#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # Remove the first line to use the env command to locate python import os import time import datetime import random import cgi import logging from MySQLdb import _mysql from http.cookies import SimpleCookie import tenjin import manage import oekaki import gettext from database import * from settings import Settings from framework import * from formatting import * from post import * from img import * __version__ = "0.10.9" # Set to True to disable weabot's exception routing and enable profiling _DEBUG = False # Set to True to save performance data to weabot.txt _LOG = False class weabot(object): def __init__(self, environ, start_response): global _DEBUG logging.basicConfig(filename='weabot.log', format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', level=Settings.LOG_LEVEL) self.environ = environ self.ip = self.environ.get("HTTP_X_REAL_IP", self.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR")) if self.environ["PATH_INFO"].startswith("/weabot.py/"): self.environ["PATH_INFO"] = self.environ["PATH_INFO"][11:] self.start = start_response self.formdata = getFormData(self) self.output = "" self.handleRequest() # Localization Code lang = gettext.translation( 'weabot', './locale', languages=[Settings.LANG]) lang.install() if _DEBUG: import cProfile prof = cProfile.Profile() prof.runcall(self.run) prof.dump_stats('stats.prof') else: try: self.run() except UserError as message: self.error(message) except Exception as inst: logging.exception(inst) import sys import traceback exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() detail = ((os.path.basename(o[0]), o[1], o[2], o[3]) for o in traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback)) self.exception(type(inst), inst, detail) # close database and finish #CloseDb() def __iter__(self): self.handleResponse() self.start("200 OK", self.headers) self.output = self.output.encode('utf-8') yield self.output def error(self, message): board = Settings._.BOARD if board: if board['board_type'] == 1: info = {} info['host'] = self.ip info['name'] = self.formdata.get('fielda', '') info['email'] = self.formdata.get('fieldb', '') info['message'] = self.formdata.get('message', '') self.output += renderTemplate("txt_error.html", {"info": info, "error": message}) else: mobile = self.formdata.get('mobile', '') if mobile: self.output += renderTemplate("mobile/error.html", {"error": message}) else: self.output += renderTemplate("error.html", { "error": message, "boards_url": Settings.BOARDS_URL, "board": board["dir"]}) else: self.output += renderTemplate("exception.html", {"exception": None, "error": message}) def exception(self, type, message, detail): self.output += renderTemplate("exception.html", {"exception": type, "error": message, "detail": detail}) def handleRequest(self): self.headers = [("Content-Type", "text/html")] self.handleCookies() def handleResponse(self): if self._newcookies: for newcookie in list(self._newcookies.values()): self.headers.append( ("Set-Cookie", newcookie.output(header=""))) def handleCookies(self): self._cookies = SimpleCookie() self._cookies.load(self.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", "")) self._newcookies = None def run(self): clearCache() path_split = self.environ["PATH_INFO"].split("/") caught = False if Settings.FULL_MAINTENANCE: raise UserError(_( "%s is currently under maintenance. We'll be back.") % Settings.SITE_TITLE) if len(path_split) > 1: if path_split[1] == "post": # Making a post caught = True if 'password' not in self.formdata: raise UserError("El request está incompleto.") # let's get all the POST data we need ip = self.ip boarddir = self.formdata.get('board') parent = self.formdata.get('parent') trap1 = self.formdata.get('name', '') trap2 = self.formdata.get('email', '') name = self.formdata.get('fielda', '') email = self.formdata.get('fieldb', '') subject = self.formdata.get('subject', '') message = self.formdata.get('message', '') file = self.formdata.get('file') file_original = self.formdata.get('file_original') spoil = self.formdata.get('spoil') oek_file = self.formdata.get('oek_file') password = self.formdata.get('password', '') noimage = self.formdata.get('noimage') mobile = ("mobile" in self.formdata) # call post function (post_url, ttaken, unused) = self.make_post(ip, boarddir, parent, trap1, trap2, name, email, subject, message, file, file_original, spoil, oek_file, password, noimage, mobile) # make redirect self.output += make_redirect(post_url, ttaken) elif path_split[1] == "environ": caught = True self.output += repr(self.environ) elif path_split[1] == "delete": caught = True OpenDb() boarddir = self.formdata.get('board') postid = self.formdata.get('delete') imageonly = self.formdata.get('imageonly') password = self.formdata.get('password') mobile = self.formdata.get('mobile') # call delete function deletePosts(boarddir, postid, imageonly, password) self.output += '
