny ? 0 : (y - miny) / (maxy - miny); this.scrollWidth = maxx - minx; this.scrollHeight = maxy - miny; if (Neo.scrollH) Neo.scrollH.update(this); if (Neo.scrollV) Neo.scrollV.update(this); this.hideInputText(); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drawing Helper ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.Painter.prototype.submit = function (board) { if (Neo.animation) { // neo_save_layers var items = this._actionMgr._items; if (items.length > 0 && items[items.length - 1][0] != "restore") { this._pushUndo(); this._actionMgr.restore(); } } var thumbnail = null; var thumbnail2 = null; if (Neo.config.thumbnail_type == "animation" || this.useThumbnail()) { thumbnail = this.getThumbnail(Neo.config.thumbnail_type || "png"); } if (Neo.config.thumbnail_type2 && this.useThumbnail()) { thumbnail2 = this.getThumbnail(Neo.config.thumbnail_type2); } /* if (this.useThumbnail()) { thumbnail = this.getThumbnail(Neo.config.thumbnail_type || "png"); if (Neo.config.thumbnail_type2) { thumbnail2 = this.getThumbnail(Neo.config.thumbnail_type2); } }*/ Neo.submit(board, this.getPNG(), thumbnail2, thumbnail); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.useThumbnail = function () { var thumbnailWidth = this.getThumbnailWidth(); var thumbnailHeight = this.getThumbnailHeight(); if (thumbnailWidth && thumbnailHeight) { if ( thumbnailWidth < this.canvasWidth || thumbnailHeight < this.canvasHeight ) { return true; } } return false; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.dataURLtoBlob = function (dataURL) { var byteString; if (dataURL.split(",")[0].indexOf("base64") >= 0) { byteString = atob(dataURL.split(",")[1]); } else { byteString = unescape(dataURL.split(",")[1]); } // write the bytes of the string to a typed array var ia = new Uint8Array(byteString.length); for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) { ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i); } return new Blob([ia], { type: "image/png" }); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getImage = function (imageWidth, imageHeight) { var width = this.canvasWidth; var height = this.canvasHeight; imageWidth = imageWidth || width; imageHeight = imageHeight || height; var pngCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); pngCanvas.width = imageWidth; pngCanvas.height = imageHeight; var pngCanvasCtx = pngCanvas.getContext("2d"); pngCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; pngCanvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); if (this.visible[0]) { pngCanvasCtx.drawImage( this.canvas[0], 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight ); } if (this.visible[1]) { pngCanvasCtx.drawImage( this.canvas[1], 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight ); } return pngCanvas; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getPNG = function () { var image = this.getImage(); var dataURL = image.toDataURL("image/png"); return this.dataURLtoBlob(dataURL); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getThumbnail = function (type) { if (type != "animation") { var thumbnailWidth = this.getThumbnailWidth(); var thumbnailHeight = this.getThumbnailHeight(); if (thumbnailWidth || thumbnailHeight) { var width = this.canvasWidth; var height = this.canvasHeight; if (thumbnailWidth == 0) { thumbnailWidth = (thumbnailHeight * width) / height; } if (thumbnailHeight == 0) { thumbnailHeight = (thumbnailWidth * height) / width; } } else { thumbnailWidth = thumbnailHeight = null; } console.log("get thumbnail", thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight); var image = this.getImage(thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight); var dataURL = image.toDataURL("image/" + type); return this.dataURLtoBlob(dataURL); } else { var data = JSON.stringify(this._actionMgr._items); data = LZString.compressToUint8Array(data); var magic = "NEO "; var w = this.canvasWidth; var h = this.canvasHeight; return new Blob([ magic, new Uint8Array([w % 0x100, Math.floor(w / 0x100)]), new Uint8Array([h % 0x100, Math.floor(h / 0x100)]), new Uint8Array(4), data, ]); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getThumbnailWidth = function () { var width = Neo.config.thumbnail_width; if (width) { if (width.match(/%$/)) { return Math.floor(this.canvasWidth * (parseInt(width) / 100.0)); } else { return parseInt(width); } } return 0; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getThumbnailHeight = function () { var height = Neo.config.thumbnail_height; if (height) { if (height.match(/%$/)) { return Math.floor(this.canvasHeight * (parseInt(height) / 100.0)); } else { return parseInt(height); } } return 0; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.clearCanvas = function (doConfirm) { if (!doConfirm || confirm("全消しします")) { //Register undo first; this._pushUndo(); this._actionMgr.clearCanvas(); /* this.canvasCtx[0].clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); this.canvasCtx[1].clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); this.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); */ } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.updateDestCanvas = function ( x, y, width, height, useTemp ) { var canvasWidth = this.canvasWidth; var canvasHeight = this.canvasHeight; var updateAll = false; if (x == 0 && y == 0 && width == canvasWidth && height == canvasHeight) { updateAll = true; } if (x + width > this.canvasWidth) width = this.canvasWidth - x; if (y + height > this.canvasHeight) height = this.canvasHeight - y; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return; var ctx = this.destCanvasCtx; ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; var fillWidth = width; var fillHeight = height; if (updateAll) { ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.destCanvas.width, this.destCanvas.height); } else { //カーソルの描画ゴミが残るのをごまかすため if (x + width == this.canvasWidth) fillWidth = width + 1; if (y + height == this.canvasHeight) fillHeight = height + 1; } ctx.translate(this.destCanvas.width * 0.5, this.destCanvas.height * 0.5); ctx.scale(this.zoom, this.zoom); ctx.translate(-this.zoomX, -this.zoomY); ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; ctx.msImageSmoothingEnabled = 0; if (!updateAll) { ctx.fillRect(x, y, fillWidth, fillHeight); } if (this.visible[0]) { ctx.drawImage(this.canvas[0], x, y, width, height, x, y, width, height); } if (this.visible[1]) { ctx.drawImage(this.canvas[1], x, y, width, height, x, y, width, height); } if (useTemp) { ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; //this.alpha; ctx.drawImage( this.tempCanvas, x, y, width, height, x + this.tempX, y + this.tempY, width, height ); } ctx.restore(); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getBound = function (x0, y0, x1, y1, r) { var left = Math.floor(x0 < x1 ? x0 : x1); var top = Math.floor(y0 < y1 ? y0 : y1); var width = Math.ceil(Math.abs(x0 - x1)); var height = Math.ceil(Math.abs(y0 - y1)); r = Math.ceil(r + 1); if (!r) { width += 1; height += 1; } else { left -= r; top -= r; width += r * 2; height += r * 2; } return [left, top, width, height]; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getColor = function (c) { if (!c) c = this.foregroundColor; var r = parseInt(c.substr(1, 2), 16); var g = parseInt(c.substr(3, 2), 16); var b = parseInt(c.substr(5, 2), 16); var a = Math.floor(this.alpha * 255); return (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getColorString = function (c) { var rgb = ("000000" + (c & 0xffffff).toString(16)).substr(-6); return "#" + rgb; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setColor = function (c) { if (typeof c != "string") c = this.getColorString(c); this.foregroundColor = c; Neo.updateUI(); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getAlpha = function (type) { var a1 = this._currentColor[3] / 255.0; //this.alpha; switch (type) { case Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_PEN: if (a1 > 0.5) { a1 = 1.0 / 16 + ((a1 - 0.5) * 30.0) / 16; } else { a1 = Math.sqrt(2 * a1) / 16.0; } a1 = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, a1)); break; case Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_FILL: a1 = -0.00056 * a1 + 0.0042 / (1.0 - a1) - 0.0042; a1 = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0, a1 * 10)); break; case Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_BRUSH: a1 = -0.00056 * a1 + 0.0042 / (1.0 - a1) - 0.0042; a1 = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0, a1)); break; } // アルファが小さい時は適当に点を抜いて見た目の濃度を合わせる if (a1 < 1.0 / 255) { this.aerr += a1; a1 = 0; while (this.aerr > 1.0 / 255) { a1 = 1.0 / 255; this.aerr -= 1.0 / 255; } } return a1; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.prepareDrawing = function () { var r = parseInt(this.foregroundColor.substr(1, 2), 16); var g = parseInt(this.foregroundColor.substr(3, 2), 16); var b = parseInt(this.foregroundColor.substr(5, 2), 16); var a = Math.floor(this.alpha * 255); var maskR = parseInt(this.maskColor.substr(1, 2), 16); var maskG = parseInt(this.maskColor.substr(3, 2), 16); var maskB = parseInt(this.maskColor.substr(5, 2), 16); this._currentColor = [r, g, b, a]; this._currentMask = [maskR, maskG, maskB]; this._currentWidth = this.lineWidth; this._currentMaskType = this.maskType; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.isMasked = function (buf8, index) { var r = this._currentMask[0]; var g = this._currentMask[1]; var b = this._currentMask[2]; var r1 = this._currentColor[0]; var g1 = this._currentColor[1]; var b1 = this._currentColor[2]; var r0 = buf8[index + 0]; var g0 = buf8[index + 1]; var b0 = buf8[index + 2]; var a0 = buf8[index + 3]; if (a0 == 0) { r0 = 0xff; g0 = 0xff; b0 = 0xff; } var type = this._currentMaskType; //this.maskType; //TODO //いろいろ試したのですが半透明で描画するときの加算・逆加算を再現する方法がわかりません。 //とりあえず単純に無視しています。 if (type == Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_ADD || type == Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_SUB) { if (this._currentColor[3] < 250) { type = Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_NONE; } } switch (type) { case Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_NONE: return; case Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_NORMAL: return r0 == r && g0 == g && b0 == b ? true : false; case Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_REVERSE: return r0 != r || g0 != g || b0 != b ? true : false; case Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_ADD: if (a0 > 0) { var sort = this.sortColor(r0, g0, b0); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var c = sort[i]; if (buf8[index + c] < this._currentColor[c]) return true; } return false; } else { return false; } case Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_SUB: if (a0 > 0) { var sort = this.sortColor(r0, g0, b0); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var c = sort[i]; if (buf8[index + c] > this._currentColor[c]) return true; } return false; } else { return true; } } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setPoint = function ( buf8, bufWidth, x0, y0, left, top, type ) { var x = x0 - left; var y = y0 - top; switch (type) { case Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_PEN: this.setPenPoint(buf8, bufWidth, x, y); break; case Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BRUSH: this.setBrushPoint(buf8, bufWidth, x, y); break; case Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_TONE: this.setTonePoint(buf8, bufWidth, x, y, x0, y0); break; case Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_ERASER: this.setEraserPoint(buf8, bufWidth, x, y); break; case Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BLUR: this.setBlurPoint(buf8, bufWidth, x, y, x0, y0); break; case Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_DODGE: this.setDodgePoint(buf8, bufWidth, x, y); break; case Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BURN: this.setBurnPoint(buf8, bufWidth, x, y); break; default: break; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setPenPoint = function (buf8, width, x, y) { var d = this._currentWidth; var r0 = Math.floor(d / 2); x -= r0; y -= r0; var index = (y * width + x) * 4; var shape = this._roundData[d]; var shapeIndex = 0; var r1 = this._currentColor[0]; var g1 = this._currentColor[1]; var b1 = this._currentColor[2]; var a1 = this.getAlpha(Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_PEN); if (a1 == 0) return; for (var i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) { if (shape[shapeIndex++] && !this.isMasked(buf8, index)) { var r0 = buf8[index + 0]; var g0 = buf8[index + 1]; var b0 = buf8[index + 2]; var a0 = buf8[index + 3] / 255.0; var a = a0 + a1 - a0 * a1; if (a > 0) { var a1x = Math.max(a1, 1.0 / 255); var r = (r1 * a1x + r0 * a0 * (1 - a1x)) / a; var g = (g1 * a1x + g0 * a0 * (1 - a1x)) / a; var b = (b1 * a1x + b0 * a0 * (1 - a1x)) / a; r = r1 > r0 ? Math.ceil(r) : Math.floor(r); g = g1 > g0 ? Math.ceil(g) : Math.floor(g); b = b1 > b0 ? Math.ceil(b) : Math.floor(b); } var tmp = a * 255; a = Math.ceil(tmp); buf8[index + 0] = r; buf8[index + 1] = g; buf8[index + 2] = b; buf8[index + 3] = a; } index += 4; } index += (width - d) * 4; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setBrushPoint = function (buf8, width, x, y) { var d = this._currentWidth; var r0 = Math.floor(d / 2); x -= r0; y -= r0; var index = (y * width + x) * 4; var shape = this._roundData[d]; var shapeIndex = 0; var r1 = this._currentColor[0]; var g1 = this._currentColor[1]; var b1 = this._currentColor[2]; var a1 = this.getAlpha(Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_BRUSH); if (a1 == 0) return; for (var i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) { if (shape[shapeIndex++] && !this.isMasked(buf8, index)) { var r0 = buf8[index + 0]; var g0 = buf8[index + 1]; var b0 = buf8[index + 2]; var a0 = buf8[index + 3] / 255.0; var a = a0 + a1 - a0 * a1; if (a > 0) { var a1x = Math.max(a1, 1.0 / 255); var r = (r1 * a1x + r0 * a0) / (a0 + a1x); var g = (g1 * a1x + g0 * a0) / (a0 + a1x); var b = (b1 * a1x + b0 * a0) / (a0 + a1x); r = r1 > r0 ? Math.ceil(r) : Math.floor(r); g = g1 > g0 ? Math.ceil(g) : Math.floor(g); b = b1 > b0 ? Math.ceil(b) : Math.floor(b); } var tmp = a * 255; a = Math.ceil(tmp); buf8[index + 0] = r; buf8[index + 1] = g; buf8[index + 2] = b; buf8[index + 3] = a; } index += 4; } index += (width - d) * 4; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setTonePoint = function (buf8, width, x, y, x0, y0) { var d = this._currentWidth; var r0 = Math.floor(d / 2); x -= r0; y -= r0; x0 -= r0; y0 -= r0; var shape = this._roundData[d]; var shapeIndex = 0; var index = (y * width + x) * 4; var r = this._currentColor[0]; var g = this._currentColor[1]; var b = this._currentColor[2]; var a = this._currentColor[3]; var toneData = this.getToneData(a); for (var i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) { if (shape[shapeIndex++] && !this.isMasked(buf8, index)) { if (toneData[((y0 + i) % 4) + ((x0 + j) % 4) * 4]) { buf8[index + 0] = r; buf8[index + 1] = g; buf8[index + 2] = b; buf8[index + 3] = 255; } } index += 4; } index += (width - d) * 4; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setEraserPoint = function (buf8, width, x, y) { var d = this._currentWidth; var r0 = Math.floor(d / 2); x -= r0; y -= r0; var shape = this._roundData[d]; var shapeIndex = 0; var index = (y * width + x) * 4; var a = Math.floor(this._currentColor[3]); //this.alpha * 255); for (var i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) { if (shape[shapeIndex++] && !this.isMasked(buf8, index)) { var k = (buf8[index + 3] / 255.0) * (1.0 - a / 255.0); buf8[index + 3] -= a / ((d * (255.0 - a)) / 255.0); } index += 4; } index += (width - d) * 4; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setBlurPoint = function (buf8, width, x, y, x0, y0) { var d = this._currentWidth; var r0 = Math.floor(d / 2); x -= r0; y -= r0; var shape = this._roundData[d]; var shapeIndex = 0; var height = buf8.length / (width * 4); // var a1 = this.getAlpha(Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_BRUSH); // var a1 = this.alpha / 12; var a1 = this._currentColor[3] / 255.0 / 12; if (a1 == 0) return; var blur = a1; var tmp = new Uint8ClampedArray(buf8.length); for (var i = 0; i < buf8.length; i++) { tmp[i] = buf8[i]; } var left = x0 - x - r0; var top = y0 - y - r0; var xstart = 0, xend = d; var ystart = 0, yend = d; if (xstart > left) xstart = -left; if (ystart > top) ystart = -top; if (xend > this.canvasWidth - left) xend = this.canvasWidth - left; if (yend > this.canvasHeight - top) yend = this.canvasHeight - top; for (var j = ystart; j < yend; j++) { var index = (j * width + xstart) * 4; for (var i = xstart; i < xend; i++) { if (shape[shapeIndex++] && !this.isMasked(buf8, index)) { var rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; this.addBlur(tmp, index, 1.0 - blur * 4, rgba); if (i > xstart) this.addBlur(tmp, index - 4, blur, rgba); if (i < xend - 1) this.addBlur(tmp, index + 4, blur, rgba); if (j > ystart) this.addBlur(tmp, index - width * 4, blur, rgba); if (j < yend - 1) this.addBlur(tmp, index + width * 4, blur, rgba); buf8[index + 0] = Math.round(rgba[0]); buf8[index + 1] = Math.round(rgba[1]); buf8[index + 2] = Math.round(rgba[2]); buf8[index + 3] = Math.round((rgba[3] / rgba[4]) * 255.0); } index += 4; } } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setDodgePoint = function (buf8, width, x, y) { var d = this._currentWidth; var r0 = Math.floor(d / 2); x -= r0; y -= r0; var index = (y * width + x) * 4; var shape = this._roundData[d]; var shapeIndex = 0; var a1 = this.getAlpha(Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_BRUSH); if (a1 == 0) return; for (var i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) { if (shape[shapeIndex++] && !this.isMasked(buf8, index)) { var r0 = buf8[index + 0]; var g0 = buf8[index + 1]; var b0 = buf8[index + 2]; var a0 = buf8[index + 3] / 255.0; if (a1 != 255.0) { var r1 = (r0 * 255) / (255 - a1); var g1 = (g0 * 255) / (255 - a1); var b1 = (b0 * 255) / (255 - a1); } else { var r1 = 255.0; var g1 = 255.0; var b1 = 255.0; } var r = Math.ceil(r1); var g = Math.ceil(g1); var b = Math.ceil(b1); var a = a0; var tmp = a * 255; a = Math.ceil(tmp); buf8[index + 0] = r; buf8[index + 1] = g; buf8[index + 2] = b; buf8[index + 3] = a; } index += 4; } index += (width - d) * 4; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setBurnPoint = function (buf8, width, x, y) { var d = this._currentWidth; var r0 = Math.floor(d / 2); x -= r0; y -= r0; var index = (y * width + x) * 4; var shape = this._roundData[d]; var shapeIndex = 0; var a1 = this.getAlpha(Neo.Painter.ALPHATYPE_BRUSH); if (a1 == 0) return; for (var i = 0; i < d; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) { if (shape[shapeIndex++] && !this.isMasked(buf8, index)) { var r0 = buf8[index + 0]; var g0 = buf8[index + 1]; var b0 = buf8[index + 2]; var a0 = buf8[index + 3] / 255.0; if (a1 != 255.0) { var r1 = 255 - ((255 - r0) * 255) / (255 - a1); var g1 = 255 - ((255 - g0) * 255) / (255 - a1); var b1 = 255 - ((255 - b0) * 255) / (255 - a1); } else { var r1 = 0; var g1 = 0; var b1 = 0; } var r = Math.floor(r1); var g = Math.floor(g1); var b = Math.floor(b1); var a = a0; var tmp = a * 255; a = Math.ceil(tmp); buf8[index + 0] = r; buf8[index + 1] = g; buf8[index + 2] = b; buf8[index + 3] = a; } index += 4; } index += (width - d) * 4; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Neo.Painter.prototype.xorPixel = function (buf32, bufWidth, x, y, c) { var index = y * bufWidth + x; if (!c) c = 0xffffff; buf32[index] ^= c; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getBezierPoint = function ( t, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ) { var a0 = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t); var a1 = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * 3; var a2 = (1 - t) * t * t * 3; var a3 = t * t * t; var x = x0 * a0 + x1 * a1 + x2 * a2 + x3 * a3; var y = y0 * a0 + y1 * a1 + y2 * a2 + y3 * a3; return [x, y]; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.drawBezier = function ( ctx, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, type, isReplay, isPreview ) { var points = [ [x0, y0], [x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], ]; var that = this; this.draw(ctx, points, function (left, top, width, height, buf8, imageData) { var n = Math.ceil((width + height) * 2.5); var oType = that._currentMaskType; var oAlpha = that._currentColor[3]; if (isPreview) { that._currentMaskType = Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_NONE; that._currentColor[3] = 255; } for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var t = (i * 1.0) / n; var p = that.getBezierPoint(t, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); p[0] = Math.round(p[0]); p[1] = Math.round(p[1]); that.plot(p, function (x, y) { that.setPoint(buf8, imageData.width, x, y, left, top, type); }); } that._currentMaskType = oType; that._currentColor[3] = oAlpha; that.prevLine = null; }); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.prevLine = null; // 始点または終点が2度プロットされることがあるので Neo.Painter.prototype.drawLine = function (ctx, x0, y0, x1, y1, type) { var points = [ [x0, y0], [x1, y1], ]; var that = this; this.aerr = 0; this.draw(ctx, points, function (left, top, width, height, buf8, imageData) { that.bresenham(points, function (x, y) { that.setPoint(buf8, imageData.width, x, y, left, top, type); }); }); this.prevLine = points; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.draw = function (ctx, points, callback) { var xs = [], ys = []; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { var point = points[i]; xs.push(Math.round(point[0])); ys.push(Math.round(point[1])); } var xmin = Math.min.apply(null, xs); var xmax = Math.max.apply(null, xs); var ymin = Math.min.apply(null, ys); var ymax = Math.max.apply(null, ys); var r = Math.ceil(this._currentWidth / 2); var left = xmin - r; var top = ymin - r; var width = xmax - xmin; var height = ymax - ymin; var imageData = ctx.getImageData(left, top, width + r * 2, height + r * 2); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); callback(left, top, width, height, buf8, imageData); imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, left, top); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.bresenham = function (points, callback) { var x0 = points[0][0]; var y0 = points[0][1]; var x1 = points[1][0]; var y1 = points[1][1]; var dx = Math.abs(x1 - x0), sx = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1; var dy = Math.abs(y1 - y0), sy = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1; var err = (dx > dy ? dx : -dy) / 2; while (true) { if ( this.prevLine == null || !( (this.prevLine[0][0] == x0 && this.prevLine[0][1] == y0) || (this.prevLine[1][0] == x0 && this.prevLine[1][1] == y0) ) ) { callback(x0, y0); } if (x0 === x1 && y0 === y1) break; var e2 = err; if (e2 > -dx) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; } if (e2 < dy) { err += dx; y0 += sy; } } this.prevLine = points; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.plot = function (point, callback) { var x0 = point[0]; var y0 = point[1]; if ( this.prevLine == null || !(this.prevLine[0][0] == x0 && this.prevLine[0][1] == y0) ) { callback(x0, y0); } this.prevLine = [point, point]; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.drawPoint = function (ctx, x, y, type) { this.drawLine(ctx, x, y, x, y, type); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.xorRect = function ( buf32, bufWidth, x, y, width, height, c ) { var index = y * bufWidth + x; for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) { buf32[index] ^= c; index++; } index += width - bufWidth; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.drawXORRect = function ( ctx, x, y, width, height, isFill, c ) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var index = 0; if (!c) c = 0xffffff; if (isFill) { this.xorRect(buf32, width, 0, 0, width, height, c); } else { for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) { //top buf32[index] = buf32[index] ^= c; index++; } if (height > 1) { index = width; for (var i = 1; i < height; i++) { //left buf32[index] = buf32[index] ^= c; index += width; } if (width > 1) { index = width * 2 - 1; for (var i = 1; i < height - 1; i++) { //right buf32[index] = buf32[index] ^= c; index += width; } index = width * (height - 1) + 1; for (var i = 1; i < width; i++) { // bottom buf32[index] = buf32[index] ^= c; index++; } } } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.drawXOREllipse = function ( ctx, x, y, width, height, isFill, c ) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; if (!c) c = 0xffffff; var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var a = width - 1, b = height - 1, b1 = b & 1; /* values of diameter */ var dx = 4 * (1 - a) * b * b, dy = 4 * (b1 + 1) * a * a; /* error increment */ var err = dx + dy + b1 * a * a, e2; /* error of 1.step */ var x0 = x; var y0 = y; var x1 = x0 + a; var y1 = y0 + b; if (x0 > x1) { x0 = x1; x1 += a; } if (y0 > y1) y0 = y1; y0 += Math.floor((b + 1) / 2); y1 = y0 - b1; /* starting pixel */ a *= 8 * a; b1 = 8 * b * b; var ymin = y0 - 1; do { if (isFill) { if (ymin < y0) { this.xorRect(buf32, width, x0 - x, y0 - y, x1 - x0, 1, c); if (y0 != y1) { this.xorRect(buf32, width, x0 - x, y1 - y, x1 - x0, 1, c); } ymin = y0; } } else { this.xorPixel(buf32, width, x1 - x, y0 - y, c); if (x0 != x1) { this.xorPixel(buf32, width, x0 - x, y0 - y, c); } if (y0 != y1) { this.xorPixel(buf32, width, x0 - x, y1 - y, c); if (x0 != x1) { this.xorPixel(buf32, width, x1 - x, y1 - y, c); } } } e2 = 2 * err; if (e2 <= dy) { y0++; y1--; err += dy += a; } /* y step */ if (e2 >= dx || 2 * err > dy) { x0++; x1--; err += dx += b1; } /* x step */ } while (x0 <= x1); imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.drawXORLine = function (ctx, x0, y0, x1, y1, c) { x0 = Math.round(x0); x1 = Math.round(x1); y0 = Math.round(y0); y1 = Math.round(y1); var width = Math.abs(x1 - x0); var height = Math.abs(y1 - y0); var left = x0 < x1 ? x0 : x1; var top = y0 < y1 ? y0 : y1; // console.log("left:"+left+" top:"+top+" width:"+width+" height:"+height); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(left, top, width + 1, height + 1); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var dx = width, sx = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1; var dy = height, sy = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1; var err = (dx > dy ? dx : -dy) / 2; while (true) { if ( this.prevLine == null || !( (this.prevLine[0] == x0 && this.prevLine[1] == y0) || (this.prevLine[2] == x0 && this.prevLine[3] == y0) ) ) { this.xorPixel(buf32, imageData.width, x0 - left, y0 - top, c); } if (x0 === x1 && y0 === y1) break; var e2 = err; if (e2 > -dx) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; } if (e2 < dy) { err += dx; y0 += sy; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, left, top); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.eraseRect = function (layer, x, y, width, height) { var ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var index = 0; var a = 1.0 - this._currentColor[3] / 255.0; //this.alpha; if (a != 0) { a = Math.ceil(2.0 / a); } else { a = 255; } for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) { if (!this.isMasked(buf8, index)) { buf8[index + 3] -= a; } index += 4; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.flipH = function (layer, x, y, width, height) { var ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var half = Math.floor(width / 2); for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) { var index = j * width; var index2 = index + (width - 1); for (var i = 0; i < half; i++) { var value = buf32[index + i]; buf32[index + i] = buf32[index2 - i]; buf32[index2 - i] = value; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.flipV = function (layer, x, y, width, height) { var ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var half = Math.floor(height / 2); for (var j = 0; j < half; j++) { var index = j * width; var index2 = (height - 1 - j) * width; for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) { var value = buf32[index + i]; buf32[index + i] = buf32[index2 + i]; buf32[index2 + i] = value; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.merge = function (layer, x, y, width, height) { var ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); var imageData = []; var buf32 = []; var buf8 = []; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { imageData[i] = this.canvasCtx[i].getImageData(x, y, width, height); buf32[i] = new Uint32Array(imageData[i].data.buffer); buf8[i] = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData[i].data.buffer); } var dst = layer; var src = dst == 1 ? 0 : 1; var size = width * height; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { var r0 = buf8[0][index + 0]; var g0 = buf8[0][index + 1]; var b0 = buf8[0][index + 2]; var a0 = buf8[0][index + 3] / 255.0; var r1 = buf8[1][index + 0]; var g1 = buf8[1][index + 1]; var b1 = buf8[1][index + 2]; var a1 = buf8[1][index + 3] / 255.0; var a = a0 + a1 - a0 * a1; if (a > 0) { var r = Math.floor((r1 * a1 + r0 * a0 * (1 - a1)) / a + 0.5); var g = Math.floor((g1 * a1 + g0 * a0 * (1 - a1)) / a + 0.5); var b = Math.floor((b1 * a1 + b0 * a0 * (1 - a1)) / a + 0.5); } buf8[src][index + 0] = 0; buf8[src][index + 1] = 0; buf8[src][index + 2] = 0; buf8[src][index + 3] = 0; buf8[dst][index + 0] = r; buf8[dst][index + 1] = g; buf8[dst][index + 2] = b; buf8[dst][index + 3] = Math.floor(a * 255 + 0.5); index += 4; } for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { imageData[i].data.set(buf8[i]); this.canvasCtx[i].putImageData(imageData[i], x, y); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.blurRect = function (layer, x, y, width, height) { var ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); width = Math.round(width); height = Math.round(height); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var tmp = new Uint8ClampedArray(buf8.length); for (var i = 0; i < buf8.length; i++) tmp[i] = buf8[i]; var index = 0; var a1 = this._currentColor[3] / 255.0 / 12; //this.alpha / 12; var blur = a1; for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) { var rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; this.addBlur(tmp, index, 1.0 - blur * 4, rgba); if (i > 0) this.addBlur(tmp, index - 4, blur, rgba); if (i < width - 1) this.addBlur(tmp, index + 4, blur, rgba); if (j > 0) this.addBlur(tmp, index - width * 4, blur, rgba); if (j < height - 1) this.addBlur(tmp, index + width * 4, blur, rgba); var w = rgba[4]; buf8[index + 0] = Math.round(rgba[0]); buf8[index + 1] = Math.round(rgba[1]); buf8[index + 2] = Math.round(rgba[2]); buf8[index + 3] = Math.ceil((rgba[3] / w) * 255.0); index += 4; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.addBlur = function (buffer, index, a, rgba) { var r0 = rgba[0]; var g0 = rgba[1]; var b0 = rgba[2]; var a0 = rgba[3]; var r1 = buffer[index + 0]; var g1 = buffer[index + 1]; var b1 = buffer[index + 2]; var a1 = (buffer[index + 3] / 255.0) * a; rgba[4] += a; var a = a0 + a1; if (a > 0) { rgba[0] = (r1 * a1 + r0 * a0) / (a0 + a1); rgba[1] = (g1 * a1 + g0 * a0) / (a0 + a1); rgba[2] = (b1 * a1 + b0 * a0) / (a0 + a1); rgba[3] = a; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.pickColor = function (x, y) { var r = 0xff, g = 0xff, b = 0xff, a; x = Math.floor(x); y = Math.floor(y); if (x >= 0 && x < this.canvasWidth && y >= 0 && y < this.canvasHeight) { for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (this.visible[i]) { var ctx = this.canvasCtx[i]; var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var a = buf8[3] / 255.0; r = r * (1.0 - a) + buf8[2] * a; g = g * (1.0 - a) + buf8[1] * a; b = b * (1.0 - a) + buf8[0] * a; } } r = Math.max(Math.min(Math.round(r), 255), 0); g = Math.max(Math.min(Math.round(g), 255), 0); b = Math.max(Math.min(Math.round(b), 255), 0); var result = r | (g << 8) | (b << 16); } this.setColor(result); if (this.current > 0) { if (a == 0 && (result == 0xffffff || this.getEmulationMode() < 2.16)) { this.setToolByType(Neo.eraserTip.tools[Neo.eraserTip.mode]); } else { if (Neo.eraserTip.selected) { this.setToolByType(Neo.penTip.tools[Neo.penTip.mode]); } } } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.fillHorizontalLine = function (buf32, x0, x1, y, color) { var index = y * this.canvasWidth + x0; for (var x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { buf32[index++] = color; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.scanLine = function (x0, x1, y, baseColor, buf32, stack) { var width = this.canvasWidth; for (var x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { stack.push({ x: x, y: y }); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.doFloodFill = function (layer, x, y, fillColor) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); var ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; if (x < 0 || x >= this.canvasWidth || y < 0 || y >= this.canvasHeight) { return; } var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var width = imageData.width; var stack = [{ x: x, y: y }]; var baseColor = buf32[y * width + x]; if ((baseColor & 0xff000000) == 0 || baseColor != fillColor) { while (stack.length > 0) { if (stack.length > 1000000) { console.log("too much stack"); break; } var point = stack.pop(); var x = point.x; var y = point.y; var x0 = x; var x1 = x; if (buf32[y * width + x] == fillColor) continue; if (buf32[y * width + x] != baseColor) continue; for (; 0 < x0; x0--) { if (buf32[y * width + (x0 - 1)] != baseColor) break; } for (; x1 < this.canvasWidth - 1; x1++) { if (buf32[y * width + (x1 + 1)] != baseColor) break; } this.fillHorizontalLine(buf32, x0, x1, y, fillColor); if (y + 1 < this.canvasHeight) { this.scanLine(x0, x1, y + 1, baseColor, buf32, stack); } if (y - 1 >= 0) { this.scanLine(x0, x1, y - 1, baseColor, buf32, stack); } } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); // this.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.copy = function (layer, x, y, width, height) { this.tempX = 0; this.tempY = 0; this.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); var imageData = this.canvasCtx[layer].getImageData(x, y, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); this.temp = new Uint32Array(buf32.length); for (var i = 0; i < buf32.length; i++) { this.temp[i] = buf32[i]; } //tempCanvasに乗せる画像を作る imageData = this.tempCanvasCtx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); for (var i = 0; i < buf32.length; i++) { if (this.temp[i] >> 24) { buf32[i] = this.temp[i] | 0xff000000; } else { buf32[i] = 0xffffffff; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); this.tempCanvasCtx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.paste = function (layer, x, y, width, height, dx, dy) { var ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; // console.log(this.tempX, this.tempY); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x + dx, y + dy, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); if (this.temp) { for (var i = 0; i < buf32.length; i++) { buf32[i] = this.temp[i]; } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x + dx, y + dy); } this.temp = null; this.tempX = 0; this.tempY = 0; this.