, and in posts, along with the special
message = sanitize_html(message)
#message = re.compile(r"\[aa\](.+?)\[/aa\]", re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub("\\1", message)
return message
def close_html(message):
Old retarded version of sanitize_html, it just closes open tags.
import BeautifulSoup
message = message.encode('utf-8')
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(message)
return str(soup).replace('
', '').encode('utf-8')
def sanitize_html(message, decode=True):
Clean the code and allow only a few safe tags.
import BeautifulSoup
# Decode message from utf-8 if required
if decode:
message = message.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
# Create HTML Cleaner with our allowed tags
whitelist_tags = ["a", "b", "br", "blink", "code", "del", "em",
"i", "marquee", "root", "strike", "strong", "sub", "sup", "u"]
whitelist_attr = ["href"]
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(message)
# Remove tags that aren't allowed
for tag in soup.findAll():
if not tag.name.lower() in whitelist_tags:
tag.name = "span"
tag.attrs = []
for attr in [attr for attr in tag.attrs if attr not in whitelist_attr]:
del tag[attr]
# We export the soup into a correct XHTML string
string = str(soup).encode('utf-8')
# We remove some anomalies we don't want
string = string.replace('
', '
', '')
return string
def markdown(message):
import markdown
if message.strip() != "":
# return markdown.markdown(message).rstrip("\n").rstrip("
return markdown.markdown(message, extras=["cuddled-lists", "code-friendly"]).encode('utf-8')
return ""
def checkWordfilters(message, ip, board):
wordfilters = FetchAll(
"SELECT * FROM `filters` WHERE `type` = '0' ORDER BY `id` ASC")
for wordfilter in wordfilters:
if wordfilter["boards"]:
boards = str2boards(wordfilter["boards"])
if not wordfilter["boards"] or board in boards:
if wordfilter['action'] == '0':
if not re.search(wordfilter['from'], message, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) is None:
raise UserError(wordfilter['reason'])
elif wordfilter['action'] == '1':
message = re.compile(wordfilter['from'], re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE).sub(
wordfilter['to'], message)
elif wordfilter['action'] == '2':
# Ban
if not re.search(wordfilter['from'], message, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) is None:
if wordfilter['seconds'] != '0':
until = str(timestamp() + int(wordfilter['seconds']))
until = '0'
InsertDb("INSERT INTO `bans` (`ip`, `boards`, `added`, `until`, `staff`, `reason`, `note`, `blind`) VALUES (" +
"INET6_ATON('" + str(ip) + "'), '" + _mysql.escape_string(wordfilter['boards']) +
"', " + str(timestamp()) + ", " + until + ", 'System', '" + _mysql.escape_string(wordfilter['reason']) +
"', 'Word Auto-ban', '"+_mysql.escape_string(wordfilter['blind'])+"')")
raise UserError(wordfilter['reason'])
elif wordfilter['action'] == '3':
if not re.search(wordfilter['from'], message, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) is None:
raise UserError('%s' % (wordfilter['redirect_time'], wordfilter['redirect_url'], wordfilter['reason']))
return message
def checkNamefilters(name, tripcode, ip, board):
namefilters = FetchAll("SELECT * FROM `filters` WHERE `type` = '1'")
for namefilter in namefilters:
if namefilter["boards"]:
boards = str2boards(namefilter["boards"])
if not namefilter["boards"] or board in boards:
# check if this filter applies
match = False
if namefilter['from'] and namefilter['from_trip']:
# both name and trip filter
if re.search(namefilter['from'], name, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) and tripcode == namefilter['from_trip']:
match = True
elif namefilter['from'] and not namefilter['from_trip']:
# name filter
if re.search(namefilter['from'], name, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE):
match = True
elif not namefilter['from'] and namefilter['from_trip']:
# trip filter
if tripcode == namefilter['from_trip']:
match = True
if match:
# do action
if namefilter['action'] == '0':
raise UserError(namefilter['reason'])
elif namefilter['action'] == '1':
name = namefilter['to']
tripcode = ''
return name, tripcode
elif namefilter['action'] == '2':
# Ban
if namefilter['seconds'] != '0':
until = str(timestamp() + int(namefilter['seconds']))
until = '0'
InsertDb("INSERT INTO `bans` (`ip`, `boards`, `added`, `until`, `staff`, `reason`, `note`, `blind`) VALUES (" +
"'" + _mysql.escape_string(ip) + "', '" + _mysql.escape_string(namefilter['boards']) +
"', " + str(timestamp()) + ", " + until + ", 'System', '" + _mysql.escape_string(namefilter['reason']) +
"', 'Name Auto-ban', '"+_mysql.escape_string(namefilter['blind'])+"')")
raise UserError(namefilter['reason'])
elif namefilter['action'] == '3':
raise UserError('%s' % (namefilter['redirect_time'], namefilter['redirect_url'], namefilter['reason']))
return name, tripcode