' % ( ("/cgi/mobile/" if mobile else Settings.BOARDS_URL) + boarddir, ("Archivo" if imageonly else "Post") + " eliminado con éxito." ) elif path_split[1] == "anarkia": import anarkia caught = True OpenDb() anarkia.anarkia(self, path_split) elif path_split[1] == "manage": caught = True OpenDb() manage.manage(self, path_split) elif path_split[1] == "api": import api caught = True self.headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json"), ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"), ("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS"), ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Authorization, X-Requested-With")] OpenDb() api.api(self, path_split) elif path_split[1] == "threadlist": OpenDb() board = setBoard(path_split[2]) caught = True if board['board_type'] != 1: raise UserError("No disponible para esta sección.") self.output = threadList(0) elif path_split[1] == "mobile": OpenDb() board = setBoard(path_split[2]) caught = True self.output = threadList(1) elif path_split[1] == "mobilelist": OpenDb() board = setBoard(path_split[2]) caught = True self.output = threadList(2) elif path_split[1] == "mobilecat": OpenDb() board = setBoard(path_split[2]) caught = True self.output = threadList(3) elif path_split[1] == "mobilenew": OpenDb() board = setBoard(path_split[2]) caught = True self.output = renderTemplate('txt_newthread.html', {}, True) elif path_split[1] == "mobilehome": OpenDb() latest_age_ib = getLastAge(0, 10) latest_age_bbs = getLastAge(1, 10) for threads in latest_age_ib: content = threads['url'] content = content.replace('/read/', '/') content = content.replace('/res/', '/') content = content.replace('.html', '') threads['url'] = content for threads in latest_age_bbs: content = threads['url'] content = content.replace('/read/', '/') content = content.replace('/res/', '/') content = content.replace('.html', '') threads['url'] = content caught = True self.output = renderTemplate('latest.html', {'latest_age_ib': latest_age_ib, 'latest_age_bbs': latest_age_bbs}, True) elif path_split[1] == "mobilenewest": OpenDb() newthreads = getNewThreads(Settings.HOME_LASTPOSTS) for threads in newthreads: content = threads['url'] content = content.replace('/read/', '/') content = content.replace('/res/', '/') content = content.replace('.html', '') threads['url'] = content caught = True self.output = renderTemplate('newest.html', {'newthreads': newthreads}, True) elif path_split[1] == "mobileread": OpenDb() board = setBoard(path_split[2]) caught = True # Redirect to ban page if user is banned if Settings.ENABLE_BANS and addressIsBanned(self.ip, board["dir"], blind_only=True): raise UserError('' % board["dir"]) if len(path_split) > 4 and path_split[4] and board['board_type'] == 1: self.output = dynamicRead(int(path_split[3]), path_split[4], True) elif board['board_type'] == 1: self.output = threadPage(0, True, int(path_split[3])) else: self.output = threadPage(int(path_split[3]), True) elif path_split[1] == "catalog": OpenDb() board = setBoard(path_split[2]) caught = True sort = self.formdata.get('sort', '') self.output = catalog(sort) elif path_split[1] == "oekaki": caught = True OpenDb() oekaki.oekaki(self, path_split) elif path_split[1] == "play": # Module player caught = True boarddir = path_split[2] modfile = path_split[3] self.output = renderTemplate( 'mod.html', {'board': boarddir, 'modfile': modfile}) elif path_split[1] == "report": # Report post, check if they are enabled # Can't report if banned caught = True ip = self.ip boarddir = path_split[2] postid = int(path_split[3]) reason = self.formdata.get('reason') try: txt = True postshow = int(path_split[4]) except: txt = False postshow = postid self.report(ip, boarddir, postid, reason, txt, postshow) elif path_split[1] == "stats": caught = True self.stats() elif path_split[1] == "random": caught = True OpenDb() board = FetchOne("SELECT `id`, `dir`, `board_type` FROM `boards` WHERE `secret` = 0 AND `id` <> 1 AND `id` <> 13 AND `id` <> 34 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1") thread = FetchOne("SELECT `id`, `timestamp` FROM `posts` WHERE `parentid` = 0 AND `boardid` = %s ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1", (board['id'],)) if board['board_type'] == 1: url = f"{Settings.HOME_URL}{board['dir']}/read/{thread['timestamp']}/" else: url = f"{Settings.HOME_URL}{board['dir']}/res/{thread['id']}.html" self.output += '...