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.turn = function (layer, x, y, width, height) { var ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; // 傾けツールのバグを再現するため一番上のラインで対象領域を埋める var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var temp = new Uint32Array(buf32.length); var index = 0; for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) { temp[index] = buf32[index]; if (index >= width) { buf32[index] = buf32[index % width]; } index++; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); // 90度回転させて貼り付け imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, height, width); buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); index = 0; for (var j = height - 1; j >= 0; j--) { for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) { buf32[i * height + j] = temp[index++]; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getMaskFunc = function (type) { switch (type) { case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECT: return this.rectMask; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECTFILL: return this.rectFillMask; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSE: return this.ellipseMask; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSEFILL: return this.ellipseFillMask; } return null; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.doFill = function (layer, x, y, width, height, type) { var ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; var maskFunc = this.getMaskFunc(type); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(x, y, width, height); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var index = 0; var r1 = this._currentColor[0]; var g1 = this._currentColor[1]; var b1 = this._currentColor[2]; var a1 = this.getAlpha(Neo.ALPHATYPE_FILL); for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) { if (maskFunc && maskFunc.call(this, i, j, width, height)) { //なぜか加算逆加算は適用されない if ( this._currentMaskType >= Neo.Painter.MASKTYPE_ADD || !this.isMasked(buf8, index) ) { var r0 = buf8[index + 0]; var g0 = buf8[index + 1]; var b0 = buf8[index + 2]; var a0 = buf8[index + 3] / 255.0; var a = a0 + a1 - a0 * a1; if (a > 0) { var a1x = a1; var ax = 1 + a0 * (1 - a1x); var r = (r1 + r0 * a0 * (1 - a1x)) / ax; var g = (g1 + g0 * a0 * (1 - a1x)) / ax; var b = (b1 + b0 * a0 * (1 - a1x)) / ax; r = r1 > r0 ? Math.ceil(r) : Math.floor(r); g = g1 > g0 ? Math.ceil(g) : Math.floor(g); b = b1 > b0 ? Math.ceil(b) : Math.floor(b); } var tmp = a * 255; a = Math.ceil(tmp); buf8[index + 0] = r; buf8[index + 1] = g; buf8[index + 2] = b; buf8[index + 3] = a; } } index += 4; } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, x, y); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.rectFillMask = function (x, y, width, height) { return true; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.rectMask = function (x, y, width, height) { var d = this._currentWidth; // var d = this.lineWidth; return x < d || x > width - 1 - d || y < d || y > height - 1 - d ? true : false; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.ellipseFillMask = function (x, y, width, height) { var cx = (width - 1) / 2.0; var cy = (height - 1) / 2.0; x = (x - cx) / (cx + 1); y = (y - cy) / (cy + 1); return x * x + y * y < 1 ? true : false; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.ellipseMask = function (x, y, width, height) { var d = this._currentWidth; // var d = this.lineWidth; var cx = (width - 1) / 2.0; var cy = (height - 1) / 2.0; if (cx <= d || cy <= d) return this.ellipseFillMask(x, y, width, height); var x2 = (x - cx) / (cx - d + 1); var y2 = (y - cy) / (cy - d + 1); x = (x - cx) / (cx + 1); y = (y - cy) / (cy + 1); if (x * x + y * y < 1) { if (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2 >= 1) { return true; } } return false; }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.Painter.prototype.getDestCanvasPosition = function ( mx, my, isClip, isCenter ) { var mx = Math.floor(mx); //Math.round(mx); var my = Math.floor(my); //Math.round(my); if (isCenter) { mx += 0.499; my += 0.499; } var x = (mx - this.zoomX + (this.destCanvas.width * 0.5) / this.zoom) * this.zoom; var y = (my - this.zoomY + (this.destCanvas.height * 0.5) / this.zoom) * this.zoom; if (isClip) { x = Math.max(Math.min(x, this.destCanvas.width), 0); y = Math.max(Math.min(y, this.destCanvas.height), 0); } return { x: x, y: y }; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.isWidget = function (element) { while (1) { if (element == null || element.id == "canvas" || element.id == "container") break; if ( element.id == "tools" || element.className == "buttonOn" || element.className == "buttonOff" || element.className == "inputText" ) { return true; } element = element.parentNode; } return false; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.isContainer = function (element) { while (1) { if (element == null) break; if (element.id == "container") return true; element = element.parentNode; } return false; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.cancelTool = function (e) { if (this.tool) { this.isMouseDown = false; this.tool.upHandler(this); // switch (this.tool.type) { // case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_HAND: // case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_SLIDER: // this.isMouseDown = false; // this.tool.upHandler(this); // } } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.loadImage = function (filename) { console.log("loadImage " + filename); var img = new Image(); img.src = filename; img.onload = function () { var oe = Neo.painter; oe.canvasCtx[0].drawImage(img, 0, 0); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); }; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.loadAnimation = function (filename) { console.log("loadAnimation " + filename); Neo.painter.busy = true; Neo.painter.busySkipped = false; Neo.getPCH(filename, function (pch) { //console.log(pch); Neo.painter._actionMgr._items = pch.data; Neo.painter._actionMgr._mark = pch.data.length; Neo.painter._actionMgr.play(); }); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.loadSession = function (callback) { if (Neo.storage) { var img0 = new Image(); img0.src = Neo.storage.getItem("layer0"); img0.onload = function () { var img1 = new Image(); img1.src = Neo.storage.getItem("layer1"); img1.onload = function () { var oe = Neo.painter; oe.canvasCtx[0].clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.canvasCtx[1].clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.canvasCtx[0].drawImage(img0, 0, 0); oe.canvasCtx[1].drawImage(img1, 0, 0); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); if (callback) callback(); }; }; } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.saveSession = function () { if (Neo.storage) { Neo.storage.setItem("timestamp", +new Date()); Neo.storage.setItem("layer0", this.canvas[0].toDataURL("image/png")); Neo.storage.setItem("layer1", this.canvas[1].toDataURL("image/png")); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.clearSession = function () { if (Neo.storage) { Neo.storage.removeItem("timestamp"); Neo.storage.removeItem("layer0"); Neo.storage.removeItem("layer1"); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.sortColor = function (r0, g0, b0) { var min = r0 < g0 ? (r0 < b0 ? 0 : 2) : g0 < b0 ? 1 : 2; var max = r0 > g0 ? (r0 > b0 ? 0 : 2) : g0 > b0 ? 1 : 2; var mid = min + max == 1 ? 2 : min + max == 2 ? 1 : 0; return [min, mid, max]; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.doText = function ( layer, x, y, color, alpha, string, fontSize, fontFamily ) { //テキスト描画 if (string.length <= 0) return; //描画位置がずれるので適当に調整 var offset = parseInt(fontSize, 10); var ctx = this.tempCanvasCtx; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(x, y); ctx.font = fontSize + " " + fontFamily; ctx.fillStyle = 0; ctx.fillText(string, 0, 0); ctx.restore(); // 適当に二値化 var r = color & 0xff; var g = (color & 0xff00) >> 8; var b = (color & 0xff0000) >> 16; var a = Math.round(alpha * 255.0); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var length = this.canvasWidth * this.canvasHeight; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (buf8[index + 3] >= 0x60) { buf8[index + 0] = r; buf8[index + 1] = g; buf8[index + 2] = b; buf8[index + 3] = a; } else { buf8[index + 0] = 0; buf8[index + 1] = 0; buf8[index + 2] = 0; buf8[index + 3] = 0; } index += 4; } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); //キャンバスに貼り付け ctx = this.canvasCtx[layer]; ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; ctx.drawImage( this.tempCanvas, 0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight, 0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight ); this.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.isUIPaused = function () { if (this.drawType == Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_BEZIER) { if (this.tool.step && this.tool.step > 0) { return true; } } return false; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getEmulationMode = function () { return parseFloat(Neo.config.neo_emulation_mode || 2.22); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recorder Test ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.Painter.prototype.play = function () { if (this._actionMgr) { this._actionMgr.clearCanvas(); this.prevLine = null; //console.log('[play]'); this._actionMgr._head = 0; this._actionMgr._index = 0; this._actionMgr._mark = this._actionMgr._items.length; this._actionMgr._pause = false; this._actionMgr.play(); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.onrewind = function () { if (this._actionMgr) { this._actionMgr.clearCanvas(); this._actionMgr._head = 0; this._actionMgr._index = 0; this.prevLine = null; } if (Neo.viewerBar) Neo.viewerBar.update(); if (!this._actionMgr._pause) { this._actionMgr.play(); } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.onmark = function () { if (Neo.viewerBar) Neo.viewerBar.update(); if (!this._actionMgr._pause) { if (this._actionMgr._head > this._actionMgr._mark) { this.onrewind(); } else { this.onplay(); } } }; Neo.Painter.prototype.onplay = function () { Neo.viewerPlay.setSelected(true); Neo.viewerStop.setSelected(false); this._actionMgr._pause = false; this._actionMgr.play(); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.onstop = function () { Neo.viewerPlay.setSelected(false); Neo.viewerStop.setSelected(true); this._actionMgr._pause = true; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.onspeed = function () { var mgr = Neo.painter._actionMgr; var mode = mgr.speedMode(); Neo.speed = mgr._speedTable[(mode + 1) % 4]; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.setCurrent = function (item) { var color = this._currentColor; var mask = this._currentMask; var width = this._currentWidth; var type = this._currentMaskType; item.push(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]); item.push(mask[0], mask[1], mask[2]); item.push(width); item.push(type); }; Neo.Painter.prototype.getCurrent = function (item) { this._currentColor = [item[2], item[3], item[4], item[5]]; this._currentMask = [item[6], item[7], item[8]]; this._currentWidth = item[9]; this._currentMaskType = item[10]; }; Neo.Painter.prototype.isDirty = function () { return this.dirty; }; "use strict"; Neo.ToolBase = function () {}; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.startX; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.startY; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.init = function (oe) {}; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.kill = function (oe) {}; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.lineType = Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_NONE; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) { this.startX = oe.mouseX; this.startY = oe.mouseY; }; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.transformForZoom = function (oe) { var ctx = oe.destCanvasCtx; ctx.translate(oe.canvasWidth * 0.5, oe.canvasHeight * 0.5); ctx.scale(oe.zoom, oe.zoom); ctx.translate(-oe.zoomX, -oe.zoomY); }; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.getType = function () { return this.type; }; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.getToolButton = function () { switch (this.type) { case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PEN: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BRUSH: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TEXT: return Neo.penTip; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TONE: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLUR: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_DODGE: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BURN: return Neo.pen2Tip; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECT: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECTFILL: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSE: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSEFILL: return Neo.effectTip; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_COPY: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_MERGE: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLURRECT: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_H: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_V: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TURN: return Neo.effect2Tip; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASER: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASEALL: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASERECT: return Neo.eraserTip; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FILL: return Neo.fillButton; } return null; }; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.getReserve = function () { switch (this.type) { case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASER: return Neo.reserveEraser; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PEN: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BRUSH: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TONE: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASERECT: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASEALL: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_COPY: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_MERGE: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FIP_H: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FIP_V: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_DODGE: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BURN: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLUR: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLURRECT: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TEXT: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TURN: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECT: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECTFILL: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSE: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSEFILL: return Neo.reservePen; } return null; }; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.updateUI(); } }; Neo.ToolBase.prototype.saveStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { reserve.size = Neo.painter.lineWidth; } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DrawToolBase(描画ツールのベースクラス) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.DrawToolBase = function () {}; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype = new Neo.ToolBase(); Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.isUpMove = false; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.step = 0; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.init = function () { this.step = 0; this.isUpMove = true; }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) { switch (oe.drawType) { case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_FREEHAND: this.freeHandDownHandler(oe); break; case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_LINE: this.lineDownHandler(oe); break; case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_BEZIER: this.bezierDownHandler(oe); break; } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) { switch (oe.drawType) { case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_FREEHAND: this.freeHandUpHandler(oe); break; case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_LINE: this.lineUpHandler(oe); break; case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_BEZIER: this.bezierUpHandler(oe); break; } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) { switch (oe.drawType) { case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_FREEHAND: this.freeHandMoveHandler(oe); break; case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_LINE: this.lineMoveHandler(oe); break; case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_BEZIER: this.bezierMoveHandler(oe); break; } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.upMoveHandler = function (oe) { switch (oe.drawType) { case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_FREEHAND: this.freeHandUpMoveHandler(oe); break; case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_LINE: this.lineUpMoveHandler(oe); break; case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_BEZIER: this.bezierUpMoveHandler(oe); break; } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.keyDownHandler = function (e) { switch (Neo.painter.drawType) { case Neo.Painter.DRAWTYPE_BEZIER: this.bezierKeyDownHandler(e); break; } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.rollOverHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.rollOutHandler = function (oe) { if (!oe.isMouseDown && !oe.isMouseDownRight) { oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = 1.0; Neo.updateUI(); } }; /* FreeHand (手書き) */ Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.freeHandDownHandler = function (oe) { //Register undo first; oe._pushUndo(); oe.prepareDrawing(); this.isUpMove = false; var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; if (oe.alpha >= 1 || this.lineType != Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BRUSH) { var x0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); var y0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); oe._actionMgr.freeHand(x0, y0, this.lineType); // oe.drawLine(ctx, x0, y0, x0, y0, this.lineType); } if (oe.cursorRect) { var rect = oe.cursorRect; oe.updateDestCanvas(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], true); oe.cursorRect = null; } if (oe.alpha >= 1) { var r = Math.ceil(oe.lineWidth / 2); var rect = oe.getBound(oe.mouseX, oe.mouseY, oe.mouseX, oe.mouseY, r); oe.updateDestCanvas(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], true); } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.freeHandUpHandler = function (oe) { oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); if (oe.cursorRect) { var rect = oe.cursorRect; oe.updateDestCanvas(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], true); oe.cursorRect = null; } // oe.updateDestCanvas(0,0,oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); // this.drawCursor(oe); oe.prevLine = null; }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.freeHandMoveHandler = function (oe) { var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; var x0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); var y0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); var x1 = Math.floor(oe.prevMouseX); var y1 = Math.floor(oe.prevMouseY); // oe.drawLine(ctx, x0, y0, x1, y1, this.lineType); oe._actionMgr.freeHandMove(x0, y0, x1, y1, this.lineType); if (oe.cursorRect) { var rect = oe.cursorRect; oe.updateDestCanvas(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], true); oe.cursorRect = null; } var r = Math.ceil(oe.lineWidth / 2); var rect = oe.getBound(oe.mouseX, oe.mouseY, oe.prevMouseX, oe.prevMouseY, r); oe.updateDestCanvas(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], true); }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.freeHandUpMoveHandler = function (oe) { this.isUpMove = true; if (oe.cursorRect) { var rect = oe.cursorRect; oe.updateDestCanvas(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], true); oe.cursorRect = null; } this.drawCursor(oe); }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.drawCursor = function (oe) { if (oe.lineWidth <= 8) return; var mx = oe.mouseX; var my = oe.mouseY; var d = oe.lineWidth; var x = (mx - oe.zoomX + (oe.destCanvas.width * 0.5) / oe.zoom) * oe.zoom; var y = (my - oe.zoomY + (oe.destCanvas.height * 0.5) / oe.zoom) * oe.zoom; var r = d * 0.5 * oe.zoom; if ( !( x > -r && y > -r && x < oe.destCanvas.width + r && y < oe.destCanvas.height + r ) ) return; var ctx = oe.destCanvasCtx; ctx.save(); this.transformForZoom(oe); var c = this.type == Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASER ? 0x0000ff : 0xffff7f; oe.drawXOREllipse(ctx, x - r, y - r, r * 2, r * 2, false, c); ctx.restore(); oe.cursorRect = oe.getBound(mx, my, mx, my, Math.ceil(d / 2)); }; /* Line (直線) */ Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.lineDownHandler = function (oe) { this.isUpMove = false; this.startX = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); this.startY = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.lineUpHandler = function (oe) { if (this.isUpMove == false) { this.isUpMove = true; oe._pushUndo(); oe.prepareDrawing(); var x0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); var y0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); oe._actionMgr.line(x0, y0, this.startX, this.startY, this.lineType); /* var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; var x0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); var y0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); oe.drawLine(ctx, x0, y0, this.startX, this.startY, this.lineType); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); */ } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.lineMoveHandler = function (oe) { oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); this.drawLineCursor(oe); }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.lineUpMoveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.drawLineCursor = function (oe, mx, my) { if (!mx) mx = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); if (!my) my = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); var nx = this.startX; var ny = this.startY; var ctx = oe.destCanvasCtx; ctx.save(); this.transformForZoom(oe); var x0 = (mx + 0.499 - oe.zoomX + (oe.destCanvas.width * 0.5) / oe.zoom) * oe.zoom; var y0 = (my + 0.499 - oe.zoomY + (oe.destCanvas.height * 0.5) / oe.zoom) * oe.zoom; var x1 = (nx + 0.499 - oe.zoomX + (oe.destCanvas.width * 0.5) / oe.zoom) * oe.zoom; var y1 = (ny + 0.499 - oe.zoomY + (oe.destCanvas.height * 0.5) / oe.zoom) * oe.zoom; oe.drawXORLine(ctx, x0, y0, x1, y1); ctx.restore(); }; /* Bezier (BZ曲線) */ Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.bezierDownHandler = function (oe) { this.isUpMove = false; if (this.step == 0) { this.startX = this.x0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); this.startY = this.y0 = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); } oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.bezierUpHandler = function (oe) { if (this.isUpMove == false) { this.isUpMove = true; } else return; // 枠外からベジェを開始したときdownを通らずにupが呼ばれてエラーになる this.step++; switch (this.step) { case 1: oe.prepareDrawing(); this.x3 = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); this.y3 = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); break; case 2: this.x1 = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); this.y1 = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); break; case 3: this.x2 = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); this.y2 = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); oe._pushUndo(); oe._actionMgr.bezier( this.x0, this.y0, this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2, this.x3, this.y3, this.lineType ); oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); /*oe.drawBezier(oe.canvasCtx[oe.current], this.x0, this.y0, this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2, this.x3, this.y3, this.lineType); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true);*/ this.step = 0; break; default: this.step = 0; break; } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.bezierMoveHandler = function (oe) { switch (this.step) { case 0: if (!this.isUpMove) { oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, false); this.drawLineCursor(oe); } break; case 1: oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, false); this.drawBezierCursor1(oe); break; case 2: oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, false); this.drawBezierCursor2(oe); break; } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.bezierUpMoveHandler = function (oe) { this.bezierMoveHandler(oe); }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.bezierKeyDownHandler = function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { //Escでキャンセル this.step = 0; var oe = Neo.painter; oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); } }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.drawBezierCursor1 = function (oe) { var ctx = oe.destCanvasCtx; var x = oe.mouseX; //Math.floor(oe.mouseX); var y = oe.mouseY; //Math.floor(oe.mouseY); /* var stab = oe.getStabilized(); var x = Math.floor(stab[0]); var y = Math.floor(stab[1]); */ var p = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(x, y, false, true); var p0 = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(this.x0, this.y0, false, true); var p3 = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(this.x3, this.y3, false, true); // handle oe.drawXORLine(ctx, p0.x, p0.y, p.x, p.y); oe.drawXOREllipse(ctx, p.x - 4, p.y - 4, 8, 8); oe.drawXOREllipse(ctx, p0.x - 4, p0.y - 4, 8, 8); // preview oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.drawBezier( oe.tempCanvasCtx, this.x0, this.y0, x, y, x, y, this.x3, this.y3, Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_PEN, //this.lineType, false, true ); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(oe.destCanvas.width * 0.5, oe.destCanvas.height * 0.5); ctx.scale(oe.zoom, oe.zoom); ctx.translate(-oe.zoomX, -oe.zoomY); ctx.drawImage( oe.tempCanvas, 0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, 0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight ); ctx.restore(); }; Neo.DrawToolBase.prototype.drawBezierCursor2 = function (oe) { var ctx = oe.destCanvasCtx; var x = oe.mouseX; //Math.floor(oe.mouseX); var y = oe.mouseY; //Math.floor(oe.mouseY); /* var stab = oe.getStabilized(); var x = Math.floor(stab[0]); var y = Math.floor(stab[1]); */ var p = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(oe.mouseX, oe.mouseY, false, true); var p0 = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(this.x0, this.y0, false, true); var p1 = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(this.x1, this.y1, false, true); var p3 = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(this.x3, this.y3, false, true); // handle oe.drawXORLine(ctx, p3.x, p3.y, p.x, p.y); oe.drawXOREllipse(ctx, p.x - 4, p.y - 4, 8, 8); oe.drawXORLine(ctx, p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); oe.drawXOREllipse(ctx, p1.x - 4, p1.y - 4, 8, 8); oe.drawXOREllipse(ctx, p0.x - 4, p0.y - 4, 8, 8); // preview oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.drawBezier( oe.tempCanvasCtx, this.x0, this.y0, this.x1, this.y1, x, y, this.x3, this.y3, Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_PEN, //this.lineType, false, true ); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(oe.destCanvas.width * 0.5, oe.destCanvas.height * 0.5); ctx.scale(oe.zoom, oe.zoom); ctx.translate(-oe.zoomX, -oe.zoomY); ctx.drawImage( oe.tempCanvas, 0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, 0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight ); ctx.restore(); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pen(鉛筆) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.PenTool = function () {}; Neo.PenTool.prototype = new Neo.DrawToolBase(); Neo.PenTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PEN; Neo.PenTool.prototype.lineType = Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_PEN; Neo.PenTool.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = 1.0; Neo.updateUI(); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brush(水彩) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.BrushTool = function () {}; Neo.BrushTool.prototype = new Neo.DrawToolBase(); Neo.BrushTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BRUSH; Neo.BrushTool.prototype.lineType = Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BRUSH; Neo.BrushTool.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = this.getAlpha(); Neo.updateUI(); } }; Neo.BrushTool.prototype.getAlpha = function () { var alpha = 241 - Math.floor(Neo.painter.lineWidth / 2) * 6; return alpha / 255.0; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tone(トーン) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.ToneTool = function () {}; Neo.ToneTool.prototype = new Neo.DrawToolBase(); Neo.ToneTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TONE; Neo.ToneTool.prototype.lineType = Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_TONE; Neo.ToneTool.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = 23 / 255.0; Neo.updateUI(); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eraser(消しペン) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.EraserTool = function () {}; Neo.EraserTool.prototype = new Neo.DrawToolBase(); Neo.EraserTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASER; Neo.EraserTool.prototype.lineType = Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_ERASER; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blur(ぼかし) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.BlurTool = function () {}; Neo.BlurTool.prototype = new Neo.DrawToolBase(); Neo.BlurTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLUR; Neo.BlurTool.prototype.lineType = Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BLUR; Neo.BlurTool.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = 128 / 255.0; Neo.updateUI(); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodge(覆い焼き) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.DodgeTool = function () {}; Neo.DodgeTool.prototype = new Neo.DrawToolBase(); Neo.DodgeTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_DODGE; Neo.DodgeTool.prototype.lineType = Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_DODGE; Neo.DodgeTool.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = 128 / 255.0; Neo.updateUI(); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burn(焼き込み) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.BurnTool = function () {}; Neo.BurnTool.prototype = new Neo.DrawToolBase(); Neo.BurnTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BURN; Neo.BurnTool.prototype.lineType = Neo.Painter.LINETYPE_BURN; Neo.BurnTool.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = 128 / 255.0; Neo.updateUI(); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand(スクロール) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.HandTool = function () {}; Neo.HandTool.prototype = new Neo.ToolBase(); Neo.HandTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_HAND; Neo.HandTool.prototype.isUpMove = false; Neo.HandTool.prototype.reverse = false; Neo.HandTool.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) { oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); this.isDrag = true; this.startX = oe.rawMouseX; this.startY = oe.rawMouseY; }; Neo.HandTool.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) { this.isDrag = false; oe.popTool(); }; Neo.HandTool.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) { if (this.isDrag) { var dx = this.startX - oe.rawMouseX; var dy = this.startY - oe.rawMouseY; var ax = oe.destCanvas.width / (oe.canvasWidth * oe.zoom); var ay = oe.destCanvas.height / (oe.canvasHeight * oe.zoom); var barWidth = oe.destCanvas.width * ax; var barHeight = oe.destCanvas.height * ay; var scrollWidthInScreen = oe.destCanvas.width - barWidth - 2; var scrollHeightInScreen = oe.destCanvas.height - barHeight - 2; dx *= oe.scrollWidth / scrollWidthInScreen; dy *= oe.scrollHeight / scrollHeightInScreen; if (this.reverse) { dx *= -1; dy *= -1; } oe.setZoomPosition(oe.zoomX - dx, oe.zoomY - dy); this.startX = oe.rawMouseX; this.startY = oe.rawMouseY; } }; Neo.HandTool.prototype.upMoveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.HandTool.prototype.rollOverHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.HandTool.prototype.rollOutHandler = function (oe) {}; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slider(色やサイズのスライダを操作している時) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.SliderTool = function () {}; Neo.SliderTool.prototype = new Neo.ToolBase(); Neo.SliderTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_SLIDER; Neo.SliderTool.prototype.isUpMove = false; Neo.SliderTool.prototype.alt = false; Neo.SliderTool.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) { if (!oe.isShiftDown) this.isDrag = true; oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); var rect = this.target.getBoundingClientRect(); var sliderType = this.alt ? Neo.SLIDERTYPE_SIZE : this.target["data-slider"]; Neo.sliders[sliderType].downHandler( oe.rawMouseX - rect.left, oe.rawMouseY - rect.top ); }; Neo.SliderTool.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) { this.isDrag = false; oe.popTool(); var rect = this.target.getBoundingClientRect(); var sliderType = this.alt ? Neo.SLIDERTYPE_SIZE : this.target["data-slider"]; Neo.sliders[sliderType].upHandler( oe.rawMouseX - rect.left, oe.rawMouseY - rect.top ); }; Neo.SliderTool.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) { if (this.isDrag) { var rect = this.target.getBoundingClientRect(); var sliderType = this.alt ? Neo.SLIDERTYPE_SIZE : this.target["data-slider"]; Neo.sliders[sliderType].moveHandler( oe.rawMouseX - rect.left, oe.rawMouseY - rect.top ); } }; Neo.SliderTool.prototype.upMoveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.SliderTool.prototype.rollOverHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.SliderTool.prototype.rollOutHandler = function (oe) {}; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill(塗り潰し) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.FillTool = function () {}; Neo.FillTool.prototype = new Neo.ToolBase(); Neo.FillTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FILL; Neo.FillTool.prototype.isUpMove = false; Neo.FillTool.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) { var x = Math.floor(oe.mouseX); var y = Math.floor(oe.mouseY); var layer = oe.current; var color = oe.getColor(); oe._pushUndo(); oe._actionMgr.floodFill(layer, x, y, color); //oe.doFloodFill(layer, x, y, color); }; Neo.FillTool.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.FillTool.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.FillTool.prototype.rollOutHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.FillTool.prototype.upMoveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.FillTool.prototype.rollOverHandler = function (oe) {}; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EraseAll(全消し) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.EraseAllTool = function () {}; Neo.EraseAllTool.prototype = new Neo.ToolBase(); Neo.EraseAllTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASEALL; Neo.EraseAllTool.prototype.isUpMove = false; Neo.EraseAllTool.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) { oe._pushUndo(); oe._actionMgr.eraseAll(); /*oe.prepareDrawing(); oe.canvasCtx[oe.current].clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true);*/ }; Neo.EraseAllTool.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.EraseAllTool.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.EraseAllTool.prototype.rollOutHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.EraseAllTool.prototype.upMoveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.EraseAllTool.prototype.rollOverHandler = function (oe) {}; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EffectToolBase(エフェックトツールのベースクラス) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.EffectToolBase = function () {}; Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype = new Neo.ToolBase(); Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype.isUpMove = false; Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) { this.isUpMove = false; this.startX = this.endX = oe.clipMouseX; this.startY = this.endY = oe.clipMouseY; }; Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) { if (this.isUpMove) return; this.isUpMove = true; this.startX = Math.floor(this.startX); this.startY = Math.floor(this.startY); this.endX = Math.floor(this.endX); this.endY = Math.floor(this.endY); var x = this.startX < this.endX ? this.startX : this.endX; var y = this.startY < this.endY ? this.startY : this.endY; var width = Math.abs(this.startX - this.endX) + 1; var height = Math.abs(this.startY - this.endY) + 1; var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; if (x + width > oe.canvasWidth) width = oe.canvasWidth - x; if (y + height > oe.canvasHeight) height = oe.canvasHeight - y; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { oe._pushUndo(); oe.prepareDrawing(); this.doEffect(oe, x, y, width, height); } if (oe.tool.type != Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PASTE) { oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); } }; Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) { this.endX = oe.clipMouseX; this.endY = oe.clipMouseY; oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); this.drawCursor(oe); }; Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype.rollOutHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype.upMoveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype.rollOverHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype.drawCursor = function (oe) { var ctx = oe.destCanvasCtx; ctx.save(); this.transformForZoom(oe); var start = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(this.startX, this.startY, true); var end = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(this.endX, this.endY, true); var x = start.x < end.x ? start.x : end.x; var y = start.y < end.y ? start.y : end.y; var width = Math.abs(start.x - end.x) + oe.zoom; var height = Math.abs(start.y - end.y) + oe.zoom; if (this.isEllipse) { oe.drawXOREllipse(ctx, x, y, width, height, this.isFill); } else { oe.drawXORRect(ctx, x, y, width, height, this.isFill); } ctx.restore(); }; Neo.EffectToolBase.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = this.defaultAlpha || 1.0; Neo.updateUI(); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EraseRect(消し四角) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.EraseRectTool = function () {}; Neo.EraseRectTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.EraseRectTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASERECT; Neo.EraseRectTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; // oe.eraseRect(ctx, x, y, width, height); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.eraseRect2(x, y, width, height); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlipH(左右反転) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.FlipHTool = function () {}; Neo.FlipHTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.FlipHTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_H; Neo.FlipHTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; // oe.flipH(ctx, x, y, width, height); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.flipH(x, y, width, height); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FlipV(上下反転) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.FlipVTool = function () {}; Neo.FlipVTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.FlipVTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_V; Neo.FlipVTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; // oe.flipV(ctx, x, y, width, height); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.flipV(x, y, width, height); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DodgeRect(角取り) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.BlurRectTool = function () {}; Neo.BlurRectTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.BlurRectTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLURRECT; Neo.BlurRectTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; // oe.blurRect(ctx, x, y, width, height); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.blurRect(x, y, width, height); }; Neo.BlurRectTool.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = 0.5; Neo.updateUI(); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn(傾け) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.TurnTool = function () {}; Neo.TurnTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.TurnTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TURN; Neo.TurnTool.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) { this.isUpMove = true; this.startX = Math.floor(this.startX); this.startY = Math.floor(this.startY); this.endX = Math.floor(this.endX); this.endY = Math.floor(this.endY); var x = this.startX < this.endX ? this.startX : this.endX; var y = this.startY < this.endY ? this.startY : this.endY; var width = Math.abs(this.startX - this.endX) + 1; var height = Math.abs(this.startY - this.endY) + 1; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { oe._pushUndo(); // oe.turn(x, y, width, height); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.turn(x, y, width, height); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merge(レイヤー結合) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.MergeTool = function () {}; Neo.MergeTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.MergeTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_MERGE; Neo.MergeTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; // oe.merge(ctx, x, y, width, height); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.merge(x, y, width, height); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy(コピー) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.CopyTool = function () {}; Neo.CopyTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.CopyTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_COPY; Neo.CopyTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // oe.copy(oe.current, x, y, width, height); oe._actionMgr.copy(x, y, width, height); oe.setToolByType(Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PASTE); oe.tool.x = x; oe.tool.y = y; oe.tool.width = width; oe.tool.height = height; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paste(ペースト) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.PasteTool = function () {}; Neo.PasteTool.prototype = new Neo.ToolBase(); Neo.PasteTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PASTE; Neo.PasteTool.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) { this.startX = oe.mouseX; this.startY = oe.mouseY; this.drawCursor(oe); }; Neo.PasteTool.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) { oe._pushUndo(); var dx = oe.tempX; var dy = oe.tempY; // oe.paste(oe.current, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, dx, dy); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.paste(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, dx, dy); oe.setToolByType(Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_COPY); }; Neo.PasteTool.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) { var dx = Math.floor(oe.mouseX - this.startX); var dy = Math.floor(oe.mouseY - this.startY); oe.tempX = dx; oe.tempY = dy; oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); // this.drawCursor(oe); }; Neo.PasteTool.prototype.keyDownHandler = function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { //Escでキャンセル var oe = Neo.painter; oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe.setToolByType(Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_COPY); } }; Neo.PasteTool.prototype.kill = function () { var oe = Neo.painter; oe.tempCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); }; Neo.PasteTool.prototype.drawCursor = function (oe) { var ctx = oe.destCanvasCtx; ctx.save(); this.transformForZoom(oe); var start = oe.getDestCanvasPosition(this.x, this.y, true); var end = oe.getDestCanvasPosition( this.x + this.width, this.y + this.height, true ); var x = start.x + oe.tempX * oe.zoom; var y = start.y + oe.tempY * oe.zoom; var width = Math.abs(start.x - end.x); var height = Math.abs(start.y - end.y); oe.drawXORRect(ctx, x, y, width, height); ctx.restore(); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rect(線四角) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.RectTool = function () {}; Neo.RectTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.RectTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECT; Neo.RectTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; // oe.doFill(ctx, x, y, width, height, this.type); //oe.rectMask); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.fill(x, y, width, height, this.type); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RectFill(四角) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.RectFillTool = function () {}; Neo.RectFillTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.RectFillTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECTFILL; Neo.RectFillTool.prototype.isFill = true; Neo.RectFillTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; // oe.doFill(ctx, x, y, width, height, this.type); //oe.rectFillMask); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.fill(x, y, width, height, this.type); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ellipse(線楕円) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.EllipseTool = function () {}; Neo.EllipseTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.EllipseTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSE; Neo.EllipseTool.prototype.isEllipse = true; Neo.EllipseTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; // oe.doFill(ctx, x, y, width, height, this.type); //oe.ellipseMask); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.fill(x, y, width, height, this.type); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EllipseFill(楕円) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.EllipseFillTool = function () {}; Neo.EllipseFillTool.prototype = new Neo.EffectToolBase(); Neo.EllipseFillTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSEFILL; Neo.EllipseFillTool.prototype.isEllipse = true; Neo.EllipseFillTool.prototype.isFill = true; Neo.EllipseFillTool.prototype.doEffect = function (oe, x, y, width, height) { // var ctx = oe.canvasCtx[oe.current]; // oe.doFill(ctx, x, y, width, height, this.type); //oe.ellipseFillMask); // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); oe._actionMgr.fill(x, y, width, height, this.type); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text(テキスト) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.TextTool = function () {}; Neo.TextTool.prototype = new Neo.ToolBase(); Neo.TextTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TEXT; Neo.TextTool.prototype.isUpMove = false; Neo.TextTool.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) { this.startX = oe.mouseX; this.startY = oe.mouseY; if (Neo.painter.inputText) { Neo.painter.updateInputText(); var rect = oe.container.getBoundingClientRect(); var text = Neo.painter.inputText; var x = oe.rawMouseX - rect.left - 5; var y = oe.rawMouseY - rect.top - 5; text.style.left = x + "px"; text.style.top = y + "px"; text.style.display = "block"; text.focus(); } }; Neo.TextTool.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.TextTool.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.TextTool.prototype.upMoveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.TextTool.prototype.rollOverHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.TextTool.prototype.rollOutHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.TextTool.prototype.keyDownHandler = function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { // Returnで確定 e.preventDefault(); var oe = Neo.painter; var text = oe.inputText; if (text) { oe._pushUndo(); //this.drawText(oe); //oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); var string = text.textContent || text.innerText; var size = text.style.fontSize; var family = text.style.fontFamily || "Arial"; var layer = oe.current; var color = oe.getColor(); var alpha = oe.alpha; var x = this.startX; var y = this.startY; //oe.doText(layer, this.startX, this.startY, color, string, size, family); oe._actionMgr.text( this.startX, this.startY, color, alpha, string, size, family ); text.style.display = "none"; text.blur(); } } }; Neo.TextTool.prototype.kill = function (oe) { Neo.painter.hideInputText(); }; /* Neo.TextTool.prototype.drawText = function(oe) { var text = oe.inputText; var string = text.textContent || text.innerText; var size = text.style.fontSize; var family = text.style.fontFamily || "Arial"; var layer = oe.current; var color = oe.getColor(); var alpha = oe.alpha; var x = this.startX; var y = this.startY; //oe.doText(layer, this.startX, this.startY, color, string, size, family); oe._actionMgr.doText(layer, this.startX, this.startY, color, alpha, string, size, family); }; */ Neo.TextTool.prototype.loadStates = function () { var reserve = this.getReserve(); if (reserve) { Neo.painter.lineWidth = reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = 1.0; Neo.updateUI(); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dummy(何もしない時) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.DummyTool = function () {}; Neo.DummyTool.prototype = new Neo.ToolBase(); Neo.DummyTool.prototype.type = Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_NONE; Neo.DummyTool.prototype.isUpMove = false; Neo.DummyTool.prototype.downHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.DummyTool.prototype.upHandler = function (oe) { oe.popTool(); }; Neo.DummyTool.prototype.moveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.DummyTool.prototype.upMoveHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.DummyTool.prototype.rollOverHandler = function (oe) {}; Neo.DummyTool.prototype.rollOutHandler = function (oe) {}; "use strict"; Neo.CommandBase = function () {}; Neo.CommandBase.prototype.data; Neo.CommandBase.prototype.execute = function () {}; /* --------------------------------------------------- ZOOM --------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.ZoomPlusCommand = function (data) { this.data = data; }; Neo.ZoomPlusCommand.prototype = new Neo.CommandBase(); Neo.ZoomPlusCommand.prototype.execute = function () { if (this.data.zoom < 12) { this.data.setZoom(this.data.zoom + 1); } Neo.resizeCanvas(); Neo.painter.updateDestCanvas(); }; Neo.ZoomMinusCommand = function (data) { this.data = data; }; Neo.ZoomMinusCommand.prototype = new Neo.CommandBase(); Neo.ZoomMinusCommand.prototype.execute = function () { if (this.data.zoom >= 2) { this.data.setZoom(this.data.zoom - 1); } Neo.resizeCanvas(); Neo.painter.updateDestCanvas(); }; /* --------------------------------------------------- UNDO --------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.UndoCommand = function (data) { this.data = data; }; Neo.UndoCommand.prototype = new Neo.CommandBase(); Neo.UndoCommand.prototype.execute = function () { this.data.undo(); }; Neo.RedoCommand = function (data) { this.data = data; }; Neo.RedoCommand.prototype = new Neo.CommandBase(); Neo.RedoCommand.prototype.execute = function () { this.data.redo(); }; Neo.WindowCommand = function (data) { this.data = data; }; Neo.WindowCommand.prototype = new Neo.CommandBase(); Neo.WindowCommand.prototype.execute = function () { if (Neo.fullScreen) { if (confirm(Neo.translate("ページビュー?"))) { Neo.fullScreen = false; Neo.updateWindow(); } } else { if (confirm(Neo.translate("ウィンドウビュー?"))) { Neo.fullScreen = true; Neo.updateWindow(); } } }; Neo.SubmitCommand = function (data) { this.data = data; }; Neo.SubmitCommand.prototype = new Neo.CommandBase(); Neo.SubmitCommand.prototype.execute = function () { var board = location.href.replace(/[^/]*$/, ""); this.data.submit(board); }; Neo.CopyrightCommand = function (data) { this.data = data; }; Neo.CopyrightCommand.prototype = new Neo.CommandBase(); Neo.CopyrightCommand.prototype.execute = function () { var url = "http://github.com/funige/neo/"; if ( confirm( Neo.translate( "PaintBBS NEOは、お絵描きしぃ掲示板 PaintBBS (©2000-2004 しぃちゃん) をhtml5化するプロジェクトです。\n\nPaintBBS NEOのホームページを表示しますか?" ) + "\n" ) ) { Neo.openURL(url); } }; "use strict"; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Manager ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.ActionManager = function () { this._items = []; this._head = 0; this._index = 0; this._pause = false; this._mark = 0; this._speedTable = [-1, 0, 1, 11]; // [最, 早, 既, 鈍] Neo.speed = parseInt(Neo.config.speed || 0); this._prevSpeed = Neo.speed; }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.speedMode = function () { if (Neo.speed < 0) { return 0; } else if (Neo.speed == 0) { return 1; } else if (Neo.speed <= 10) { return 2; } else { return 3; } }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.step = function () { if (!Neo.animation) return; if (this._items.length > this._head) { this._items.length = this._head; } this._items.push([]); this._head++; this._index = 0; }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.back = function () { if (!Neo.animation) return; if (this._head > 0) { this._head--; } }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.forward = function () { if (!Neo.animation) return; if (this._head < this._items.length) { this._head++; } }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.push = function () { if (!Neo.animation) return; var head = this._items[this._head - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { head.push(arguments[i]); } }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.pushCurrent = function () { if (!Neo.animation) return; var oe = Neo.painter; var head = this._items[this._head - 1]; var color = oe._currentColor; var mask = oe._currentMask; var width = oe._currentWidth; var type = oe._currentMaskType; head.push(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]); head.push(mask[0], mask[1], mask[2]); head.push(width); head.push(type); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.getCurrent = function (item) { var oe = Neo.painter; oe._currentColor = [item[2], item[3], item[4], item[5]]; oe._currentMask = [item[6], item[7], item[8]]; oe._currentWidth = item[9]; oe._currentMaskType = item[10]; }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.skip = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++) { if (this._items[i][0] == "restore") { this._head = i; } } }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.play = function () { if (Neo.viewerBar) Neo.viewerBar.update(); if (this._pause) { console.log("suspend viewer"); return; } if (this._head < this._items.length && this._head < this._mark) { var item = this._items[this._head]; if (!Neo.viewer) { Neo.painter._pushUndo( 0, 0, Neo.painter.canvasWidth, Neo.painter.canvasHeight, true ); } if (Neo.viewer && Neo.viewerSpeed && this._index == 0) { Neo.viewerSpeed.update(); //console.log("play", item[0], this._head + 1, this._items.length); } var func = item[0] && this[item[0]] ? item[0] : "dummy"; var that = this; var wait = this._prevSpeed < 0 ? 0 : this._prevSpeed; this[func](item, function (result) { if (result) { if ( Neo.painter.busySkipped && that._head < that._mark - 2 && that._mark - 2 >= 0 && that._items[that._mark - 1][0] == "restore" ) { that._head = that._mark - 2; } else { that._head++; } that._index = 0; that._prevSpeed = Neo.speed; } setTimeout(function () { Neo.painter._actionMgr.play(); }, wait); }); } else { Neo.painter.dirty = false; Neo.painter.busy = false; if (Neo.painter.busySkipped) { Neo.painter.busySkipped = false; console.log("animation skipped"); } else { console.log("animation finished"); } } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.ActionManager.prototype.clearCanvas = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("clearCanvas"); } var oe = Neo.painter; oe.canvasCtx[0].clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.canvasCtx[1].clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.floodFill = function (layer, x, y, color) { if (typeof layer != "object") { this.push("floodFill", layer, x, y, color); } else { var item = layer; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; color = item[4]; } var oe = Neo.painter; oe.doFloodFill(layer, x, y, color); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.eraseAll = function () { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("eraseAll", layer); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; } var oe = Neo.painter; oe.canvasCtx[layer].clearRect(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.freeHand = function (x0, y0, lineType) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("freeHand", layer); this.pushCurrent(); this.push(lineType, x0, y0, x0, y0); oe.drawLine(oe.canvasCtx[layer], x0, y0, x0, y0, lineType); } else if (!Neo.viewer || this._prevSpeed <= 0) { this.freeHandFast(arguments[0], arguments[1]); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; lineType = item[11]; this.getCurrent(item); var i = this._index; if (i == 0) { i = 12; } else { i += 2; } var x1 = item[i + 0]; var y1 = item[i + 1]; x0 = item[i + 2]; y0 = item[i + 3]; oe.drawLine(oe.canvasCtx[layer], x0, y0, x1, y1, lineType); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); this._index = i; var result = i + 2 + 3 >= item.length; if (!result) { oe.prevLine = null; } var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") { callback(result); } } }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.freeHandFast = function (x0, y0, lineType) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("freeHand", layer); this.pushCurrent(); this.push(lineType, x0, y0, x0, y0); oe.drawLine(oe.canvasCtx[layer], x0, y0, x0, y0, lineType); } else { var item = arguments[0]; var length = item.length; layer = item[1]; this.getCurrent(item); lineType = item[11]; x0 = item[12]; y0 = item[13]; var x1, y1; for (var i = 14; i + 1 < length; i += 2) { x1 = x0; y1 = y0; x0 = item[i + 0]; y0 = item[i + 1]; oe.drawLine(oe.canvasCtx[layer], x0, y0, x1, y1, lineType); } oe.prevLine = null; oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); } var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.freeHandMove = function (x0, y0, x1, y1, lineType) { if (arguments.length > 1) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; var head = this._items[this._head - 1]; if (head && head.length == 0) { this.push("freeHand", layer); this.pushCurrent(); this.push(lineType, x1, y1, x0, y0); } else if (Neo.animation) { head.push(x0, y0); // 記録漏れがないか確認 var x = head[head.length - 4]; var y = head[head.length - 3]; if ( x1 != head[head.length - 4] || y1 != head[head.length - 3] || lineType != head[11] ) { console.log("eror in freeHandMove?", x, y, lineType, head); } } oe.drawLine(oe.canvasCtx[layer], x0, y0, x1, y1, lineType); } else { console.log("error in freeHandMove: called from recorder", head); } }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.line = function (x0, y0, x1, y1, lineType) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("line", layer); this.pushCurrent(); this.push(lineType, x0, y0, x1, y1); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; this.getCurrent(item); lineType = item[11]; x0 = item[12]; y0 = item[13]; x1 = item[14]; y1 = item[15]; } if (x1 === null) x1 = x0; if (y1 === null) y1 = y0; oe.drawLine(oe.canvasCtx[layer], x0, y0, x1, y1, lineType); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.bezier = function ( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, lineType ) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; var isReplay = true; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("bezier", layer); this.pushCurrent(); this.push(lineType, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); isReplay = false; } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; this.getCurrent(item); lineType = item[11]; x0 = item[12]; y0 = item[13]; x1 = item[14]; y1 = item[15]; x2 = item[16]; y2 = item[17]; x3 = item[18]; y3 = item[19]; } oe.drawBezier( oe.canvasCtx[layer], x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, lineType, isReplay ); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.fill = function (x, y, width, height, type) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("fill", layer); this.pushCurrent(); this.push(x, y, width, height, type); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; this.getCurrent(item); x = item[11]; y = item[12]; width = item[13]; height = item[14]; type = item[15]; } oe.doFill(layer, x, y, width, height, type); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.flipH = function (x, y, width, height) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("flipH", layer, x, y, width, height); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; width = item[4]; height = item[5]; } oe.flipH(layer, x, y, width, height); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.flipV = function (x, y, width, height) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("flipV", layer, x, y, width, height); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; width = item[4]; height = item[5]; } oe.flipV(layer, x, y, width, height); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.merge = function (x, y, width, height) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("merge", layer, x, y, width, height); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; width = item[4]; height = item[5]; } oe.merge(layer, x, y, width, height); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.blurRect = function (x, y, width, height) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("blurRect", layer, x, y, width, height); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; width = item[4]; height = item[5]; } oe.blurRect(layer, x, y, width, height); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.eraseRect2 = function (x, y, width, height) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("eraseRect2", layer); this.pushCurrent(); this.push(x, y, width, height); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; this.getCurrent(item); x = item[11]; y = item[12]; width = item[13]; height = item[14]; } oe.eraseRect(layer, x, y, width, height); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.eraseRect = function (x, y, width, height) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("eraseRect", layer, x, y, width, height); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; width = item[4]; height = item[5]; } oe.eraseRect(layer, x, y, width, height); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.copy = function (x, y, width, height) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("copy", layer, x, y, width, height); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; width = item[4]; height = item[5]; } oe.copy(layer, x, y, width, height); oe.tool.x = x; oe.tool.y = y; oe.tool.width = width; oe.tool.height = height; // oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight, true); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.paste = function (x, y, width, height, dx, dy) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("paste", layer, x, y, width, height, dx, dy); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; width = item[4]; height = item[5]; dx = item[6]; dy = item[7]; } oe.paste(layer, x, y, width, height, dx, dy); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.turn = function (x, y, width, height) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("turn", layer, x, y, width, height); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; width = item[4]; height = item[5]; } oe.turn(layer, x, y, width, height); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.text = function ( x, y, color, alpha, string, size, family ) { var oe = Neo.painter; var layer = oe.current; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("text", layer, x, y, color, alpha, string, size, family); } else { var item = arguments[0]; layer = item[1]; x = item[2]; y = item[3]; color = item[4]; alpha = item[5]; string = item[6]; size = item[7]; family = item[8]; } oe.doText(layer, x, y, color, alpha, string, size, family); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, oe.canvasWidth, oe.canvasHeight); var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.restore = function () { var oe = Neo.painter; var width = oe.canvasWidth; var height = oe.canvasHeight; if (typeof arguments[0] != "object") { this.push("restore"); var img0 = oe.canvas[0].toDataURL("image/png"); var img1 = oe.canvas[1].toDataURL("image/png"); this.push(img0, img1); } else { var item = arguments[0]; var callback = arguments[1]; var img0 = new Image(); img0.src = item[1]; img0.onload = function () { var img1 = new Image(); img1.src = item[2]; img1.onload = function () { oe.canvasCtx[0].clearRect(0, 0, width, height); oe.canvasCtx[1].clearRect(0, 0, width, height); oe.canvasCtx[0].drawImage(img0, 0, 0); oe.canvasCtx[1].drawImage(img1, 0, 0); oe.updateDestCanvas(0, 0, width, height); if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; }; } }; Neo.ActionManager.prototype.dummy = function () { var callback = arguments[1]; if (callback && typeof callback == "function") callback(true); }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 動画表示モード ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.createViewer = function (applet) { var neo = document.createElement("div"); neo.className = "NEO"; neo.id = "NEO"; var html = '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + "
" + "
" + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
"; neo.innerHTML = html.replace(/\[(.*?)\]/g, function (match, str) { return Neo.translate(str); }); var parent = applet.parentNode; parent.appendChild(neo); parent.insertBefore(neo, applet); // applet.style.display = "none"; // NEOを組み込んだURLをアプリ版で開くとDOMツリーが2重にできて格好悪いので消しておく setTimeout(function () { var tmp = document.getElementsByClassName("NEO"); if (tmp.length > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < tmp.length; i++) { tmp[i].style.display = "none"; } } }, 0); }; Neo.initViewer = function (pch) { var pageview = document.getElementById("pageView"); var pageWidth = Neo.config.applet_width; var pageHeight = Neo.config.applet_height; pageview.style.width = pageWidth + "px"; pageview.style.height = pageHeight + "px"; Neo.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); Neo.container = document.getElementById("container"); Neo.container.style.backgroundColor = Neo.config.color_back; Neo.container.style.border = "0"; var dx = (pageWidth - Neo.config.width) / 2; var dy = (pageHeight - Neo.config.height - 26) / 2; var painter = document.getElementById("painter"); painter.style.marginTop = "0"; painter.style.position = "absolute"; painter.style.padding = "0"; painter.style.bottom = dy + 26 + "px"; painter.style.left = dx + "px"; var viewerButtonsWrapper = document.getElementById("viewerButtonsWrapper"); viewerButtonsWrapper.style.width = pageWidth - 2 + "px"; var viewerBar = document.getElementById("viewerBar"); viewerBar.style.position = "absolute"; viewerBar.style.right = "2px"; viewerBar.style.top = "1px"; viewerBar.style.width = pageWidth - 24 * 6 - 2 + "px"; Neo.canvas.style.width = Neo.config.width + "px"; Neo.canvas.style.height = Neo.config.height + "px"; Neo.painter = new Neo.Painter(); Neo.painter.build(Neo.canvas, Neo.config.width, Neo.config.height); Neo.container.oncontextmenu = function () { return false; }; painter.addEventListener( "mousedown", function () { Neo.painter._actionMgr.isMouseDown = true; }, false ); document.addEventListener( "mousemove", function (e) { if (Neo.painter._actionMgr.isMouseDown) { var zoom = Neo.painter.zoom; var x = Neo.painter.zoomX - e.movementX / zoom; var y = Neo.painter.zoomY - e.movementY / zoom; Neo.painter.setZoomPosition(x, y); } }, false ); document.addEventListener( "mouseup", function () { Neo.painter._actionMgr.isMouseDown = false; Neo.viewerBar.isMouseDown = false; }, false ); if (pch) { //Neo.config.pch_file) { Neo.painter._actionMgr._items = pch.data; Neo.painter.play(); } }; Neo.startViewer = function () { if (Neo.applet) { var name = Neo.applet.attributes.name.value || "pch"; if (!document[name]) document[name] = Neo; if (Neo.applet.parentNode) { Neo.applet.parentNode.removeChild(Neo.applet); } } Neo.styleSheet = Neo.getStyleSheet(); var lightBack = Neo.multColor(Neo.config.color_back, 1.3); var darkBack = Neo.multColor(Neo.config.color_back, 0.7); Neo.addRule(".NEO #viewerButtons", "color", Neo.config.color_text); Neo.addRule(".NEO #viewerButtons", "background-color", Neo.config.color_back); Neo.addRule( ".NEO #viewerButtonsWrapper", "border", "1px solid " + Neo.config.color_frame + " !important" ); 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"button" : "buttonOff"; this.disable = function(wait) { this.element.style.pointerEvents = "none"; this.element.style.opacity = "0.5"; if (wait) { setTimeout(function () { ref.enable(); }, wait); } } this.enable = function() { this.element.style.pointerEvents = "inherit"; this.element.style.opacity = "1.0"; } return this; }; Neo.Button.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (e) { if (Neo.painter.isUIPaused()) return; this.isMouseDown = true; if (this.params.type == "fill" && this.selected == false) { for (var i = 0; i < Neo.toolButtons.length; i++) { var toolTip = Neo.toolButtons[i]; toolTip.setSelected(this.selected ? false : true); } Neo.painter.setToolByType(Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FILL); } if (this.onmousedown) this.onmousedown(this); }; Neo.Button.prototype._mouseUpHandler = function (e) { if (this.isMouseDown) { this.isMouseDown = false; if (this.onmouseup) this.onmouseup(this); } }; Neo.Button.prototype._mouseOutHandler = function (e) { if (this.isMouseDown) { this.isMouseDown = false; if (this.onmouseout) this.onmouseout(this); } }; Neo.Button.prototype._mouseOverHandler = function (e) { if (this.onmouseover) this.onmouseover(this); }; Neo.Button.prototype.setSelected = function (selected) { if (selected) { this.element.className = "buttonOn"; } else { this.element.className = "buttonOff"; } this.selected = selected; }; Neo.Button.prototype.update = function () {}; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.RightButton; Neo.RightButton = function () {}; Neo.RightButton.prototype = new Neo.Button(); Neo.RightButton.prototype.init = function (name, params) { Neo.Button.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); this.params.type = "right"; return this; }; Neo.RightButton.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (e) {}; Neo.RightButton.prototype._mouseUpHandler = function (e) { this.setSelected(!this.selected); }; Neo.RightButton.prototype._mouseOutHandler = function (e) {}; Neo.RightButton.prototype.setSelected = function (selected) { if (selected) { this.element.className = "buttonOn"; Neo.painter.virtualRight = true; } else { this.element.className = "buttonOff"; Neo.painter.virtualRight = false; } this.selected = selected; }; Neo.RightButton.clear = function () { var right = Neo.rightButton; right.setSelected(false); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.FillButton; Neo.FillButton = function () {}; Neo.FillButton.prototype = new Neo.Button(); Neo.FillButton.prototype.init = function (name, params) { Neo.Button.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); this.params.type = "fill"; return this; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColorTip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.colorTips = []; Neo.ColorTip = function () {}; Neo.ColorTip.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.element = document.getElementById(name); this.params = params || {}; this.name = name; this.selected = this.name == "color1" ? true : false; this.isMouseDown = false; var ref = this; this.element.onmousedown = function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); }; this.element.onmouseup = function (e) { ref._mouseUpHandler(e); }; this.element.onmouseover = function (e) { ref._mouseOverHandler(e); }; this.element.onmouseout = function (e) { ref._mouseOutHandler(e); }; this.element.addEventListener( "touchstart", function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); e.preventDefault(); }, true ); this.element.addEventListener( "touchend", function (e) { ref._mouseUpHandler(e); }, true ); this.element.className = "colorTipOff"; var index = parseInt(this.name.slice(5)) - 1; this.element.style.left = index % 2 ? "0px" : "26px"; this.element.style.top = Math.floor(index / 2) * 21 + "px"; // base64 ColorTip.png this.element.innerHTML = ""; this.setColor(Neo.config.colors[params.index - 1]); this.setSelected(this.selected); Neo.colorTips.push(this); }; Neo.ColorTip.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (e) { if (Neo.painter.isUIPaused()) return; this.isMouseDown = true; for (var i = 0; i < Neo.colorTips.length; i++) { var colorTip = Neo.colorTips[i]; if (this == colorTip) { switch (Neo.getModifier(e)) { case "shift": this.setColor(Neo.config.colors[this.params.index - 1]); break; case "right": this.setColor(Neo.painter.foregroundColor); break; } // if (e.shiftKey) { // this.setColor(Neo.config.colors[this.params.index - 1]); // } else if (e.button == 2 || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || // Neo.painter.virtualRight) { // this.setColor(Neo.painter.foregroundColor); // } } colorTip.setSelected(this == colorTip) ? true : false; } Neo.painter.setColor(this.color); Neo.updateUIColor(true, false); if (this.onmousedown) this.onmousedown(this); }; Neo.ColorTip.prototype._mouseUpHandler = function (e) { if (this.isMouseDown) { this.isMouseDown = false; if (this.onmouseup) this.onmouseup(this); } }; Neo.ColorTip.prototype._mouseOutHandler = function (e) { if (this.isMouseDown) { this.isMouseDown = false; if (this.onmouseout) this.onmouseout(this); } }; Neo.ColorTip.prototype._mouseOverHandler = function (e) { if (this.onmouseover) this.onmouseover(this); }; Neo.ColorTip.prototype.setSelected = function (selected) { if (selected) { this.element.className = "colorTipOn"; } else { this.element.className = "colorTipOff"; } this.selected = selected; }; Neo.ColorTip.prototype.setColor = function (color) { this.color = color; this.element.style.backgroundColor = color; }; Neo.ColorTip.getCurrent = function () { for (var i = 0; i < Neo.colorTips.length; i++) { var colorTip = Neo.colorTips[i]; if (colorTip.selected) return colorTip; } return null; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ToolTip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.toolTips = []; Neo.toolButtons = []; Neo.ToolTip = function () {}; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.prevMode = -1; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.element = document.getElementById(name); this.params = params || {}; this.params.type = this.element.id; this.name = name; this.mode = 0; this.isMouseDown = false; var ref = this; this.element.onmousedown = function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); }; this.element.onmouseup = function (e) { ref._mouseUpHandler(e); }; this.element.onmouseover = function (e) { ref._mouseOverHandler(e); }; this.element.onmouseout = function (e) { ref._mouseOutHandler(e); }; this.element.addEventListener( "touchstart", function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); e.preventDefault(); }, true ); this.element.addEventListener( "touchend", function (e) { ref._mouseUpHandler(e); }, true ); this.selected = this.params.type == "pen" ? true : false; this.setSelected(this.selected); this.element.innerHTML = "