' % url elif path_split[1] == "banned": OpenDb() bans = FetchAll("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE INET6_ATON(%s) BETWEEN `ipstart` AND `ipend`", (self.ip,)) if bans: for ban in bans: if ban["boards"]: boards = str2boards(ban["boards"]) if not ban["boards"] or path_split[2] in boards: caught = True if ban["boards"]: boards_str = '/' + '/, /'.join(boards) + '/' else: boards_str = 'todas' if ban["until"]: expire = formatTimestamp(ban["until"]) else: expire = "" template_values = { # 'return_board': path_split[2], 'boards_str': boards_str, 'reason': ban['reason'], 'added': formatTimestamp(ban["added"]), 'expire': expire, 'ip': self.ip, 'ipstr': ban['ipstr'], } self.output = renderTemplate( 'banned.html', template_values) else: if len(path_split) > 2: caught = True self.output += '%s
' % ( Settings.HOME_URL + path_split[2], _("Your ban has expired. Redirecting...")) elif path_split[1] == "read": # Textboard read: if len(path_split) > 4: caught = True # 2: board # 3: thread # 4: post(s) OpenDb() board = setBoard(path_split[2]) # Redirect to ban page if user is banned if Settings.ENABLE_BANS and addressIsBanned(self.ip, board["dir"], blind_only=True): raise UserError('' % board["dir"]) self.output = dynamicRead(int(path_split[3]), path_split[4]) elif path_split[1] == "preview": caught = True OpenDb() try: board = setBoard(self.formdata["board"]) message = format_post(self.formdata["message"], self.ip, self.formdata["parentid"]) self.output = message except Exception as messagez: self.output = "Error: " + \ str(messagez) + " : " + str(self.formdata) if not caught: # Redirect the user back to the front page self.output += '--> --> -->
' % Settings.HOME_URL CloseDb() def make_post(self, ip, boarddir, parent, trap1, trap2, name, email, subject, message, file, file_original, spoil, oek_file, password, noimage, mobile): _STARTTIME = time.process_time() # Comment if not debug if Settings.PROXY_BANS and ip not in Settings.PROXY_WHITELIST and (boarddir not in Settings.EXCLUDE_GLOBAL_BANS): if addressIsTor(ip): logging.warn("Proxy: Tor %s" % ip) raise UserError("Proxy prohibido.") if addressIsProxy(ip): logging.warn("Proxy: Proxy %s" % ip) raise UserError("Proxy prohibido.") if addressIsBannedCountry(ip): logging.warn("Proxy: Banned country %s" % ip) raise UserError("Proxy prohibido.") if not addressIsES(ip): logging.warn("Proxy: Not ES %s" % ip) raise UserError("Proxy prohibido.") if hostIsBanned(ip): logging.warn("Proxy: Blacklisted host %s" % ip) raise UserError("Sufijo de host en lista negra.") # open database OpenDb() # set the board board = setBoard(boarddir) # check length of fields if len(name) > 50: raise UserError("El campo de nombre es muy largo.") if len(email) > 50: raise UserError("El campo de e-mail es muy largo.") if len(subject) > 100: raise UserError("El campo de asunto es muy largo.") if len(message) > 8000: raise UserError("El campo de mensaje es muy largo.") if message.count('\n') > 99: raise UserError("El mensaje tiene muchos saltos de línea.") # anti-spam trap if trap1 or trap2: raise UserError("Te quedan tres días de vida.") # Create a single datetime now so everything syncs up t = time.time() # Delete expired bans deletedBans = UpdateDb("DELETE FROM `bans` WHERE `until` != 0 AND `until` < " + str(timestamp())) if deletedBans > 0: regenerateAccess() # Redirect to ban page if user is banned if Settings.ENABLE_BANS and addressIsBanned(ip, board["dir"]): raise UserError('' % board["dir"]) # Disallow posting if the site OR board is in maintenance if Settings.MAINTENANCE and board["dir"] != 'polka': raise UserError(_("%s is currently under maintenance. We'll be back.") % Settings.SITE_TITLE) if board["locked"] == 1: raise UserError(_("This board is closed. You can't post in it.")) # create post object post = Post(board["id"]) post["ip"] = ip post["timestamp"] = post["bumped"] = int(t) post["timestamp_formatted"] = formatTimestamp(t) # load parent info if we are replying parent_post = None parent_timestamp = post["timestamp"] if parent: parent_post = get_parent_post(parent, board["id"]) parent_timestamp = parent_post['timestamp'] post["parentid"] = parent_post['id'] post["bumped"] = parent_post['bumped'] if parent_post['locked'] == 1: raise UserError(_("The thread is closed. You can't post in it.")) # check if the user is flooding flood_check(t, post, board["id"]) # use fields only if enabled if not board["disable_name"]: post["name"] = cleanString(name) post["email"] = cleanString(email, quote=True) if not board["disable_subject"]: post["subject"] = cleanString(subject) # process tripcodes post["name"], post["tripcode"] = tripcode(post["name"]) # Remove carriage return, they're useless message = message.replace("\r", "") # check ! functions before extend = extend_str = None if not post["parentid"] and board["dir"] not in ['bai', 'world']: # creating thread __extend = re.compile(r"!extend(:\w+)(:\w+)?\n", re.IGNORECASE) res = __extend.match(message) if res: extend = res.groups() # truncate extend extend_str = res.group(0) message = message[res.end(0):] # use and format message if message.strip(): post["message"] = format_post( message, ip, post["parentid"], parent_timestamp) # add function messages if extend_str: extend_str = extend_str[1:] extend_str = extend_str.replace('extend', 'EXTEND') post["message"] += '