"; this.canvas = this.element.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0]; this.label = this.element.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; this.update(); return this; }; Neo.ToolTip.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (e) { this.isMouseDown = true; if (this.isTool) { if (this.selected == false) { for (var i = 0; i < Neo.toolButtons.length; i++) { var toolTip = Neo.toolButtons[i]; toolTip.setSelected(this == toolTip ? true : false); } } else { var length = this.toolStrings.length; if (Neo.getModifier(e) == "right") { this.mode--; if (this.mode < 0) this.mode = length - 1; } else { this.mode++; if (this.mode >= length) this.mode = 0; } } Neo.painter.setToolByType(this.tools[this.mode]); this.update(); } if (this.onmousedown) this.onmousedown(this); }; Neo.ToolTip.prototype._mouseUpHandler = function (e) { if (this.isMouseDown) { this.isMouseDown = false; if (this.onmouseup) this.onmouseup(this); } }; Neo.ToolTip.prototype._mouseOutHandler = function (e) { if (this.isMouseDown) { this.isMouseDown = false; if (this.onmouseout) this.onmouseout(this); } }; Neo.ToolTip.prototype._mouseOverHandler = function (e) { if (this.onmouseover) this.onmouseover(this); }; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.setSelected = function (selected) { if (this.fixed) { this.element.className = "toolTipFixed"; } else { if (selected) { this.element.className = "toolTipOn"; } else { this.element.className = "toolTipOff"; } } this.selected = selected; }; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.update = function () {}; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.draw = function (c) { if (this.hasTintImage) { if (typeof c != "string") c = Neo.painter.getColorString(c); var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); if (this.prevMode != this.mode) { this.prevMode = this.mode; var img = new Image(); img.src = this.toolIcons[this.mode]; img.onload = function () { var ref = this; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.drawTintImage(ctx, img, c, 0, 0); }.bind(this); } else { Neo.tintImage(ctx, c); } } }; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.drawTintImage = function (ctx, img, c, x, y) { ctx.drawImage(img, x, y); Neo.tintImage(ctx, c); }; Neo.ToolTip.bezier = ""; Neo.ToolTip.blur = ""; Neo.ToolTip.blurrect = ""; Neo.ToolTip.brush = ""; Neo.ToolTip.burn = ""; Neo.ToolTip.copy = ""; Neo.ToolTip.copy2 = ""; Neo.ToolTip.ellipse = ""; Neo.ToolTip.ellipsefill = ""; Neo.ToolTip.eraser = ""; Neo.ToolTip.flip = ""; Neo.ToolTip.freehand = ""; Neo.ToolTip.line = ""; Neo.ToolTip.merge = ""; Neo.ToolTip.pen = ""; Neo.ToolTip.rect = ""; Neo.ToolTip.rectfill = ""; Neo.ToolTip.text = ""; Neo.ToolTip.tone = ""; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PenTip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.penTip; Neo.PenTip = function () {}; Neo.PenTip.prototype = new Neo.ToolTip(); Neo.PenTip.prototype.tools = [ Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PEN, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BRUSH, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TEXT, ]; Neo.PenTip.prototype.hasTintImage = true; Neo.PenTip.prototype.toolIcons = [ Neo.ToolTip.pen, Neo.ToolTip.brush, Neo.ToolTip.text, ]; Neo.PenTip.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.toolStrings = [ Neo.translate("鉛筆"), Neo.translate("水彩"), Neo.translate("テキスト"), ]; this.isTool = true; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); return this; }; Neo.PenTip.prototype.update = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.tools.length; i++) { if (Neo.painter.tool.type == this.tools[i]) this.mode = i; } this.draw(Neo.painter.foregroundColor); if (this.label) { this.label.innerHTML = this.toolStrings[this.mode]; } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pen2Tip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.pen2Tip; Neo.Pen2Tip = function () {}; Neo.Pen2Tip.prototype = new Neo.ToolTip(); Neo.Pen2Tip.prototype.tools = [ Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TONE, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLUR, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_DODGE, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BURN, ]; Neo.Pen2Tip.prototype.hasTintImage = true; Neo.Pen2Tip.prototype.toolIcons = [ Neo.ToolTip.tone, Neo.ToolTip.blur, Neo.ToolTip.burn, Neo.ToolTip.burn, ]; Neo.Pen2Tip.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.toolStrings = [ Neo.translate("トーン"), Neo.translate("ぼかし"), Neo.translate("覆い焼き"), Neo.translate("焼き込み"), ]; this.isTool = true; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); return this; }; Neo.Pen2Tip.prototype.update = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.tools.length; i++) { if (Neo.painter.tool.type == this.tools[i]) this.mode = i; } switch (this.tools[this.mode]) { case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TONE: this.drawTone(Neo.painter.foregroundColor); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_DODGE: this.draw(0xffc0c0c0); break; case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BURN: this.draw(0xff404040); break; default: this.draw(Neo.painter.foregroundColor); break; } this.label.innerHTML = this.toolStrings[this.mode]; }; Neo.Pen2Tip.prototype.drawTone = function () { var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 46, 18); var buf32 = new Uint32Array(imageData.data.buffer); var buf8 = new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer); var c = Neo.painter.getColor() | 0xff000000; var a = Math.floor(Neo.painter.alpha * 255); var toneData = Neo.painter.getToneData(a); for (var j = 0; j < 18; j++) { for (var i = 0; i < 46; i++) { if ( j >= 1 && j < 12 && i >= 2 && i < 26 && toneData[(i % 4) + (j % 4) * 4] ) { buf32[j * 46 + i] = c; } else { buf32[j * 46 + i] = 0; } } } imageData.data.set(buf8); ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); this.prevMode = this.mode; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EraserTip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.eraserTip; Neo.EraserTip = function () {}; Neo.EraserTip.prototype = new Neo.ToolTip(); Neo.EraserTip.prototype.tools = [ Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASER, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASERECT, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ERASEALL, ]; Neo.EraserTip.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.toolStrings = [ Neo.translate("消しペン"), Neo.translate("消し四角"), Neo.translate("全消し"), ]; this.drawOnce = false; this.isTool = true; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); return this; }; Neo.EraserTip.prototype.update = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.tools.length; i++) { if (Neo.painter.tool.type == this.tools[i]) this.mode = i; } if (this.drawOnce == false) { this.draw(); this.drawOnce = true; } this.label.innerHTML = this.toolStrings[this.mode]; }; Neo.EraserTip.prototype.draw = function () { var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); var img = new Image(); img.src = Neo.ToolTip.eraser; img.onload = function () { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); }; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EffectTip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.effectTip; Neo.EffectTip = function () {}; Neo.EffectTip.prototype = new Neo.ToolTip(); Neo.EffectTip.prototype.tools = [ Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECTFILL, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_RECT, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSEFILL, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_ELLIPSE, ]; Neo.EffectTip.prototype.hasTintImage = true; Neo.EffectTip.prototype.toolIcons = [ Neo.ToolTip.rectfill, Neo.ToolTip.rect, Neo.ToolTip.ellipsefill, Neo.ToolTip.ellipse, ]; Neo.EffectTip.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.toolStrings = [ Neo.translate("四角"), Neo.translate("線四角"), Neo.translate("楕円"), Neo.translate("線楕円"), ]; this.isTool = true; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); return this; }; Neo.EffectTip.prototype.update = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.tools.length; i++) { if (Neo.painter.tool.type == this.tools[i]) this.mode = i; } this.draw(Neo.painter.foregroundColor); this.label.innerHTML = this.toolStrings[this.mode]; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effect2Tip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.effect2Tip; Neo.Effect2Tip = function () {}; Neo.Effect2Tip.prototype = new Neo.ToolTip(); Neo.Effect2Tip.prototype.tools = [ Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_COPY, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_MERGE, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BLURRECT, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_H, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_FLIP_V, Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TURN, ]; Neo.Effect2Tip.prototype.hasTintImage = true; Neo.Effect2Tip.prototype.toolIcons = [ Neo.ToolTip.copy, Neo.ToolTip.merge, Neo.ToolTip.blurrect, Neo.ToolTip.flip, Neo.ToolTip.flip, Neo.ToolTip.flip, ]; Neo.Effect2Tip.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.toolStrings = [ Neo.translate("コピー"), Neo.translate("レイヤ結合"), Neo.translate("角取り"), Neo.translate("左右反転"), Neo.translate("上下反転"), Neo.translate("傾け"), ]; this.isTool = true; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); this.img = document.createElement("img"); this.img.src = Neo.ToolTip.copy2; this.element.appendChild(this.img); return this; }; Neo.Effect2Tip.prototype.update = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.tools.length; i++) { if (Neo.painter.tool.type == this.tools[i]) this.mode = i; } this.draw(Neo.painter.foregroundColor); this.label.innerHTML = this.toolStrings[this.mode]; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MaskTip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.maskTip; Neo.MaskTip = function () {}; Neo.MaskTip.prototype = new Neo.ToolTip(); Neo.MaskTip.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.toolStrings = [ Neo.translate("通常"), Neo.translate("マスク"), Neo.translate("逆マスク"), Neo.translate("加算"), Neo.translate("逆加算"), ]; this.fixed = true; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); return this; }; Neo.MaskTip.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (e) { this.isMouseDown = true; if (Neo.getModifier(e) == "right") { Neo.painter.maskColor = Neo.painter.foregroundColor; } else { var length = this.toolStrings.length; this.mode++; if (this.mode >= length) this.mode = 0; Neo.painter.maskType = this.mode; } this.update(); if (this.onmousedown) this.onmousedown(this); }; Neo.MaskTip.prototype.update = function () { this.draw(Neo.painter.maskColor); this.label.innerHTML = this.toolStrings[this.mode]; }; Neo.MaskTip.prototype.draw = function (c) { if (typeof c != "string") c = Neo.painter.getColorString(c); var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = c; ctx.fillRect(1, 1, 43, 9); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DrawTip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.drawTip; Neo.DrawTip = function () {}; Neo.DrawTip.prototype = new Neo.ToolTip(); Neo.DrawTip.prototype.hasTintImage = true; Neo.DrawTip.prototype.toolIcons = [ Neo.ToolTip.freehand, Neo.ToolTip.line, Neo.ToolTip.bezier, ]; Neo.DrawTip.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.toolStrings = [ Neo.translate("手書き"), Neo.translate("直線"), Neo.translate("BZ曲線"), ]; this.fixed = true; Neo.ToolTip.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); return this; }; Neo.DrawTip.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (e) { this.isMouseDown = true; var length = this.toolStrings.length; if (Neo.getModifier(e) == "right") { this.mode--; if (this.mode < 0) this.mode = length - 1; } else { this.mode++; if (this.mode >= length) this.mode = 0; } Neo.painter.drawType = this.mode; this.update(); if (this.onmousedown) this.onmousedown(this); }; Neo.DrawTip.prototype.update = function () { this.mode = Neo.painter.drawType; this.draw(Neo.painter.foregroundColor); this.label.innerHTML = this.toolStrings[this.mode]; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColorSlider ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.sliders = []; Neo.ColorSlider = function () {}; Neo.ColorSlider.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.element = document.getElementById(name); this.params = params || {}; this.name = name; this.isMouseDown = false; this.value = 0; this.type = this.params.type; this.element.className = "colorSlider"; this.element.innerHTML = "
"; this.element.innerHTML += "
"; this.slider = this.element.getElementsByClassName("slider")[0]; this.label = this.element.getElementsByClassName("label")[0]; this.hit = this.element.getElementsByClassName("hit")[0]; this.hit["data-slider"] = params.type; switch (this.type) { case Neo.SLIDERTYPE_RED: this.prefix = "R"; this.slider.style.backgroundColor = "#fa9696"; break; case Neo.SLIDERTYPE_GREEN: this.prefix = "G"; this.slider.style.backgroundColor = "#82f238"; break; case Neo.SLIDERTYPE_BLUE: this.prefix = "B"; this.slider.style.backgroundColor = "#8080ff"; break; case Neo.SLIDERTYPE_ALPHA: this.prefix = "A"; this.slider.style.backgroundColor = "#aaaaaa"; this.value = 255; break; } this.update(); return this; }; Neo.ColorSlider.prototype.downHandler = function (x, y) { if (Neo.painter.isShiftDown) { this.shift(x, y); } else { this.slide(x, y); } }; Neo.ColorSlider.prototype.moveHandler = function (x, y) { this.slide(x, y); //event.preventDefault(); }; Neo.ColorSlider.prototype.upHandler = function (x, y) {}; Neo.ColorSlider.prototype.shift = function (x, y) { var value; if (x >= 0 && x < 60 && y >= 0 && y <= 15) { var v = Math.floor((x - 5) * 5.0); var min = this.type == Neo.SLIDERTYPE_ALPHA ? 1 : 0; value = Math.max(Math.min(v, 255), min); if (this.value > value || this.value == 255) { this.value--; } else { this.value++; } this.value = Math.max(Math.min(this.value, 255), min); this.value0 = this.value; this.x0 = x; } if (this.type == Neo.SLIDERTYPE_ALPHA) { Neo.painter.alpha = this.value / 255.0; this.update(); Neo.updateUIColor(false, false); } else { var r = Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_RED].value; var g = Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_GREEN].value; var b = Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_BLUE].value; Neo.painter.setColor((r << 16) | (g << 8) | b); Neo.updateUIColor(true, true); } }; Neo.ColorSlider.prototype.slide = function (x, y) { var value; if (x >= 0 && x < 60 && y >= 0 && y <= 15) { var v = Math.floor((x - 5) * 5.0); value = Math.round(v / 5) * 5; this.value0 = value; this.x0 = x; } else { var d = (x - this.x0) / 3.0; value = this.value0 + d; } var min = this.type == Neo.SLIDERTYPE_ALPHA ? 1 : 0; this.value = Math.max(Math.min(value, 255), min); if (this.type == Neo.SLIDERTYPE_ALPHA) { Neo.painter.alpha = this.value / 255.0; this.update(); Neo.updateUIColor(false, false); } else { var r = Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_RED].value; var g = Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_GREEN].value; var b = Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_BLUE].value; var color = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; var colorTip = Neo.ColorTip.getCurrent(); if (colorTip) { colorTip.setColor(Neo.painter.getColorString(color)); } Neo.painter.setColor(color); // Neo.updateUIColor(true, true); } }; Neo.ColorSlider.prototype.update = function () { var color = Neo.painter.getColor(); var alpha = Neo.painter.alpha * 255; switch (this.type) { case Neo.SLIDERTYPE_RED: this.value = color & 0x0000ff; break; case Neo.SLIDERTYPE_GREEN: this.value = (color & 0x00ff00) >> 8; break; case Neo.SLIDERTYPE_BLUE: this.value = (color & 0xff0000) >> 16; break; case Neo.SLIDERTYPE_ALPHA: this.value = alpha; break; } var width = (this.value * 49.0) / 255.0; width = Math.max(Math.min(48, width), 1); this.slider.style.width = width.toFixed(2) + "px"; this.label.innerHTML = this.prefix + this.value.toFixed(0); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SizeSlider ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.SizeSlider = function () {}; Neo.SizeSlider.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.element = document.getElementById(name); this.params = params || {}; this.name = name; this.isMouseDown = false; this.value = this.value0 = 1; this.element.className = "sizeSlider"; this.element.innerHTML = "
"; this.element.innerHTML += "
"; this.slider = this.element.getElementsByClassName("slider")[0]; this.label = this.element.getElementsByClassName("label")[0]; this.hit = this.element.getElementsByClassName("hit")[0]; this.hit["data-slider"] = params.type; this.slider.style.backgroundColor = Neo.painter.foregroundColor; this.update(); return this; }; Neo.SizeSlider.prototype.downHandler = function (x, y) { if (Neo.painter.isShiftDown) { this.shift(x, y); } else { this.value0 = this.value; this.y0 = y; this.slide(x, y); } }; Neo.SizeSlider.prototype.moveHandler = function (x, y) { this.slide(x, y); //event.preventDefault(); }; Neo.SizeSlider.prototype.upHandler = function (x, y) {}; Neo.SizeSlider.prototype.shift = function (x, y) { var value0 = Neo.painter.lineWidth; var value; if (!Neo.painter.tool.alt) { var v = Math.floor(((y - 4) * 30.0) / 33.0); value = Math.max(Math.min(v, 30), 1); if (value0 > value || value0 == 30) { value0--; } else { value0++; } this.setSize(value0); } }; Neo.SizeSlider.prototype.slide = function (x, y) { var value; if (!Neo.painter.tool.alt) { if (x >= 0 && x < 48 && y >= 0 && y < 41) { var v = Math.floor(((y - 4) * 30.0) / 33.0); value = v; this.value0 = value; this.y0 = y; } else { var d = (y - this.y0) / 7.0; value = this.value0 + d; } } else { // Ctrl+Alt+ドラッグでサイズ変更するとき var d = y - this.y0; value = this.value0 + d; } value = Math.max(Math.min(value, 30), 1); this.setSize(value); }; Neo.SizeSlider.prototype.setSize = function (value) { value = Math.round(value); Neo.painter.lineWidth = Math.max(Math.min(30, value), 1); var tool = Neo.painter.getCurrentTool(); if (tool) { if (tool.type == Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BRUSH) { Neo.painter.alpha = tool.getAlpha(); Neo.sliders[Neo.SLIDERTYPE_ALPHA].update(); } else if (tool.type == Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TEXT) { Neo.painter.updateInputText(); } } this.update(); }; Neo.SizeSlider.prototype.update = function () { this.value = Neo.painter.lineWidth; var height = (this.value * 33.0) / 30.0; height = Math.max(Math.min(34, height), 1); this.slider.style.height = height.toFixed(2) + "px"; this.label.innerHTML = this.value + "px"; this.slider.style.backgroundColor = Neo.painter.foregroundColor; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LayerControl ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.LayerControl = function () {}; Neo.LayerControl.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.element = document.getElementById(name); this.params = params || {}; this.name = name; this.isMouseDown = false; var ref = this; this.element.onmousedown = function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); }; this.element.addEventListener( "touchstart", function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); e.preventDefault(); }, true ); this.element.className = "layerControl"; var layerStrings = [Neo.translate("Layer0"), Neo.translate("Layer1")]; this.element.innerHTML = "
" + layerStrings[0] + "
" + layerStrings[1] + "
"; this.bg = this.element.getElementsByClassName("bg")[0]; this.label0 = this.element.getElementsByClassName("label0")[0]; this.label1 = this.element.getElementsByClassName("label1")[0]; this.line0 = this.element.getElementsByClassName("line0")[0]; this.line1 = this.element.getElementsByClassName("line1")[0]; this.line0.style.display = "none"; this.line1.style.display = "none"; this.label1.style.display = "none"; this.update(); return this; }; Neo.LayerControl.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (e) { if (Neo.getModifier(e) == "right") { var visible = Neo.painter.visible[Neo.painter.current]; Neo.painter.visible[Neo.painter.current] = visible ? false : true; } else { var current = Neo.painter.current; Neo.painter.current = current ? 0 : 1; } Neo.painter.updateDestCanvas( 0, 0, Neo.painter.canvasWidth, Neo.painter.canvasHeight ); if (Neo.painter.tool.type == Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PASTE) { Neo.painter.tool.drawCursor(Neo.painter); } this.update(); if (this.onmousedown) this.onmousedown(this); }; Neo.LayerControl.prototype.update = function () { this.label0.style.display = Neo.painter.current == 0 ? "block" : "none"; this.label1.style.display = Neo.painter.current == 1 ? "block" : "none"; this.line0.style.display = Neo.painter.visible[0] ? "none" : "block"; this.line1.style.display = Neo.painter.visible[1] ? "none" : "block"; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReserveControl ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.reserveControls = []; Neo.ReserveControl = function () {}; Neo.ReserveControl.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.element = document.getElementById(name); this.params = params || {}; this.name = name; var ref = this; this.element.onmousedown = function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); }; this.element.addEventListener( "touchstart", function (e) { ref._mouseDownHandler(e); e.preventDefault(); }, true ); this.element.className = "reserve"; var index = parseInt(this.name.slice(7)) - 1; this.element.style.top = "1px"; this.element.style.left = index * 15 + 2 + "px"; this.reserve = Neo.clone(Neo.config.reserves[index]); this.update(); Neo.reserveControls.push(this); return this; }; Neo.ReserveControl.prototype._mouseDownHandler = function (e) { if (Neo.getModifier(e) == "right") { this.save(); } else { this.load(); } this.update(); }; Neo.ReserveControl.prototype.load = function () { Neo.painter.setToolByType(this.reserve.tool); Neo.painter.foregroundColor = this.reserve.color; Neo.painter.lineWidth = this.reserve.size; Neo.painter.alpha = this.reserve.alpha; switch (this.reserve.tool) { case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_PEN: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_BRUSH: case Neo.Painter.TOOLTYPE_TONE: Neo.painter.drawType = this.reserve.drawType; } Neo.updateUI(); }; Neo.ReserveControl.prototype.save = function () { this.reserve.color = Neo.painter.foregroundColor; this.reserve.size = Neo.painter.lineWidth; this.reserve.drawType = Neo.painter.drawType; this.reserve.alpha = Neo.painter.alpha; this.reserve.tool = Neo.painter.tool.getType(); this.element.style.backgroundColor = this.reserve.color; this.update(); Neo.updateUI(); }; Neo.ReserveControl.prototype.update = function () { this.element.style.backgroundColor = this.reserve.color; }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScrollBarButton ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.scrollH; Neo.scrollV; Neo.ScrollBarButton = function () {}; Neo.ScrollBarButton.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.element = document.getElementById(name); this.params = params || {}; this.name = name; this.element.innerHTML = "
"; this.barButton = this.element.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; this.element["data-bar"] = true; this.barButton["data-bar"] = true; if (name == "scrollH") Neo.scrollH = this; if (name == "scrollV") Neo.scrollV = this; return this; }; Neo.ScrollBarButton.prototype.update = function (oe) { if (this.name == "scrollH") { var a = oe.destCanvas.width / (oe.canvasWidth * oe.zoom); var barWidth = Math.ceil(oe.destCanvas.width * a); var barX = oe.scrollBarX * (oe.destCanvas.width - barWidth); this.barButton.style.width = Math.ceil(barWidth) - 4 + "px"; this.barButton.style.left = Math.floor(barX) + "px"; } else { var a = oe.destCanvas.height / (oe.canvasHeight * oe.zoom); var barHeight = Math.ceil(oe.destCanvas.height * a); var barY = oe.scrollBarY * (oe.destCanvas.height - barHeight); this.barButton.style.height = Math.ceil(barHeight) - 4 + "px"; this.barButton.style.top = Math.floor(barY) + "px"; } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ViewerButton ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Neo.ViewerButton = function () {}; Neo.ViewerButton.prototype = new Neo.Button(); Neo.ViewerButton.speedStrings = ["最", "早", "既", "鈍"]; Neo.ViewerButton.prototype.init = function (name, params) { Neo.Button.prototype.init.call(this, name, params); if (name != "viewerSpeed") { this.element.innerHTML = ""; this.canvas = this.element.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0]; var ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); var img = new Image(); img.src = Neo.ViewerButton[name.toLowerCase().replace(/viewer/, "")]; img.onload = function () { var ref = this; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 24, 24); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); Neo.tintImage(ctx, Neo.config.color_text); }.bind(this); } else { this.element.innerHTML = "
"; this.update(); } return this; }; Neo.ViewerButton.prototype.update = function () { if (this.name == "viewerSpeed") { var mode = Neo.painter._actionMgr.speedMode(); var speedString = Neo.translate(Neo.ViewerButton.speedStrings[mode]); this.element.children[0].innerHTML = "
" + speedString + "
"; } }; Neo.ViewerButton.minus = ""; Neo.ViewerButton.plus = ""; Neo.ViewerButton.play = ""; Neo.ViewerButton.stop = ""; Neo.ViewerButton.rewind = ""; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ViewerBar ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // length/mark/count // update Neo.ViewerBar = function () {}; Neo.ViewerBar.prototype.init = function (name, params) { this.element = document.getElementById(name); this.params = params || {}; this.name = name; this.isMouseDown = false; this.element.style.display = "inline-block"; this.element.innerHTML = "
" + "
" + "
"; this.seekElement = this.element.children[0]; this.markElement = this.element.children[1]; this.textElement = this.element.children[2]; this.width = this.seekElement.offsetWidth; this.length = this.params.length || 100; this.mark = this.length; this.seek = 0; var ref = this; this.element.onmousedown = function (e) { ref.isMouseDown = true; ref._touchHandler(e); }; this.element.onmousemove = function (e) { if (ref.isMouseDown) { ref._touchHandler(e); } }; // this.element.onmouseup = function(e) { this.isMouseDown = false; } // this.element.onmouseout = function(e) { this.isMouseDown = false; } this.element.addEventListener( "touchstart", function (e) { ref._touchHandler(e); e.preventDefault(); }, true ); this.update(); return this; }; Neo.ViewerBar.prototype.update = function () { this.mark = Neo.painter._actionMgr._mark; this.seek = Neo.painter._actionMgr._head; var markX = (this.mark / this.length) * this.width; this.markElement.style.left = markX + "px"; var seekX = (this.seek / this.length) * this.width; this.seekElement.style.width = seekX + "px"; this.textElement.innerHTML = this.seek + "/" + this.length; }; Neo.ViewerBar.prototype._touchHandler = function (e) { var x = e.offsetX / this.width; x = Math.max(Math.min(x, 1), 0); Neo.painter._actionMgr._mark = Math.round(x * this.length); //this.update(); // console.log('mark=', this.mark, 'head=', Neo.painter._actionMgr._head); Neo.painter.onmark(); }; // Copyright (c) 2013 Pieroxy // This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the WTFPL, Version 2 // For more information see LICENSE.txt or http://www.wtfpl.net/ // // For more information, the home page: // http://pieroxy.net/blog/pages/lz-string/testing.html // // LZ-based compression algorithm, version 1.4.4 var LZString = (function() { // private property var f = String.fromCharCode; var keyStrBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; var keyStrUriSafe = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-$"; var baseReverseDic = {}; function getBaseValue(alphabet, character) { if (!baseReverseDic[alphabet]) { baseReverseDic[alphabet] = {}; for (var i=0 ; i>> 8; buf[i*2+1] = current_value % 256; } return buf; }, //decompress from uint8array (UCS-2 big endian format) decompressFromUint8Array:function (compressed) { if (compressed===null || compressed===undefined){ return LZString.decompress(compressed); } else { var buf=new Array(compressed.length/2); // 2 bytes per character for (var i=0, TotalLen=buf.length; i> 1; } } else { value = 1; for (i=0 ; i> 1; } } context_enlargeIn--; if (context_enlargeIn == 0) { context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits); context_numBits++; } delete context_dictionaryToCreate[context_w]; } else { value = context_dictionary[context_w]; for (i=0 ; i> 1; } } context_enlargeIn--; if (context_enlargeIn == 0) { context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits); context_numBits++; } // Add wc to the dictionary. context_dictionary[context_wc] = context_dictSize++; context_w = String(context_c); } } // Output the code for w. if (context_w !== "") { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(context_dictionaryToCreate,context_w)) { if (context_w.charCodeAt(0)<256) { for (i=0 ; i> 1; } } else { value = 1; for (i=0 ; i> 1; } } context_enlargeIn--; if (context_enlargeIn == 0) { context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits); context_numBits++; } delete context_dictionaryToCreate[context_w]; } else { value = context_dictionary[context_w]; for (i=0 ; i> 1; } } context_enlargeIn--; if (context_enlargeIn == 0) { context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits); context_numBits++; } } // Mark the end of the stream value = 2; for (i=0 ; i> 1; } // Flush the last char while (true) { context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1); if (context_data_position == bitsPerChar-1) { context_data.push(getCharFromInt(context_data_val)); break; } else context_data_position++; } return context_data.join(''); }, decompress: function (compressed) { if (compressed == null) return ""; if (compressed == "") return null; return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 32768, function(index) { return compressed.charCodeAt(index); }); }, _decompress: function (length, resetValue, getNextValue) { var dictionary = [], next, enlargeIn = 4, dictSize = 4, numBits = 3, entry = "", result = [], i, w, bits, resb, maxpower, power, c, data = {val:getNextValue(0), position:resetValue, index:1}; for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { dictionary[i] = i; } bits = 0; maxpower = Math.pow(2,2); power=1; while (power!=maxpower) { resb = data.val & data.position; data.position >>= 1; if (data.position == 0) { data.position = resetValue; data.val = getNextValue(data.index++); } bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power; power <<= 1; } switch (next = bits) { case 0: bits = 0; maxpower = Math.pow(2,8); power=1; while (power!=maxpower) { resb = data.val & data.position; data.position >>= 1; if (data.position == 0) { data.position = resetValue; data.val = getNextValue(data.index++); } bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power; power <<= 1; } c = f(bits); break; case 1: bits = 0; maxpower = Math.pow(2,16); power=1; while (power!=maxpower) { resb = data.val & data.position; data.position >>= 1; if (data.position == 0) { data.position = resetValue; data.val = getNextValue(data.index++); } bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power; power <<= 1; } c = f(bits); break; case 2: return ""; } dictionary[3] = c; w = c; result.push(c); while (true) { if (data.index > length) { return ""; } bits = 0; maxpower = Math.pow(2,numBits); power=1; while (power!=maxpower) { resb = data.val & data.position; data.position >>= 1; if (data.position == 0) { data.position = resetValue; data.val = getNextValue(data.index++); } bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power; power <<= 1; } switch (c = bits) { case 0: bits = 0; maxpower = Math.pow(2,8); power=1; while (power!=maxpower) { resb = data.val & data.position; data.position >>= 1; if (data.position == 0) { data.position = resetValue; data.val = getNextValue(data.index++); } bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power; power <<= 1; } dictionary[dictSize++] = f(bits); c = dictSize-1; enlargeIn--; break; case 1: bits = 0; maxpower = Math.pow(2,16); power=1; while (power!=maxpower) { resb = data.val & data.position; data.position >>= 1; if (data.position == 0) { data.position = resetValue; data.val = getNextValue(data.index++); } bits |= (resb>0 ? 1 : 0) * power; power <<= 1; } dictionary[dictSize++] = f(bits); c = dictSize-1; enlargeIn--; break; case 2: return result.join(''); } if (enlargeIn == 0) { enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits); numBits++; } if (dictionary[c]) { entry = dictionary[c]; } else { if (c === dictSize) { entry = w + w.charAt(0); } else { return null; } } result.push(entry); // Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary. dictionary[dictSize++] = w + entry.charAt(0); enlargeIn--; w = entry; if (enlargeIn == 0) { enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits); numBits++; } } } }; return LZString; })(); if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(function () { return LZString; }); } else if( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module != null ) { module.exports = LZString } else if( typeof angular !== 'undefined' && angular != null ) { angular.module('LZString', []) .factory('LZString', function () { return LZString; }); }